Fall Newsletter
Message from Mr. Weinandt
We are off to another great start of the school year at Dassel Elementary! All of the hard work, anticipating and preparation with our staff culminated with a noteworthy first day, week and month of school. It was great to see so many familiar faces at open house and walking our hallways again this year. We had many new families to welcome as well!
The beginning of the school year is a time to build relationships, review expectations and procedures in the classroom and our building with all students. This year everyone completed a “Behavior Passport” where they went to different stations to review the expectations and procedures. The locations included: Media Center, Hallway, Bathroom, Playground, Lunchroom and Bus Line area. Our hope is that students understand the expectations and why they are in place so we ensure a positive experience for everyone in our building!
We also are focussing on our Character Pillars here at Dassel Elementary. Our pillars are: Respect, Responsibility, Resiliency, Integrity, Compassion and Understanding Diversity. We are putting a special emphasis on Respect and Responsibility this year. Our students will engage in different activities and lessons that reinforce the importance of these two character pillars.
I am looking forward to the journey with all of you this year and I appreciate the important partnership with our school, families and community!
LEEA Award Winner - Mrs. Jorgenson
Every year the Central Minnesota Service Cooperative honors one teacher from each building that demonstrates leadership, dedication, and professionalism in his/her building and district. Teachers in our building then select a teacher to be recognized.
This year, Dassel Elementary teachers chose Kari Jorgenson, First Grade Teacher, to receive that award. Mrs. Jorgenson is an outstanding teacher! She demonstrates dedication, creativity, and passion in the field of education. Her kindness, patience and support has also created an environment where everyone can thrive!
Mrs. Jorgenson will be recognized at the LEEA banquet on Wednesday, October 30.
Congratulations, Mrs. Jorgenson!
Important School Information
We are off to a wonderful start here at Dassel Elementary! We have learned many important things about safety, schedules, respect, responsibility, etc. Here is a recap of some of the important items for you to consider as well:
1. Breakfast Opportunity – Students may arrive at 7:45am to eat breakfast in the small gym each day. Breakfast is served until 8:00am.
2. Morning Arrival – The earliest students may arrive at school is 7:45am when supervisors are available. Students will go outside each morning!
3. School Patrol Crossing on West Side – 7:45am – 8:00am.
4. Start of School – 8:00am: first bell rings; 8:10am: all students must be in their classrooms so that the learning, lessons & fun may begin by 8:10am!
5. School Dismissal – 3:15pm: Please make arrangements to meet or pick up your child at 3:15pm if they are not riding the bus.
6. School Patrol Crossing on East & West Side – Starts at 3:15pm.
A sense of safety, routine, and an over-all caring environment is what we strive for at Dassel Elementary. When we are all in the know, we can provide the BEST for Dassel Elementary!!
ESSA Award Winner - Mrs. O'Brien
Again this year, the Resource Training and Solutions Council will honor one support staff member from each building. This person is one that demonstrates leadership, is a positive role model, continually makes a difference every day in the lives of students and staff, and shows a genuine respect and concern for others.
The Dassel Elementary support staff chose Jenna O'Brien to receive the Educational Support Staff Award! Jenna is one of our special education paraprofessionals, and she is very committed to her students and does an amazing job. She is able to connect with students on a personal level, while providing support in a very effective way. We are so lucky to have her in our building!
Congratulations, Mrs. O'Brien!
From our School Social Workers, Mrs. Tschida and Mrs. Loge
carmen.tschida@dc.k12.mn.us / cheryl.loge@dc.k12.mn.us
As we transition to the next months of school, we are hopeful that your child has adjusted and the morning routine is going well. We also hope they are comfortable and feeling safe in their new classroom, and have made some new friends. If you are finding that your child is continuing to struggle coming to school, he/she is experiencing behavior changes, and/or are reporting that they are not fitting in, please contact their teacher or Mrs. Tschida. We want all students to feel welcome, comfortable and safe when they arrive at Dassel Elementary!
Mrs. Tschida is in the office Monday - Thursday and Mrs. Loge is here on Fridays. If you need to talk with Mrs. Tschida, please leave a message and she will get back to you as soon as possible. Mrs. Loge spends most of her time in the classrooms teaching the Second Step lessons. Our job as school social workers is to identify obstacles to a child’s learning and then develop a plan to break down the obstacle. The obstacles can vary from behavior concerns, family changes, friendship issues, anxiety, low self-esteem, learning disabilities as well as many other issues. If you have questions or are unsure if you should call, please do and we will redirect you as necessary. Early intervention is important to a child’s success.
