Everitt Family Newsletter
~ For Everitt Families: December 1, 2023 ~
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Dear Everitt Families:
Only 12 more school days until the end of the semester! I cannot believe it is already December. We have winter MAP testing this next week in both math and English language arts. Students will begin testing on Monday. Please send them with a full night's sleep and ready to demonstrate all that they know and have learned this semester. The top classes in growth and achievement for each grade level will earn a donut party on Friday, December 15th and will be celebrated in our last assembly of the semester.
We have lots of fun performances coming up. Please see the calendar below for dates and times. I will highlight this evening's performance of "It Happened on Route 66" presented by our Theatre Guild. The show is at 7:00 at Wheat Ridge High School and admission is free. Come see what this student-led group has been working on all semester. Every part of the show was built in a collaborative effort by the students in our theatre class and our theatre guild club.
Below you will find photos of our Jump to the Middle with Wheat Ridge area 5th grade students. We had 310 5th graders from the neighborhood elementary schools at Everitt on Wednesday morning. They did team building exercises, learned how to be successful socially and academically in middle school, took a tour, practiced opening lockers, and played some of our favorite assembly games including basketball against their principals and teachers. We are so lucky in the Wheat Ridge area to have such wonderful elementary schools. On Thursday evening, we held our second information night. Thank you to the parents and students who served on our Q and A panels. We are grateful for you!
Finally, on Tuesday, December 19th, only students who have Ds or Fs are expected at school so that they can work on missing assignments or get individual help from teachers. Students with As, Bs, and Cs may begin to enjoy their break on the 19th.
Thank you for supporting and believing in your neighborhood school. It is our privilege to partner with you!
Amanda Pouliot, Principal
Everitt Middle School
What's Happening Next?
12/6 ~ PTA/SAC Meeting in library 6:30/7:30 pm
12/7 ~ Late start for students
12/8 ~ Choir Concert at WRHS 6:00 pm
12/12 ~ Jazz Band Concert @ WRHS 6:00 pm
12/13 ~ PTA Dine to Donate at Raising Cane's 38th & Wadsworth
12/14 ~ Late start for students
12/19 ~ Only students with Ds and Fs need to attend - Catch Up Day
12/20-1/5 ~ No School Winter Break
1/3-1/5 ~ No students - Staff Development Days
1/8 ~ Students return
1/10 ~ PTA/SAC Meeting in library 6:30/7:30 pm
1/15 ~ MLK Jr. Day - No School
Jump to the Middle 2023
Continuous Line Drawings of Famous Architecture
Everitt Bell Schedule 2023-2024
SSIS Family Information
The Everitt Middle School community works together to ensure high levels of learning for all. This includes not only being attentive to academic growth, but also recognizing that the social and emotional growth of students is critically important. Current research indicates a direct connection between students’ emotional well-being and their academic performance. We are dedicated to creating academic and social-emotional support linked directly to the assessed needs of our students. We now have the opportunity to systematically screen the social and emotional skills of all our students. We will be using the Social Skills Improvement System™ Social-Emotional Learning Edition Screening/Progress Monitoring Scales (SSIS SEL). to screen students' social-emotional competencies.
SSIS-SEL Information: The SSIS-SEL Edition Screening/Progress Monitoring Scales is a strength-based tool for screening and progress monitoring social and emotional competence. Teachers will be asked to score each student in their class in the six following areas: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making, and motivation to learn.
How will the data be used? The screener and scoring information will remain at Everitt and all information will be kept confidential. The information acquired through the screener will guide our development of school-wide, small group, and/or individual social-emotional interventions. You will be notified if your child is invited to join a small group or individual intervention.
Use the links below to opt out your student:
https://forms.gle/tDTgpFRuRJn72DFo8 Spanish
Need more information? We would be happy to provide a copy of the screener to you. If you have questions or concerns, you are welcome to contact:
Shaun Richey (Social Emotional Learning Specialist) at 303-982-1530 or shaun.richey@jeffco.k12.co.us
Student and Family Handbook
Conduct Code Slides
Student Math Support
How to support your students in math at home...
The following links contain information about what we are working on in math classes right now.
QPR Training for Parents & Caregivers
Attend a Life Saving Training. Just as people trained in CPR help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to:
- recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis
- how to ask someone directly if they are feeling suicidal
- how to refer someone to help
This session will be delivered with parents and caregivers in mind. While the information taught in this training is applicable to all people of all ages, we will spend extra time focusing on how this applies to the youth in our lives.
Dates: Sign up link
1/31/24 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm (virtual)
3/13/24 @ 11:00am – 12:30 pm (virtual)
Heather Hanson, School Counselor
Our focus is on building lasting connections between families, getting to know our student’s teachers, and creating opportunities to come together as a community, valuing our diversity and celebrating our differences.
PTA meeting Wednesday, 12/6 at 6:30pm:
Join us for our last PTA meeting of 2023. We'll have a staff spotlight (always a highlight), updates on PTA happenings, and time to connect with other parents/guardians and staff. We'd love to see you in-person or on Zoom! Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84810909782?pwd=RUNXdlNpaExjSVJ4STNLVVFmd2tCdz09 or go to Zoom.us and use the following: Meeting ID: 848 1090 9782 / Zoom Passcode: EverittPTA
Dine to Donate on 12/13 - Raising Cane’s:
Yum! Take a break on Wednesday, Dec. 13th, and head to Raising Canes @ 3609 Wadsworth Blvd from 4:00-8:00 pm to support Everitt PTA! Be sure to mention to the person who takes your order that you are there for the Everitt Fundraiser! Thank you for your support of these dine-to-donate nights.
