Kerr Happenings
April 30, 2024
May is here! Our last progress report has come out, AP exams are around the corner, and we are finalizing plans to celebrate our seniors in these final days as Tigers. We hope to see you on campus at one of our events and as always, we thank you for entrusting your students to us each day.
As always, please reach out if you need any assistance or have any questions.
Mr. Lewis and Ms. Tones
Term 4 Progress Report
The six week progress report for term 4 is viewable in Home Access. Final exams will take place for seniors on May 20th and 21st and 9th-11th grade students will take finals on May 22nd and 23rd.
Grades of 70 or higher earn credit for the term. Students should earn .5 credit for all 4 of their courses in a term.
Questions or concerns about your student's progress? Reach out to us. Your student's advisor is available to assist you as well as the contacts below.
Academic coach
Margaret Bancroft - margaret.bancroft@aliefisd.net
Denae Aquil - denae.aquil@aliefisd.net (students last name A-L)
Sherry Iyamu - sherry.iyamu@aliefisd.net (students last name M-Z)
Summer School
Kerr Summer School is available for all students who are in need of credit recovery, dual credit and online course monitoring, and our incoming students for Tiger 101. There is no cost for attendance. There is bus transportation, breakfast, and lunch.
All students attending must enroll in advance and counselors will assist with selecting the appropriate coursework. Students can enroll using this link --
Summer School registration -- https://forms.office.com/r/h9VKg7H47X
Family Friday
Our next Family Friday will be on Friday, May 3rd at 7:30am. This month's session we will be discussing how to make the most of your summer.
We love to have our families join us in person, but also understand sometimes that is not possible. A Zoom link is included for those that would prefer to join us virtually.
Join Family Friday - May 3rd, 7:30am
Meeting ID: 995 4521 3209
Passcode: 005117
Support Services
Course selection verifications have gone out and were due back to the counselors to set course schedules for next school year.
Please see the schedule below for technology check in. Textbooks may be kept until the final exam day and checked in at that time. All lockers must be cleaned out by May 17th and will not be accessible the week of final exams.
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays the Kerr after school program is open for students to attend club meetings, tutorials, or to have a place to study until 5pm.
Starting May 20th - May 23rd all Alief ISD high school students have a noon dismissal. No lunches will be served the week of May 20th.
The Senior Awards celebration will be the morning of May 22nd and will be our opportunity to celebrate our seniors here on campus before our graduation ceremony on May 23rd.
Kerr Graduation Ceremony
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 07:00 PM
Don Coleman Coliseum, Dairy Ashford Road, Houston, TX, USA
Upcoming Events
May 2nd
Algebra I EOC
May 4th
Houston Underground Saxophone Competition
May 6th - May 17th
AP Exam Window
May 9th
Spring Band Concert and Banquet
May 10th
Choir Pop Show
May 13 - 15
Speech and Debate State UIL
May 16
Jazz Band Concert
May 20th - 23rd
Final Exams and Noon Dismissal
No Lunch Served
May 22nd
Senior Awards
Graduation Practice
May 23rd
Kerr Graduation
Last Day of School
Federal Report Card
2022-2023 Federal Report Card
Spring 2024
Dear Parent(s),
Alief ISD is writing to inform you that the 2022-2023 Federal Report Card (FRC) for campuses and the district is posted on the district’s website:
School Improvement and Accountability
Summary of Federal Report Card (FRC)
The FRC is a report required under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). Each year, TEA prepares an FRC for the State as well as each district and campus in the State. FRCs for the State, the district, and each of the district’s campuses are now available at the link provided above.
If you have difficulty accessing the information from the website, hard copies of the reports can be requested from the district or campus office.
If you have any questions concerning the FRC (or the corresponding explanatory documents), please contact:
Rayyan Amine, PhD.
Chief of School Improvement & Accountability
281-498-8110 ext. 29082
Reporte Federal de Calificaciones 2022-2023
Primavera del 2024
Estimado(s) padre(s),
Alief ISD se dirige a ustedes para informarles que el Reporte Federal de Calificaciones (FRC) 2022-2023 para las escuelas y el distrito está publicado en el sitio web del distrito:
Mejoramiento y Responsabilidad Educativa (School Improvement and Accountability)
Resumen del Reporte Federal de Calificaciones (FRC)
El FRC es un reporte obligatorio bajo la Ley Federal Cada Estudiante Triunfa (ESSA) del 2015. Cada año, la Agencia de Educación de Texas (TEA) prepara un FRC para el Estado de Texas, así como para cada distrito y escuela en el estado. Los reportes, para el Estado, el distrito y cada una de sus escuelas están ya disponibles en el enlace que aparece arriba.
Si tienen alguna dificultad para el acceso a la información desde el sitio web, pueden solicitar copias impresas de los reportes en las oficinas del distrito o de las escuelas.
Si tienen alguna pregunta sobre el FRC (o los documentos con las explicaciones correspondientes), favor de comunicarse con:
Dra. Rayyan Amine
Directora General de Mejoramiento y Responsabilidad Educativa
281-498-8110, extensión 29082