Macon Parent Weekly Newsletter
Week of December 2nd, 2024
Principal Message
Hello Macon Families,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. I hope it was filled with so much joy, laughter, good food, and rest! Our students have a busy three weeks ahead of them, as we will have a district assessment weekly that will affect all grade levels from Kinder to 5th grade. Please ensure your child is coming to school daily and on time as we only have these three short weeks till our Winter Break. We had an incredible turn out for our Thanksgiving Parent Lunch. A big shout out to all of our parents/guardians that were able to attend and eat lunch with your child. Also I would love to thank our parent volunteers and our PTO who contributed to our Staff Thanksgiving Potluck on Friday, we had a wonderful meal. I am so very thankful to our Macon Families, and the community that is ours. We have a special community and one we I am beyond proud to serve daily.
Always please communicate with me if you have any questions or concerns.
Please see the new December calendar to the right for all upcoming events for the month.
Please read through all points of this weekly newsletter below and please listen to any messages that come from our school messenger!
Thank you all for being a part of our journey and being a team with us, and If you have any questions please email me at
Ms. Husband
Celebrating and Recognizing Epilepsy Awareness!
Our students learning about TWA (Texas Wildlife)
Our staff and parents supporting Epilepsy awareness
Looking great Mr. Gualda and Ms. Gonzalez! Twins!
Texas Wildlife presented to our students!
Proudly wearing our PURPLE!
Week at a Glance for December 2nd, 2024
WAG 12/2/24
Friendly Reminders for the Week of 12/2/24:
Tuesday (12/3/24):
K-5 I-Ready Math MOY Testing
K-2 Tutoring: will be invited by the teacher
Wednesday (12/4/24):
K-5 I-Ready Reading MOY Testing
HB 1416 tutoring- 3:30pm-5:30pm
Basketball practice- 3:30pm-4:15pm
Thursday (12/5/24):
K-5 I-Ready Make-ups
K-5 After-school tutoring- by individual teacher 3:40pm-4:25pm
Friday (12/6/24):
Macon Spirit Day
Coffee with the Principal