Giving Tree Donations Needed:
It's time for the 4th Annual Everitt Middle School Holiday Giving Tree! Help support an Everitt family this holiday season by shopping for specific gifts or making a donation of a gift card (or simply a monetary donation we will use for gift cards). Sign up at this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050449AAAA22A75-45836121-everitt
We are so thankful for our amazing and supportive community. If you have any questions please reach out to Liz Mason (303-944-2427). Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Join or renew your PTA Membership
PTA dues are $15 and help support Everitt PTA's core work. Please complete our membership form, and pay your dues via Venmo to @Everitt-Middle. If you need help with dues, please email us at EverittPTA@gmail.com, as dues should never be a barrier to membership in the Everitt PTA Community!
Find us online:
Check out our PTA page for reminders, important dates and meeting minutes: https://everitt.jeffcopublicschools.org/family_resources/p_t_a , and join our FaceBook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/everittpta
We always welcome more ideas on ways to bring the Everitt community together and look forward to learning from each other. Please feel free to send any questions or suggestions to the PTA at EverittPTA@gmail.com or to me directly at dan.b.weinstein@gmail.com or 720-291-1435.
Thank you,
Dan Weinstein (PTA President)
Some of these clubs may change due to student interest and students are always welcome to start a club by asking a staff member to be their sponsor. We are always also looking for parents/guardians who are willing to support a club. Please reach out to Amanda Pouliot if you're interested in leading the following clubs.
Clubs looking for sponsors:
Spanish Club
French Club (Pouliot - Conference Room)
Tri-M (Music Honor Society - Letendre - Orchestra Room)
Jazz Band (Reardon - Band Room)
Cross Country Team (7:40-8:40 am - Meet at the flag pole)
Strength and Conditioning (Bauer/Scales - Small Gym)
Girls on the Run (Niemeyer/Burg/Mitchell/Ritchie - Niemeyer's Room)
GSA (Burt - Burt's Room)
Floor Hockey (O'Connor - Large Gym)
Theatre Guild - Actors (Pouliot/Adducci/Powers - Powers' Room)
Fiber Arts (Knitting, Crocheting, etc. - Gallagher - Gallagher's Room)
Book Club (Widtfeldt/Gordon - Widtfeldt's Room)
Upcycling Fashion Club (Allen & Cannon - Cannon's Room)
Yoga (Piane - Meet in the lobby)
Mixed Martial Arts/Taekwondo
Junior Optimists Club
Sammy's Buddy Program - (Choi/SBP - Choi's Room)
Builder's Club (Maikranz/Kiwanis - Meet in the lobby)
Cross Country Team (7:40-8:40 am - Meet at the flag pole)
Cheerleading (Pineda - Choir Room)
Dungeons and Dragons (Decker/Newell - Newell's Room)
Fiber Arts (Gallagher - Gallagher's Room)
Chess Club (Yankoviak - Yankoviak's Room)
Theatre Guild - Crew (Pouliot/Powers/Adducci - Powers' Room)
Book Club (Herr - Conference Room)
Mountain Biking Club (Miller/Mallory/Braun - Meet at the flag pole)
Girls on the Run (Niemeyer/Burg/Mitchell/Ritchie - Niemeyer's Room)
Strength and Conditioning (Bauer/Scales - Small Gym)
Yoga (Piane - Meet in the lobby)
Students are welcome to join clubs that are already in session.
Myles E. - Myles included a student in class and helped him be successful. Myles exhibited leadership by stepping out of his comfort zone and making the other student feel welcome and included.
Anthony F. - Anthony went above and beyond in class to make himself and others on his team successful. He made sure he included others in the sports we were doing and by doing so made himself and others around him succeed.
Royce P. - Royce went out of his way to include others in our activity and make sure they felt welcome. Royce displays leadership everyday by leading by positive example and checking in on everyone while in class. His leadership helps him be more successful not only in PE but other classes and communities as well.
Athena C. - Athena was respectful and was responsible this week. She grew from 0% to 10% on her MAP Accelerator this week. She was also very focused in doing her math facts.
Destiny R. - Destiny is very responsible and takes pride in doing her work. She consistently puts in effort to do well and reach her goals.
Hailey K. - Hailey got up an lead class when I needed a minute to deal with something.
Christian R. - I have seen a complete turnaround in class, way to go!
North C. - North did an amazing job in class yesterday, he asked questions instead of getting frustrated and leaving class.
Everitt Middle School
With foundations of equity and excellence, Everitt empowers and inspires our students as individuals, lifelong learners, and creative critical thinkers to engage in authentic learning and contribute meaningfully to their communities and their world.
Email: amanda.pouliot@jeffco.k12.co.us
Website: https://everitt.jeffcopublicschools.org/
Location: 3900 Kipling St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, USA
Phone: 303-982-1580