Another important part of our job as school social workers is connecting families and children with resources in our community. This includes resources for financial support, emotional and behavior support, and other resources to support positive mental health. Please contact us if you are looking for a resource or need a liaison with an outside agency.
We look forward to a great year at Dassel Elementary. Please call if you have any concerns or questions at 320.286.4100 x1507.
Continuing this year, bus passes will no longer be issued. District bus routes are currently operating at capacity! Students will only be allowed to ride to/from their designated stop. If you should have any questions, please contact our Transportation Coordinator, Alexis Enerson, in the district office. Thanks for your understanding!
Second Step Curriculum
We want your child to be as successful as possible at school. Success in school is not just about reading and math. It is also about knowing how to learn and how to get along with others. This year we will be using the Second Step program in your child’s classroom to teach these critical skills. The Second Step program teaches skills in the following four areas:
1. Skills for Learning: Students gain skills to help themselves learn, including how to focus their attention, listen carefully, use self-talk to stay on task, and be assertive when asking for help with schoolwork.
2. Empathy: Students learn to identify and understand their own and others’ feelings. Students also learn how to take another’s perspective and how to show compassion.
3. Emotion Management: Students learn specific skills for calming down when experiencing strong feelings, such as anxiety or anger.
4. Problem Solving: Students learn a process for solving problems with others in a positive way.
Thank you for supporting your child in learning the skills that lead to success in school and in life. If you have any questions about the Second Step program, please do not hesitate to contact Carmen Tschida, Cheryl Loge or your child’s classroom teacher.
Olweus Kick-Off 2024
Dassel Elementary is excited to share our theme for this school year: Being a Super H.E.R.O.! Our kick-off for students will take place in mid October.
We ask our students and staff to make a pledge to Step Up against bullying. This year we are focusing on the two character pillars of Respect and Responsibility. Think about what those words mean to you and have a discussion with your family; it takes all of us working together to be united!
We will continue to talk about what bullying is and isn’t. We talk about strategies to guide us when we need to take a stand for ourselves and others. A student is being bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly, and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students. The student who is bullied has difficulty defending him/herself.
Have you heard about our Step Up Thursday? It is the first Thursday of the month and the day for all of us here at DE to wear our Step Up shirts!
Please ask if you have any questions and thanks to the students, staff and parents as we continue to be Super H.E.R.O.s (Help, Educate, Report, Overcome)!
Character Education - RESPECT
Your child's daily interaction with adults and kids will be more pleasant if s/he speaks and acts respectfully. Try these tips for helping them learn about respect!
Respectful Replies:
Think about something that you and your child disagree on (for example: whether his video game time should be limited). Model having a respectful discussion about it. You might say that their brain and body are growing and that they need to run and play to stay healthy. Then, suggest a respectful response such as, "I want to be healthy, but I love video games." Have them brainstorm other situations where people have different opinions but will speak to each other with respect.
Everyday Acts:
When you mow the lawn or clean up after your dog, you can teach your child about respect for neighbors. Explain that keeping your neighborhood clean and neat makes it nice for everyone! Ask them to think of other respectful things neighbors should do. Have fun with it!
Home & School Connection, Working Together for School Success. Resources for Educators, 2019.
News from the Health Office
Happy Fall Y’All, and welcome back to school! I am excited to have you back, and am hopeful for a safe, and healthy school year. As a reminder, if your student isn’t feeling well, please keep them home, and notify the school of their absence. Students with fevers over 100, vomiting, diarrhea, or undiagnosed rash are asked to remain at home. They are free to return when 24 hours fever free without fever reducing medication, and/or 24 hours have passed since the last episode of vomiting/diarrhea.
Healthy children are better learners! Sick children cannot function at their best, which can hinder their school performance. If sick, it is best for your children to stay home and rest, so he/she can return to school as healthy and as soon as possible. Sending sick kids to school can delay their healing process, resulting in more school days with decreased academic performance. If your child says he/she does not feel well, please use your best judgment in determining if school is the best place for him/her on that given day - you know your child better than we do!
Remember: The Best way to prevent illness is to wash your hands!!
Please keep in mind that if your child needs medication while in school, certain guidelines must be followed:
A signed permission form from the parent or guardian is needed for ALL medications.
A signed order from the physician is needed for all prescription medications, including Epi-Pens and inhalers.
All medication must be in the original container, and have a pharmacy label if applicable.
A health assistant or trained staff may distribute medications, only as delegated by the School Nurse.
