Brunswick High School Newsletter!
May 2024
Class of 2024 Commencement Ceremony is
Thursday, May 23rd, at 7:00 P.M.
2023-24 School Year
BHS Students, Parents, and Guardians,
We are in the final weeks of the school year and there is a lot to do! We just finished up with End of Course State Testing, AP & CLEP testing will take place over the next few weeks, and then final exams. We still have several weeks of instruction, projects, final papers, and work to do. Please talk with your children about pushing through, completing assignments on time, and doing their best to finish strong.
Final Exams are May 28th, 29th, and 30th all students are required to take final exams. Exam grades are included in the final GPA for the semester and year. I want to remind everyone that students who earn a competency score (684 or higher) on the Algebra 1 or English Language Arts 2 End of Course Exams, will be exempt from the final exams for those specific courses, unless the exam is needed to pass the class. Students who earn the proficiency score (700 or higher) on the Biology, Geometry, American History or American Government End of Course Exams will be exempt from the final exams for those specific courses, unless the exam is needed to pass the class.
Additionally, seniors will have the opportunity to be exempt from final exams for ALL of their courses if they receive a 70% or higher for both the 3rd and 4th quarters AND have fewer than 11 tardies for the second semester. Seniors will be required to take an exam if it is needed to pass the class for the year OR if they have more than 10 tardies for the second semester.
Have a great day,
Keith Merrill
Brunswick High School
330-273-0495 option 8
Final Exams, Exemptions, and Reminder About Transportation
Earlier this year, I communicated several changes that the district made in regards to transportation on exam, PSAT, and SAT testing days. Final exams are next week and I wanted to remind you about transportation and final exam exemptions.
BSCD will transport students home at 2:10 P.M., just like a regular school day. Students will be permitted to leave once their required testing session has ended and they will not need to stay until 2:10 P.M. However, if a student is unable to leave after their testing session has ended, students will report to the East Cafeteria, where they can purchase/receive a bagged lunch, and will have a supervised study hall until 2:10 P.M. .
Final Exam Exemptions, students who took the Ohio State Test, End of Course assessment, who met competency in ELA II or Algebra with a score of 684 and for Geometry, Biology, American History or American Government earned a score of 700 will be exempt unless they need the final exam to earn credit.
Geometry, Biology, American History, and American Government teachers will send home a letter with your child on Monday, 5/20. The letter will have your child's score and if they are exempt from taking their exam in that subject.. ELA II will be sent out later this week. If you have specific questions about exams, please reach out to your child's teachers.
Congrats to All of Our BHS Olympians who Competed This Year!
Summer Reading 2024
Dear Students and Families,
As a department, we believe in the importance of reading over the summer, but that summer reading is about choice and taking a moment to read for pleasure. ALL STUDENTS are encouraged to choose a single book from a list created for their appropriate grade level. The *pick your own book* option allows your student to choose a grade-appropriate book that will be of interest and challenge your student.
Additionally, students enrolled in AP and Honors courses will have a required reading selection and assignment upon returning to school.
BHS 2024 Summer Reading - Links and more informaiton will be shared!
Happy reading!
BHS- ELA Department
Summer Book Recommendation Lists for BHS Students by grade level 9 ELA 10 ELA 11 ELA 12 ELA
Summer School 2024
BHS will offer summer school classes both traditional learning classroom and our online curriculum. Students taking summer school are required to attend classes everyday. All courses are for remediation only, with the exception of Physical Education and Health. Please work with your child's school counselor to help prioritize and identify what courses need to be taken to meet gradutation requirements.
BHS will offer End of Course Review for students who have not met graduation requirement to earn their high school diploma. This includes students who have not reach competency in Algebra and English Language Arts II and/or two of the required seals to graduate.
BHS Construction Closures, Traffic Changes, and Parking
Closure Update and Changes
- Excellence Dr at 303 will be a right turn only during specific times especially at dismissal. If you need to take a left on 303, use Boyer Dr. at the light
- If there are no parking spaces in the East Lot, students need to park in the back West Lot. Students will sign in at the West Office.
- Do not park at Tri-C, the Brunswick Rec Center, or the Brunswick Library
- Do not park on the grass or in any spaces that are not marked for parking
- With the traffic and parking changes, plan ahead to get to school a few minutes early, doors open at 7:10 a.m. you need to be in class by 7:25 a.m. 1st period starts at 7:25 a.m.
- You will be marked tardy and saying you are late because you had to park in the west is not an excuse.
- Traffic patterns will change and you could be directed to another exit on campus.
- Access to the back west lot for parking and drop off, use Boyer from 303 (Library) or Excellence from Hadcock
- The speed limit is 15 mph, please slow down and stop when pedestrians are crossing on roads and parking lots
- Students who park in non parking spaces will be ticketed and towed
- Students who refuse to follow directions from staff, will lose the privilege to drive on campus
Do you need help checking Progress Book? Contact Grade Level Office for Help!
BHS SAT, PSAT, & EOC/OST Transportation and Final Exam Changes
There are several changes that are in place that will impact the PSAT, SAT, Exams, Senior Exams and Transportation on the days mentioned. Please reference the letters linked below for the remainder of this year and every year moving forward.
