Weekly Newsletter
November 3, 2024
Message From Mrs. Glassford and Ms. Casillas
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Good Evening Foussat Families/Caretakers,
This week our TK-1 students participated in the Halloween costume parade! Thank you to those who came out to see them walk. The students did a great job with showcasing their costumes!
Reminder: Students riding bikes or scooters need to be wearing helmets to reduce the risk of serious injuries. We will be contacting families of students who are not wearing helmets. Also, please remember to get off the bike or scooter when you approach the front of the school and walk the bike/scooter to the bike racks.
Thank you for your support with keeping candies/soda/spicy chips at home. Our students are doing well with it and showing respect when adults remind them to keep those items at home.
We encourage you to come out to the Fun Run on November 13th! We will be out there encouraging them to try their best - always working on the Growth Mindset. Please register this week! (See Fun Run section below)
The following events are taking place this month at Foussat:
- November 1: Ice-cream sales are back!
- November 4: Morgan & Flanagan --> Field Trip to the Oceanside Museum of Art
- November 5: Jimenez & Thielen --> Buena Vista Audubon Society
- November 7: Gleason & Schoepnner ---> Field Trip to the Oceanside Museum of Art
- November 7: Alcantara & Thomas --> ProKids
- November 7: TASK Workshop 8:30-10:00 in MPR Navigating Disability Laws: A Parent's Path to Supporting Their Child's Education" (Basic Rights & Responsibilities)
- November 11: No School - Veterans Day
- November 13: Fun Run! See the schedule below. Families are welcome to watch!
- November 14: TASK Workshop 8:30-10:00 in MPR Navegando las Leyes de Discapacidad: Apoyando la Educación de Sus Hijos" (Derechos y Responsabilidades)
- November 19: Rubio & Mesillas --> Buena Vista Audubon Society
- November 25-November 29: No School - Enjoy your Thanksgiving Break!
Have a great week...and don't forget to spend some time reading as a family and tell your student/s how much you love and appreciate them!
Fun Run!
Sign up today for our Falcon Fun Run Fundraiser!
Falcon families,
⭐️ Sign Up Now On MYBOOSTER.COM ⭐️
The Falcon Fun Run is on Wednesday, November 13th! Your child's teacher should have sent registration information home last week. If you didn't receive information, please go to mybooster.com and register your child/children. We are hoping to raise $20,000 this year. The money raised goes toward classroom supplies, field trips, assemblies, and much more!!
Students will bring home information tomorrow after the My Booster team visits the school for the Fun Run Kickoff.
More details about the Fun Run will be in next week's newsletter.
We look forward to another successful Falcon Fun Run this year.
~Foussat PTA
Fun Run!
8:30-9:10 Track 1 TK/K & Track 2 1st Grade
9:15-10:15 Track 1 2nd Grade & Track 2 3rd Grade
10:20-11:15 Track 1 4th Grade & Track 2 5th Grade
Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024, 08:30 AM
Foussat Elementary School, Pala Road, Oceanside, CA, USA
TASK Workshop
National Child Safety and Protection Month
National Child Safety and Protection Month, observed in November, highlights the importance of safeguarding children from various risks they may encounter in daily life. This awareness month encourages parents, educators, and communities to take proactive measures to protect children from harm, both at home and in public spaces. By promoting safety education and preventive actions, National Child Safety and Protection Month aims to create safer environments and empower children with the knowledge to protect themselves.
Día de los muertos
The altar in Cooke's class!
The altar in Zamano's classroom!
The altar in Mrs. Robert's classroom!
Thielen's class!
Visiting the altar in the library. We saw Mrs. Springsted working hard on this!
Halloween Fun!
Red Ribbon Week / Spirit Week
Red Ribbon Week drawing contest winners!
Snack Reminder!
As a part of our school district's efforts to establish a school environment that promotes students' health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity, we ask that snacks such as Takis, Hot Cheetos, and candy be kept at home. We will be reminding students to put these snacks in their bags to take home. Here is more information: https://www.oside.us/departments/nutrition-services/wellness-policy
Reminder About Toys...
Please remind your student to keep all toys at home. If toys are seen at school, students will be reminded to place the toy in their backpack. If this continues to happen, Administration may call you to come pick up the item in the office. Toys are distracting at school and can lead to conflicts between students. Also, we are not responsible for items that may be damaged, lost, or stolen.
Recess Update
Soccer has been removed as an option during recess due to many issues including conflicts and injuries. Administration is reviewing options for recess support to include soccer instruction.
Classroom Volunteers
If you would like to volunteer in a classroom, please make arrangements with your child's teacher. To maintain a safe and secure environment for all our students and staff, teachers let us know who will be helping in their classroom. If your name is not on the teacher's volunteer list we will not be able to allow you on campus. Thank you for understanding and helping us keep Foussat a safe place for everyone!