Health Plans
If your child requires a health plan or emergency health plan, please reach out to the health office. If you received a health plan in August and feel they no longer need a health plan, please reach out to the health office so we can update your child’s file.
Parents/guardians of kindergarteners, please remember to get your immunizations, or conscientious exemption form into the health office as soon as possible if you haven’t already done so! Thank you!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 320-286-4100 ext. 1804 or jenny.heidecker@dc.k12.mn.us.
Dassel Elementary Patrol Installation
We are excited to have 53 new fourth grade recruits to help DE students safely cross the streets before and after school! They are true leaders in our building. Thank you kids for your time, effort and great attitudes all year long. And thanks to Deputy Muffley for joining us swearing in our new patrol students!
Kids Night at our local Dairy Queen
Every Wednesday evening between 5:00pm-8:00pm, the Cokato Dairy Queen is supporting both Dassel and Cokato Elementary schools with a 10% contribution of their total sales! WOW!!
Our students will take turns providing artwork to decorate the eating area of the DQ. Please stop in to buy a treat and enjoy looking at the wonderful art provided by our children! What a fun and tasty way to support our schools!
Classroom dates are posted on the website calendar for Dassel Elementary. Teachers will also send a reminder home when their class has art displayed!
Golden Rulers of the Month
Every day at school, the students at Dassel Elementary are involved in CARE groups from 9:45-10:15. During this time, they are engaged in a lesson about character education while having a snack and juice/milk break. This year, we are focusing on the character pillars of respect and responsibility. One of the activities we do each month is to have the students in each of the nine CARE groups select a Golden Ruler of the Month to represent their group! They are asked to vote for a member who continually displays all six character pillars and demonstrates the Golden Rule: "Treat others as you would like to be treated."
Rainy/Cold Weather Clothing Alert
Just a reminder… the children go outside each day at recess, so dressing for the weather is vital! If it is raining hard, or if the wind chill factor is about 10 below, we do not allow anyone to go outside. The students would then remain inside during recess.
During the cooler fall and winter weather, please be sure that your child has a warm coat, gloves or mittens, some type of head gear, boots, and snow pants when needed. Maybe even an umbrella and rain boots for those rainy days! Please note: if you are in need of getting the necessary winter gear for your children, please let us know and we will try to provide some assistance.
Fundraising Information
We have several fundraising opportunities at Dassel Elementary! Please check them out if you can.
Box Tops is now using a mobile app to scan your store receipt. Be sure to choose Dassel Elementary as you designated school so we can reap those benefits! For more information go to https://www.boxtops4education.com/ .
Coborn's & Cash Wise store donations to school programs are continuing with the More! School Rewards program. Please sign up at https://www.morerewards.com/ and designate Dassel Elementary to earn points for our school!
With Casey's Rewards, you can earn points on everyday Casey's purchases - in-store, online, or at the pump. Turn those points in to donations to our school! See full terms and conditions at https://www.caseys.com/rewards.
Birthday Invitation Reminder
Birthday invitations are very special to receive! We ask for your cooperation in NOT sending birthday invitations to school to be handed out. The only exception would be if you are inviting the whole class. We have many disappointed children when invitations are handed out and they are not included. Please make other arrangements to mail them or deliver the invitations in an alternative way! Please note: the school office and teaching staff will not disclose the addresses of our students due to data privacy laws.
Message from the Media Center
By Mr. Asquith
Happy New School Year everybody! My name is Doug Asquith and I am the Media Center Specialist at Dassel Elementary. We are THRILLED for all the fun stuff going on this year in the Media Center! It should be a WILD RIDE for the staff and students and we are not CLOWNING around about that. So come one and come all to our exciting Reading Carnival themed Media Center!
Also in the Media Center is Sarah Zimmerman. She will be assisting in the Media Center as our Media Center Paraprofessional. She was really the driving force behind the decorations and making the space look as amazing as it does.
Students have already started checking out books from the Media Center and taking AR tests. Can you believe we have already read over 6 million words this year?! We have also announced the Maud Hart Lovelace Awards books for 3rd and 4th graders as well as the Star of the North Award books for kindergarten through 2nd grade. This is already shaping up to be a great year.
If you have any questions about the Media Center, procedures, or even some for the tech programs we use here at Dassel Elementary please feel free to reach out and shoot me an email at douglas.asquith(at)dc.k12.mn.us.
Message from the Volunteer Corner
By Mrs. Neu
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! It is so exciting to begin another new school year with you and your family. The staff are enjoying the smiling faces and warm greetings each morning!
