Meadows Message from Mrs. Krz
November 1, 2024
Dear Meadows Community,
Our annual Halloween Costume Parade was so much fun on Thursday. Please be sure to check out our social media posts on Instagram for highlights from the parade and from the fun activities that took place in our classrooms that day!
Next week begins MBEF Expo. This is a time when we encourage parents to come on campus to get a glimpse of what we offer our students in the specials that your contributions to MBEF provide. Parents should have received an invitation from their child's teacher that shares the class schedules for library, MakerSpace, science, lab, and music. Come by and visit a class during the Expo, which lasts from November 4-22.
To ensure that you don't miss any school communication, please do the following:
- If you are not following us on Instagram , you are missing out! @meadowselementaryschool
- Subscribe to our weekly PTA Communication: “Mustang Minute” weekly newsletter HERE
- Subscribe to Mrs. Krz's safety text messages. Text TO:67587. In the text message, type: Y
Here's to a great week of school!
Michelle Krzmarzick
In this Principal's Newsletter:
- MBEF Expo - Nov. 4-Nov. 22 - Come visit our specials!
- Wed., Nov. 20 - MBEF Giving Day!
- Monday, Nov. 11 - No School - Veterans Day
- Mustang Parent Handbook
- No Place For Hate Pledge
- Meadows - Voted Best Public Elementary School in the South Bay!
MBEF EXPO - 11/4-11/22
Come and view your child's class schedule (provided to your by your child's teacher) and visit a class from Nov. 4-Nov. 22 during specials including library, MakerSpace, music, PE, and science lab. Come and see the beauty of what your contributions to Manhattan Beach Education Foundation provide!
Honoring Veterans Day
On Monday, November 11, we pause to honor the courage, dedication, and sacrifice of all who have served in the United States Armed Forces. We are deeply grateful for the service of veterans and for the support of their families. This Veterans Day, we also thank and honor members of our MBUSD community who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Thank you for your selfless service to our country.
In observance of the Veterans Day holiday, there will be no school on Monday, November 11, 2024, and all MBUSD schools and District offices will be closed.
Additionally, the City of Manhattan Beach will hold its 27th Annual Veterans Day Ceremony on Friday, November 11 at 11:00 a.m. at Veterans Parkway. You can find all the details here.
This newly updated Parent Handbook has everything you'll need to have the best year ever! It includes calendars, information, resources, policies, and more. Click here to check it out!
Here's to a great school year, Mustangs!
Michelle Krzmarzick
Principal, Meadows Elementary