Hubbard Woods Update
August 28, 2023
Principal Update
Hubbard Woods Families,
We are so excited to see everyone at our Meet and Greets on Thursday. Please enter the building from Chatfield. There will be staff on hand to help you find your homerooms. You may bring any of your child's teacher-requested personal supplies, like gym shoes for kinetic wellness, at this time if it is convenient. Please remember to label everything!
As many of you are aware, our current playground space has been reduced to create a safe buffer zone around the construction area. This means that we will be utilizing Mann Park (triangle park on the east side of the school) for some of our outdoor recess time. We have had practice doing a bit of this during COVID. The staff has worked on plans to rotate children so they have access to both areas during their school time. Our Kinetic Wellness teachers spent time this summer creating plans for activities in Mann Park. We look forward to getting our students' ideas once the year begins.
We eagerly await our first day of school: Tuesday. September 5th. This first day is a half-day. Our doors will open at 8:30 a.m. and school begins promptly at 8:37. Half-days end at 11:20 a.m.
Historically, drop-off on day one is incredibly crowded. Please utilize Mann Park to take pictures and consider saying goodbye at any of the corners instead of walking and waiting by the doors with your child. For our younger students who need an escort, please consider sending only one adult with them. Arriving just after 8:30 is ideal if you are not someone who enjoys the crowds or worries it may overwhelm your child. By the end of week one we will all be in a routine!
Our second day of school, Wednesday, September 6th, will be a full day. Our doors will open at 8:30 a.m. and school begins at 8:37 a.m.
The day ends at 3:15 pm for Grades 1-4
The Kindergarten day ends at 2:10 pm
The Kindergarten day, for students enrolled in our bridge care Stay and Play, ends at 3:15 p.m. All pick-up for this program takes place in the kindergarten turnaround.
We are so excited to have everyone back in school!
Beth Carmody
Arrival and Departure Information
- For students arriving between 8:20-8:30, supervision will be on the playground. Students can play until 8:27 and will then be instructed where to line up by the adults supporting them on the playground. Students arriving at 8:30 can enter the front door on Chatfield.
- 1st-4th parents dropping off or picking up their children by car should use the assigned drop-off areas: A-L at the front of the school on Chatfield and M-Z on the south side of the school on Laurel. A-L should enter via Chatfield at Green Bay Road. No turn-offs are allowed from Vine or Burr. M-Z should enter via Laurel and may not utilize Burr.
- At no time should driveways be blocked. Do not use "No Outlet" streets, Hamptondale or Chatfield (west of school), for pick-up as vehicles using our neighbors' driveway to turn around is not courteous and is a nuisance to our Hubbard Woods neighbors. Please see the below map. Students arriving on the south side will walk around the front of the school to access the playground before 8:30. After 8:30 they will be let in the ramped door on Burr.
- For families wishing to drive and physically escort children to school, street parking in the neighboring areas should be used. If you are in the carpool line, you do not exit your car out of respect to the parents/guardians dropping off behind you.
- Bus service will begin on day one.
Repeated information
Meet and Greets
It is in our student's best interest to only have the children and their parents, that are enrolled in the homeroom, enter for a visit. We know, and love, that it is tempting to visit past teachers. Unfortunately, this takes teachers away from forming relationships with new students. Visits should last approximately 15 minutes.
Please feel free to bring any personal supplies, like kinetic wellness shoes, to school at this time. The school supplies ordered through PTO will be waiting at school for your child by the first day of school.
Popsicle Meet Up
Join the PTO and your grade level peers at summer popsicle meet-ups on Wednesday, August 30 at Mann Park! Mann Park is the triangular park to the east of the school.
9:30-10:30AM, 1st Grade
11:00AM-12:00PM, 2nd Grade
12:30-1:30PM, 3rd Grade
2:00-3:00PM, 4th Grade
3:30-4:30PM, Kindergarten
Coffee and Hellos
Experts in Our Community
Have you ever wanted to directly impact students' learning journeys? Are you passionate about sharing your expertise? Here's your chance to make a real difference! We believe that one of the most impactful experiences we can offer our students is the opportunity to connect with professionals who are applying concepts and skills in their work or are tackling similar challenges. If you're interested and willing to help out, we invite you to complete this short form.
The information collected will serve as a valuable resource for our teachers, helping them identify individuals within our community who might be eager to spend time with our students in mentoring or expert roles for various topics or projects. Please rest assured that the information you provide will be used exclusively for the purposes previously described and never shared with external entities.
Should you ever wish to remove your name from our list, it's as simple as clicking the "edit response" link in the email you receive after submitting your response. By doing so, you can easily delete your personal information and resubmit if needed.
Thank you for considering this exciting opportunity to partner with our students!
Small Steps Towards a Greener Tomorrow
Important Reminders
Please note that while I am a HUGE dog lover, Village Ordinance prohibits dogs on school property. Also, cell phone use while driving on/around school grounds is illegal. "A person, regardless of age, may not use a wireless telephone at any time while operating a motor vehicle on a roadway in a school speed zone." Thank you for helping us keep kids safe as we know they can make unexpected decisions regarding crossing streets, etc.
All Kindergarten and new students need to have: Physical, Vision, and Dental forms turned into school. 2nd graders need a recent dental form as well.
A million thank yous to our PTO for all of the work that you do to welcome our staff, and new/old families back to school. The PTO works hard to keep us informed on opportunities and programs. Please make sure that you are receiving their newsletter, The ITEM via email. It arrives approximately every other Sunday. Please check your spam if you are not receiving it. email the PTO with questions at hwitemeditor@gmail.com.
Important Dates to Remember (These reminders will not include PTO events.)
Thursday, August 31-K-4 Meet and Greets- 10:45-11:30
Thursday, August 31- New Family Tours 3:00-4:00
Tuesday, September 5- First Day of School (Half Day AM-11:20 dismissal)
Wednesday, September 20- Go To School Night 6:00-7:30 PM
Monday, September 25- Yom Kippur--Holiday (No School)
Hubbard Woods School
8:30am | Doors open
8:37am | School promptly begins
11:30am-12:20pm | Lunch
2:10pm | Kindergarten dismissal
2:45pm | Early Release (MONDAYS ONLY)- Kindergarten Stay and Play/Bridge Care and all 1st-4th students
3:15pm | Tuesdays through Fridays Grades 1-4 & Stay and Play/Bridge Care Dismissal
Email: jenniferhartlett@winnetka36.org
Website: https://www.winnetka36.org/hubbardwoods
Location: 1110 Chatfield Road, Winnetka, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 446-0920