Tiger Gazette

Our Vision
Collectively, we will rise to the occasion to increase student achievement, growth, and mastery, no excuses!
Important Dates
Mar 20: Sneaker Ball, 5:30-7:30PM
Mar 21: Teacher Work Day (No School Students)
Mar 14: Career Fair 9:30-Noon
Mar 25: School Council Meeting, