Our Lady of Mercy
NEWSLETTER | TERM 3 | WEEK 10 | 18 September 2024
Dear Parents and Carers
As we head into the school holidays, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for working with us in strong partnership to educate your children. Thank you for the many positive comments we received on the Edu-Dance concert and Open Night. Our educators go to extraordinary efforts for the children in their care and this was well and truly evident at Open Night.
Today, students, staff and families have enjoyed the Athletics Carnival. We are proud of the efforts of every child, and congratulate those who gained places in their events. There was much team spirit on display, and cheering each other on.
Looking back over Term 3, there is much to celebrate: the Sacraments of Penance and Eucharist; One Big Voice at the RAC Arena and Book Week Parade; our Edu-Dance concert and Open Night, the Athletics Carnival (which the children are enjoying today); amazing support from our P&F with the cake stall, Father's Day stall and disco; the Year 5 camp; and many other wonderful excursions and incursions to enrich learning at OLOM.
Tomorrow we celebrate Mercy Day which includes a Paraliturgy, the stalls to raise funds for Catholic Missions, and the children may wear free dress.
We hope you and your families enjoy a relaxing a safe holiday.
God bless you all.
Alison Ryan
Acting Principal
Please make note of these important dates
- Mercy Day: Paraliturgy stalls (bring coins) and talent show. Free dress.
Friday 20 September
- Last day of Term 3
Monday 7 October
- First day of Term 4
Friday 11 October
- Whole School Mass - 9:00am
- Colour Run Fundraiser
Friday 18 October
- Interschool Athletics Carnival
Wednesday 23 October to Friday 25 October
- Year 6 Camp
Friday 25 October
- Whole School Mass - 9:00am
Monday 4 November
- ACM - 7:00pm
Thursday 7 November
- Universal Children's Day
- Liturgy 9:00am Undercover area
Friday 8 November
- Pupil Free Day
Saturday 9 November
- P&F Quiz Night
Monday 11 November
- Remembrance Day Service - 11:00am
Monday 11 November to Friday 22 November
- Swimming Lessons
Tuesday 12 November
- Kindy 2025 Parent Information Meeting 9:00am
Tuesday 26 November
- Kindy 2025 Orientation 9:00am
Friday 29 November
- Christmas Carols
Tuesday 3 December
- Year 6 Graduation
Friday 6 December
- Last day of school for 2024
Online School Calendar - also available from website Families page
Mercy Day
Mercy Day
This is a special day and one that the children really look forward to. Students may wear free dress and bring some coins to spend on the Mercy Day Stalls - funds go to Catholic Missions.
Colour Run next term - time to start fundraising!
Get your Colour on, Our Lady of Mercy is hosting a Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun!
Our Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun will be on Friday 11th October from 1:45pm to 2:50pm. Don't forget to wear a WHITE t-shirt over your uniform on the day. The class that raises the most money will be treated to a pizza lunch.
Not only are we hosting an awesome Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun, Students can order up to a total of 5 prizes based on their donations received. They can even mix and match! Don’t want the prizes, donate your donations to one of the five causes – Carbon Neutral (tree planting), Great Barrier Reef Foundation (coral planting or turtle protection), The Smith Family (reading support) or OzHarvest (providing meals).
Students have received a sponsorship book with instructions on setting up their cybersafe, online fundraising profile at www.australianfundraising.com.au. This is an entirely online fundraiser; all cash donations must be converted to online donations to redeem your prizes.
Extra Incentives to Fundraise!
- Online Golden Coins – complete fun online tasks to redeem an extra $75 towards your prize credit.
- Monty the Monstar’s Bonus Prizes – achieve milestones to unlock Monty’s bonus prizes.
- $10,000 Budget Booster Bonanza Spending Spree for one organisation’s highest fundraising student
- Our school will win an extra $5,000 if we have the highest average fundraised amount per student in 2024.
- A Play Station 5 Gaming Bundle – see your child’s sponsorship booklet for more!
For more information, please contact Kristen at olompfcommitee@gmail.com.
Happy fundraising!
Programs for families in Girrawheen and Koondoola
Invite a friend to apply for OLOM and WIN a FREE new school shirt!
Please mention to your friends that we are now enrolling for Kindy 2025 and other years. You can win a free new school shirt if anyone you know (that is new to the school) applies for enrolment.
Support our P&F fundraising and enjoy 100s of everyday savings!
Entertainment is the easy-to-use App packed with incredible savings of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers, so you can save on takeaway, dining, shopping, groceries, gift cards, activities and more! And what’s even better, 20% of every membership purchased goes to support Our Lady of Mercy Primary School!
Outside of school hours care (OSH)
School Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Wednesday 31 January - Thursday 28 March 2024
Term 2: Tuesday 16 April - Friday 28 June 2024
Term 3: Monday 15 July - Friday 20 September 2024
Term 4: Monday 7 October - Friday 6 December 2024
Pupil Free and Public Holiday Dates 2024
Term 1: Monday 4 March (Labour Day Holiday), Friday 29 March (Good Friday Holiday)
Term 2: Monday 15 April (Pupil Free Day), Thursday 25 April (ANZAC Day Holiday), Friday 26 April (Pupil Free Day), Friday 31 May (Pupil Free Day), Monday 3 June (WA Day Holiday)
Term 3: Monday 19 August (Pupil Free Day) Monday 9th September (Pupil Free Day)
Term 4: Friday 8 November (Pupil Free Day)
Please note, pupil free days are subject to change. Parents will be advised well in advance.