SOAR Shout-Outs
Congratulations to our amazing Foussat Falcons who received a SOAR Shout-Out this week!
Suicide Prevention Support
Know the Signs, Find the Words, and Reach Out: Learn how to recognize warning signs, find suggested ways to reach out when you’re concerned, and discover resources to help you connect someone to help.
Lost and Found
There many items that end up in the Lost and Found bin. Make sure you label jackets, water bottles, lunch totes, backpacks...pretty much anything that your student brings to school and might be misplaced!
Pedestrian Safety
Dogs on Campus
A reminder that even though we all love our furry friends, dogs are not allowed on school grounds. This is as much for your protection as it is for the safety of all our students!
Closed Campus
As a safety measure, beginning Monday, August 19, Foussat will once again return to being a "Closed Campus." TK/Kindergarten students may enter school through the Kinder gate, first to fifth grade students are to enter through the main gate. The gates will open at 7:45 for students to either have breakfast or go directly to the playground. Thank you for helping us keep our students safe!
Cell Phone Policy
We are excited to share our new cell phone policy, "During the Day, Off and Away," for the 2024-2025 school year (Board Policy 5131.8). Our goal is to create a safe and focused learning environment for all students by minimizing distractions and promoting their mental well-being.
Key Points:
Cell Phone Usage: Students must turn off (ringer/tone/sounds off) and store their phones in their backpacks upon entering campus. Phones should stay off until they leave.
Exceptions: Students with specific accommodations (IEPs, 504 plans, or medical conditions) may have phone access as specified.
Communication: Classrooms have landlines for students to contact parents when necessary. Phones will be accessible in emergencies.
Academic Benefits: Reducing phone usage helps students stay focused and engaged in class.
Safety and Security: This policy helps prevent cyberbullying, ensures students focus during emergencies, and reduces the risk of theft or loss.
We appreciate your support as we work together to enhance our students' learning experiences and well-being!
Device Insurance
The window for families to purchase the Device Protection Plan is now open. We highly recommend families take advantage of this plan. The plan is only $20 and typical repairs for the new Chromebooks range from $100-$350. Purchasing the plan is much simpler than it was before. Payments can be made online with a credit card or electronic check at www.myschoolbucks.com. More information can be found on the ITS webpage under Student Chromebook Program.
Student Accident & Sickness Insurance
The safety of our students is of critical importance to all of us and we want to protect them from injury. Even so, accidents do happen (at school and elsewhere) and required medical care can be expensive. Please know that your school does not assume responsibility for such costs but does offer you access to several student accident insurance plans for voluntary purchase. Details can be found in the attached brochure/enrollment form. Options are available to cover your child 24/7, anywhere in the world or you can limit coverage to school-related injuries only. The plans do not restrict your choice of doctors or hospitals. However, you’ll also have access to an extensive network of providers with discounted fees. Seeking care through contracted providers may further reduce your out-of-
pocket costs, particularly if your child needs surgery or hospitalization. This is the link for online enrollment https://myers-stevens.com/enrollment/
Student Safety
We have seen many students riding their bicycles or scooters to school without a helmet. Helmets protect their heads from serious injuries in case of an accident, helping to prevent concussions and other serious traumatic injuries. Always make sure your child is wearing a helmet every time they ride - it's a simple step that can save lives. Help them stay safe and enjoy the ride!
e-Bike Safety Video
Please take a few minutes to watch this important video about how to ride stay safe while riding an e-bike.
Oside Week in One Minute
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Please take the time to watch the video for dropping off and picking up students.
- Use caution when driving in the school parking lot. We have over 700 students being dropped off and picked up every day.
- Be courteous and polite to other drivers. Treat other drivers with the same respect you would like to be shown towards you.
- When you are dropping off or picking up your student in the drop off area, please do no leave your car unattended. Leaving your car unattended causes cars to back up.
- Ask your student to use the pedestrian crossing areas. We ask you to do so that we can keep all of our students safe.
Family Resources
Here is a great opportunity for coaching for parents/caretakers.
- 24-7 messaging with your coach
- Biweekly one-on-one video calls with your coach
- Self-guided Roadmaps on a variety of topics
- Journaling and action items
- Daily emotional wellness check-ins
- In-app clinical assessments
- Mobile access
Looking Ahead...
- November 11: Veterans Day - School Closed
- November 13: Fun Run!
- Thanksgiving Break: November 25 - 29
- Christmas Break: December 23 - January 10
Foussat Elementary School
Email: karla.doherty@oside.us
Website: foussat.oside.us
Location: 3800 Pala Road, Oceanside, CA, USA
Phone: 760-721-2200
Facebook: facebook.com/foussatschool
Twitter: @FoussatSchool