Colonial Park Weekly News
January 13 - January 17
Principal's Note
Dear Colonial Park Families -
Winter has definitely arrived with the start of the new year! Just a reminder, if our "feels like" temperature is 20 degrees or above, we will have outdoor arrival and/or recess. Please send your child to school with the appropriate winter gear, so they are able to safely and comfortably enjoy fresh air.
Mrs. Lapery is running low on snacks to provide to our students who come to school without snack or just need an extra little something. If anyone would like to donate single-serving Pirate's Booty, pretzels, or Goldfish, it would be appreciated! We could also use more seven ounce cups for our Hydration Station. Thank you so much in advance!
Some upcoming dates to add to your calendar:
No School: Monday, January 20 - in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Early Release Day System-wide: Friday, January 24, K-4 12:00 and Preschool 11:40
Attached please find the January Lunch Menu, including the translated versions. I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Rosa Flynn
Help Wanted - Lunch Monitor
We are looking for a fun and engaging individual to assist students during their lunch period. Responsibilities include:
Helping students locate their seats
Facilitating cafeteria line
Supervising students in the cafeteria
Preparing students for transition to recess
Position is Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 am -1:00 pm (10:00-12:00 on Early Release Days).
Please reach out to Katie Hahesy if you are interested.
PTO News
*PTO Meeting - Our next PTO Meeting will be held on Monday, January 13th.
We will be raffling off Spirit Wear at this meeting! Please note this meeting has been moved up to Monday, rather than our usual Tuesday meeting. Our agenda will be posted on the facebook group and is attached here. We hope you’ll join us virtually or in person at our January meeting! Please use this link to join virtually:
*Coats For Kids and Families Update: Thanks to the generosity of our Colonial Park Community we were able to collect and donate 85 coats this year! Thank you Colonial Park!
*Pasta Dinner Planning - Your Help Needed! - Attention 3rd and 4th grade families! We are looking for a few great volunteers to help plan our Annual Pasta Dinner, scheduled for February 6th. Volunteers will meet twice in January/early February to plan details, including coordinating the menu, entertainment, and decorations. Please email to get involved in planning for this fun event!
*Upcoming TriBoard Meeting January 14th 7:00pm, Central Middle School Media Center - As many of you know our town and school department are facing a budget crisis for FY26. We encourage everyone who is able to attend the January 14 TriBoard meeting and advocate for our schools and community. There will be a public comment at this meeting to voice our concerns. Thank you to everyone who showed up to support our staff, teachers, and students at the most recent School Committee Meeting
Kindergarten Registration 2025 - 2026
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will be on Monday, February 3, from 4:00 to 7:00 in the Central Middle School Cafeteria. All incoming kindergarten families must complete the registration packet, even if their child is currently in our preschool program. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Arrival Reminders for Colonial Park Families
In order to keep our students safe, our families need to follow the expectations for morning arrival. Please take a moment to review the preschool and K-4 arrival procedure. If a family member that does not receive the weekly newsletter drops your child off at school, please explain the procedure to them.
If you arrive prior to 8:35, please park in the parking lot or the surrounding neighborhood, not along the curb. You may park along the curb after 8:35, since K-4 arrival is over.
Do not under any circumstances make a three-point turn. Please drive through and exit appropriately.
Please drive slowly on school property.
K-4 Families
- If there is indoor Morning Arrival, there will be a flag displayed outside of Door 8 and at the main entrance. Indoor Arrival begins at 8:15.
- For morning drop-off, please stay in the right lane and pull forward as far as possible before letting students out of the car. The left lane should only be used if you are parking in the parking lot or exiting.
- Please drive slowly on school property.