As the Volunteer Coordinator, I look forward to connecting our parents, grandparents, family and community members with the needs of our school. You are invited to be a part of the experience here at Dassel Elementary! Please let me know if you would like to join us at any time this school year. I am excited to work with you as we support our children, staff and community by being a part of the lives of our students!
My goal is to find a great spot for you in the world of education here at DE. Feel free to contact me at mary.neu@dc.k12.mn.us or call me at 320.286.4100 x1518.
Parent Portal
Have you signed up for Parent Portal yet? If you have not and are interested in setting up an account, please email stephanie.corbin@dc.k12.mn.us in the office for your verification code!
Parent Portal allows you to instantly access and pay your lunch account balances, see attendance records, immunization records, contact information and so much more!
Food Service Information
Our school lunch menu can be found online at https://www.isd466.org/domain/49! Please note that the menu is subject to change.
Students will receive one free breakfast and one free lunch on school days this year! If you are purchasing milk only though, the cost is $0.50.
Visitor meals are $5.00.
Upcoming Events
October 21: NO SCHOOL - Staff Development Day
October 25: Grandparents Day at 1:30pm
November 5: Picture Retakes
November 8: NO SCHOOL, PREK-6 ONLY - Staff Development Day
November 12, 14, and 15: Conferences and Book Fair
November 27: NO SCHOOL - Staff Development Day
November 28-29: NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Attendance Information
All students are expected to be in school regularly and on time unless 1) prevented by an illness, or 2) excused by the principal. Absences of any type are subject to the 8 days per trimester limitation which is part of school board policy. For safety and accountability reasons, we must be notified by 9:00am to let us know when your child is absent (320.286.4100 x1500). If we have not heard from you by that time, your child's absence will be counted as unexcused and an automated phone call will be sent out.
Note: if you send your child's teacher an e-mail, please include stephanie.corbin@dc.k12.mn.us on the message as well so it is not missed!
Message from the PE Department
By Mrs. Sorgatz and Mr. Westby
stacy.sorgatz@dc.k12.mn.us / peter.westby@dc.k12.mn.us
Students have Phy Ed daily and TIGHT fitting and SUPPORTIVE footwear is required! Casual slip-on shoes such as the "Hey Dude" brand and "Vans" are causing many students to trip and fall as these shoes often fall off while running and playing games in the gym.
It is also important that students can independently tie shoes...even if they don't wear tie shoes! Below are some short videos (3 different methods) to help students practice along with at home.
Grandparents' Day
This year we will be celebrating Grandparents' Day at Dassel Elementary on Friday, October 25th at 1:30pm. This is a special day for us as we welcome grandparents into our building to enjoy some time with their grandchild here at school! The event will conclude at 2:30pm.
Please assist us in notifying your child's grandparents. More information will be coming home soon!
NexTrex Recycling Challenge Update
Congratulations, Dassel Elementary families and community members... we did it! The Recycling Challenge that we participated in last year collecting plastic bags was a success. Our new bench has arrived and has been put to use thanks to all of your donations!
Please note: we are no longer collecting plastic bags for this program.
The 4 W's of Student Safety
WHO: Parents/Guardians driving students to and/or picking students up at Dassel Elementary School.
WHAT: We need your help to keep Dassel Elementary students safe during loading and unloading times. AM - Students should enter the building at the east door. Please do not drop students off in the front (south) side of the building as this area is designated as a bus loading and unloading zone. PM - Students not riding a school bus will be dismissed on the east side of Dassel Elementary. Students will cross the street to walk home or meet their parents, with patrol assistance, at Guy Street and William Ave - see map. At no time will students be allowed to cross at any location other than a marked crosswalk, unless accompanied by an adult! Parents/Guardians are encouraged to pick students up at the door to safely escort them to a vehicle. Reminder: Please do not park and wait in the middle of the street! We also ask that you do not park in the yellow curb (dotted line on the map) Pick Up Zone during the designated hours.
WHEN: Pick Up Zone -- Loading & Unloading Times 7:45am to 8:10am and 3:10pm to 3:20pm.
WHERE: In order to safely manage traffic during loading and unloading times we are requesting that parents travel north on Willis Street - West on Horace Avenue - South on Guy Street. This will create a continuous flow of traffic that can utilize the Pick Up Zone (No Parking -- dotted line on map) to ease congestion and concerns regarding student safety.
Thank you for your cooperation regarding this very important safety concern!