on Ecology Officers
This year's Ecology Officers, 7th graders Baylie, Eva and Makayla, prioritized helping Mother Earth through education and self-practice. Earlier in the year, a representative from Republic Services met with the student body and discussed the importance of recycling. Classrooms were already recycling bottles and paper, but Republic Services taught us to be "smarter" recyclers - ZERO trash in the recycle bins. Baylie, Eva and Makayla, introduced three amazing programs this year to protect God's creations:
1. Earn one snack pass with every 150 cans or bottles donated.
2. Collect drink straws to ensure proper recycling in polypropylene bags.
3. Use washable utensils instead of plastic ones.
These small changes will lead to a bigger difference for their future. The Ecology Officers also encourage students to be "smart recyclers" at home to help the environment. Due to the lack of recycling centers, our ecology program is only accepting water bottles and cans - nothing else. This has not stopped students from doing their part to help Mother Earth. For our first recycling run, over 20 large bags of water bottles and cans were recycled. In addition, over 300 straws have been collected and recycled properly.
Let's continue to help Mother Earth - Stop. Think. Pray. And choose to Recycle.
Holy Angels School
Location: 20 Reiner Street, Colma, CA, USA
Phone: (650) 755-0220