Sunday Send Off
Week of May 20 - 25, 2024
May 22 - Class Night - 7:00 pm auditorium
May 24 - Graduation - 7:00 pm in the gym
Doors for each event that will be open will be:
Main High School doors
Main Entrance doors by old public library entrance
Back of school cafeteria door
Back of school ramp door (only for Class Night)
K-6 Student of the Week for Week of 5.6.24
This week’s student of the week is Kindergarten student Nevaeh Smith. She is an absolute joy to have in Mrs. Staley’s class. She is always following directions and trying her hardest with everything she does! If Mrs. Staley needs any help, she is the first one to offer.
She is a great friend to her classmates and enjoys playing with them at recess. Playing on the slides and monkey bars are what she enjoys most. Her favorite part about school is Mrs. Staley’s 20 day countdown. Today she is excited to use markers instead of pencils. She also loves centers and learning our new sight words.
When she’s not in school she enjoys looking at the falls in Hulbert. She also likes to play, “baby life”, with her little sister.
Monday, May 27 - Memorial Day - No School
Every Wednesday will be a different wacky day. If your child would like to participate, they will need to pay $1.00 to their teacher. The funds raised will go directly to your child’s class for field trips or positive incentives. If you have any wacky ideas to share, please contact the school office at 293-5153. Thank you for your support of our kids!
The following is the May Wacky Wednesday schedule:
May 22 DISNEY/MARVEL DAY - What's your favorite character? Surprise us!
Regular Board Meeting Monday, May 20 at 6:00 pm in library
Dates to Remember
Here are some upcoming dates to be aware of.
June 5 - Last Day of School - Full day (THIS IS A CHANGE)
This app is for anyone who wants to know what is going on at TAS.
Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/2N4rGWIor iPhone: https://apple.co/3tyEFR9
Maggie Malicoat K-6 - 293-3226 ext. 1112
Deb Canfield 7-12 - 293-3226 ext. 1116
Jane Freeborn - Transportation, Special Education and Superintendent - 293-3226 ext 1101