Instructional Minute
October 11, 2022

April 16, 2024
Earth Day is April 22nd!
Check out these free resources from Amplify Science that can be incorporated into your day on Monday, April 22nd!
Time for All Students to Think
Questioning is a process that can elicit student thinking and speaking to provide teachers with the data necessary to form effective feedback for students. Quality questioning is the activator of dialogic interactions that produce reciprocal feedback and allow students to assume an active role in the learning (refer to Instructional Minute 04/09/2024 to learn more about Questions to Activate Thinking). What happens after a quality question is posed to students is just as important as the question itself.
When questions activate thinking, students will need time to engage in cognitive processing. Limited time precludes most students from participation and results in superficial dialogue. Think time provides ALL students an opportunity to engage in answering the quality questions rather than waiting to hear one or couple of answers from their peers. Think Time produces outcomes that have relevance to the production of dialogic feedback:
Lengthier, more cognitively complex responses
Higher percentage of students participating
An increase student questions (resulting in more connections to the learning outcomes)
Student responses show multiple benefits from providing Think Time including:
Student responses are often longer and more complete.
Students provide more evidence for their responses.
Responding students often engage in higher levels of thinking.
Students more frequently self-correct.
Walsh, J. A. (2022). Questioning for formative feedback: Meaningful dialogue to improve learning.
Preparing Students for Success - Incorporating Test Prep
To review additional grade level and content area sample items, click the link below.
Math Essential # 3 Professional Development
Please join us for an exciting professional development opportunity partnered with the ISD: Math Essential #3! Take a look at the flyer below for more information and follow the link to registration for today's, April 16th, session!
K-8th Grade Instructional Minutes by Content Area and Sample Schedules
Below you can find the new, updated required instructional minutes by grade level and content area. Each grade level also includes a sample schedule.
April Content Area Steering Committee Meetings
K-12 Math:
- April 30th at 4:15 pm
K-8 ELA:
- April 23rd at 4:15 pm
9-12 ELA:
- April 16th at 4:00 pm
K-8 Pacing at a Glance for this Week's Instruction
The documents attached outline K-8 curricular resources, standards and pacing. This can also be found by clicking here on the LSD website.
9-12 Pacing Documents
The document attached outlines 9-12 curricular resources, standards and pacing. This can also be found by clicking here on the LSD website.
IXL - eLearning Library
This on-demand professional learning resource provides micro-learning videos about every IXL feature and best practices for implementing IXL. Teachers must be signed into their IXL accounts to access these videos. https://www.ixl.com/resources/elearning-library
Workshop Model Lesson Plan Form to Assist in Planning Lessons
A resource to use as you see fit.