BCSD Transportation changes on PSAT, SAT and Exam days
Senior Final Exams Second Semester Only Exemptions *Updated Seniors Exemptions 11 tardies/absences combined to get exemption for final exams.
BCSD 2024-2025 Updated School Calendar
Brunswick High School Athletic Events
Class of 2024 Seniors Serving our Country after Graduation!
Congratulations and thank you to Teddy Gurtsak (Air Force ROTC Scholarship), Torron Phillips (Marine Corps), Manny Popov (Marine Corps), Brian Rhodes (Navy), Andrew Tick (Navy), and Dylan Witkowski (Marine Corps)
Are You 18? Selective Service is Required
BHS Purple Star School!
Service to Country, Thank VFW & American Legion
Senior Exams-CLASS OF 2024 ONLY
Seniors Graduation Photos- Prior to Line Up on 5/23 from 5:30-6:30 in West Cafe!
Class of 2024 -Scholarships, Requesting Transcripts, Military Enlistment, College & Career Information
- Military & Selective Service
- College and Career Financial Aide, Scholarships
- Naviance -College & Career, Common App, Transcripts and more
Internships, Apprenticeships, or Summer Programs! Check it out!
Scholarship Opportunity
Interested in Nursing?
Summer Program Opportunities
See Something, Hear Something, Say Something
The Brunswick City School District encourages students, teachers, staff, parents and other members of our community to report any instances of potential violence, bullying, self-harm or any other issue where our students may be at risk. Information about the SaferSchools Tip Line can be found on the Brunswick City Schools webpage. The Brunswick City School District partners with SaferSchools Ohio to provide our families with a free resource for keeping our schools safe. The anonymous tip line service helps alert local law enforcement to potential school safety crisis. By calling or texting the statewide tip line (844-SAFEROH), you can report anything that is suspicious or endangering to you, your friends or your school. The SaferSchools Tip Line accepts calls and texts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Thank you for keeping our Brunswick Community SAFE.
Upcoming dates to remember:
District & BHS Calendar of Events All Building. Quick event check to see what is happening around the district in all schools! Great one stop check for parents, guardians, and students
5/1 Ohio State Testing Algebra & Geometry Part 1 (Adjusted Schedule)
5/1 BHS Orchestra Concert 7 p.m. PAC
5/2 Ohio State Testing Algebra & Geometry Part 2 (Adjusted Schedule)
5/4 Prom and After Prom
5/8 Top 30 Class of 2024 Excellence Ceremony 6:30 p.m. East Gym
5/9 BHS Band Concert 7 p.m. PAC
5/17 Senior Awards Invitation 8 a.m. PAC
5/13-5/16 Senior Final Exams
5/16-5/22 Cap and Gown Pick Up (All fees, books, computers need to be returned to pick up) 8 TICKETS FOR COMMENCEMENT WILL BE INSIDE THE CAP & GOWN BAG
5/20 Sophomore Awards 1:10 p.m. PAC- Moved to accommodate Senior Walkthroughs on 5/22
5/21 Junior Awards 1:10 p.m. PAC
5/22 Mandatory Commencement Practice 10:00 a.m.
5/22 Class of 2024 Elementary Walkthroughs 1:30 p.m. see Mrs. Petry with questions
5/23 Freshman Awards 1:10 p.m. PAC
5/23 BHS Class of 2024 Commencement Ceremony 7 p.m. Brunswick Automart Stadium (Thursday Night)
5/24 Commencement Rain date Class of 2024 Commencement Ceremony 7 p.m.
5/25 Commencement Rain date: Class of 2024 Commencement Ceremony 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 6 p.m.
5/27 No School - Memorial Day
5/28-5/30 Final Exams Adjusted Schedule
5/30 Last Day for Students & End of 4th Quarter
Attendance Procedures:
If your child is not going to be at school, please call the appropriate attendance line each day. You can call the attendance line anytime day or night. Attendance lines are by grade level, please see the numbers below. Consider adding the attendance line as a contact in your phone.
9th/10th Grades (West Office): (330) 273-5964
11th/12th Grades (East Office): (330) 273-5966
NURSE: 330-273-0408
When picking up or dropping off your child, if they are coming in late or being pick up for an appointment, they need to sign in and out of their grade level office. 9th & 10th will report to the West Office and 11th & 12th will report to the East Office. If you have any questions, please contact the grade level office.
If your child is sick and with the nurse, your child will be signed out at the Center Doors. For Safety reasons, never leave with your child without notifying and signing out with a grade level secretary, office or the Nurse.
Questions, Visit the Brunswick City Schools Website for Information!
BHS Website
Check the Brunswick High School website for daily announcements, updates on student achievements, upcoming events including state testing, adjusted schedules and other important information. Visit www.bcsoh.org, select Brunswick High School in the pull-down menu, and look at the tabs which include BHS News, District News, Events and Resources.
Follow us online, social media etc.
X @BCSDBrunswickHS
Athletics @BHSGoBigBlue
BCSD @BrunswickCSD
Brunswick City Schools & Brunswick High School Website www.bcsoh.org