News from Winfield Elementary: January 24, 2025
From the Principals, Mrs. Alonzo & Mrs. Hall
Dear Winfield Families,
As the second semester is fully in swing, students are completing middle-of-year NWEA tests (K-2), ILEARN Checkpoints (3-5), and WIDA assessments (ELL). We will share the results of these assessments as they are received. Please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teachers if you have questions about how your child is progressing this year. We appreciate your partnership in supporting your child's growth at Winfield Elementary.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Alonzo & Mrs. Hall
January 27th-31st is Kindness Week!
Hello Winfield families! Next week will be our annual Kindness week. Students will be learning about kindness through multiple activities within their classrooms each day! A few events will coincide with kindness week:
Spirit day themes! We invite students to help celebrate Kindness week with fun dress up days:
Monday 1/27- Dream of a kinder world! (wear pajamas)
Tuesday 1/28- Teaming up for kindness! (wear a jersey or favorite sports team apparel)
Wednesday 1/29- E-learning Day
Thursday 1/30- Kindness moves hearts, minds, and humankind! (wear workout clothes)
Friday 1/31- Kindness is the Wildcat/Bulldog way! (wear Winfield Blue or CP red)
Winfield Elementary gives back! As part of our kindness week initiative, we will be collecting donations for the Winfield food pantry over two weeks: January 27th-31st and February 3rd-7th . A flyer was distributed to all students with additional information, be on the lookout for it in your student’s take home folder!
We look forward to a fun week of cultivating kindness throughout our school! Please reach out if you have any questions.
Jamie Williams
Winfield School Counselor
Middle School: Band, Choir, Orchestra
In middle school, every student has an opportunity to take band, choir, or orchestra. Over the next few weeks, you will receive information about each of these programs along with opportunities to get to know the instructors, attend parent information nights, and even sign up for summer camps. More information was sent via ParentSquare from the district, including dates to add to your calendar, on Wednesday, January 15th. Please be on the lookout for more information from each program in the coming weeks.
Yearbook Sale
Order Your Copy Today! Orders Can Be Placed Online At:
Wildcat Spirit Wear Shop
Does your Wildcat need new Spirit Wear? Check out Winfield's online shop which is open year-round! Click on the image below to shop!
Important Dates
1/29: E-Learning Day
2/5: PTO Meeting @ 4:15 pm
2/14: Classroom Holiday Celebrations
2/17: President's Day; No School
2/21: King of My Heart Ball
2/24: Dental Presentations (PreK-2)
3/11: E-Learning Day
3/12: Spring Picture Day
3/24-3/28: Spring Break
From the Nurse
All first grade students in CPCSC will participate in the MCT Vision Screenings on January 28th. We are thankful for the following physicians and extern who are supporting this event:
Dr. Cay Komyatte, OD with For Eyes in Highland and America's Best in Merrillville
Dr. Katharine Moles, OD with Eagle Eye Optique
Dr. Justin Kucsera, OD with Moses Eyecare Center
Dr. Jennifer (Moses)Kohn, OD with Moses Eyecare Center
Amanda Eslinger, Optometry student for Indiana School of Optometry, Moses Eyecare Center
News from the Cafeteria
Student Lunch: $2.45 Student Breakfast: $1.60
Students carrying negative lunch account balances are unable to purchase additional treats.
Additional Options Available:
- Students in grades 2-5 can purchase chips ($0.75-$1.00) or a Rice Krispie treat ($0.75) every day.
- Students in grades 2-5 can purchase ice cream ($1.00) on the following days:
- Mon.- grade 2, Tues.- grade 3, Wed.- grade 4, Thurs.- grade 5
Birthday Ice Cream:
Students can purchase ice cream for their classmates to be served on their birthday during lunch. Tickets are $1.00 per student, and the order must be received one-week prior to the date to be served.
*Please note, to ensure safety with food allergies and to protect instructional time, we do not permit edible birthday treats from home to be brought in to the classroom.
Bulldog Buddies Preschool
Monthly tuition fees are loaded on the 15th of the previous month and due by the 1st of every month. Please check your child's PowerSchool account for balances due. Payment can be made online or at the school office. Failure to pay by the 10th of the current month will result in your child not being able to attend preschool until the balance is paid in full.
Supply Fee - $65 yearly fee for all students in preschool
Monthly Tuition - $180/3 days per week, $300/5 days per week
The Free & Reduced Application can be found here: https://www.cps.k12.in.us/district-departments/food-services. If you have any questions, please contact the preschool office at (219) 663-4330.
Bulldog Buddies Newsletters:
Other Preschool News:
Winfield Elementary PTO
The next PTO meeting will be held on February 5th at 4:15 pm in the Winfield Elementary media center. All families are encouraged to get involved and see how our PTO supports our students and staff. New faces are always welcome to help hear about upcoming initiatives and to share ideas. More hands make for lighter work!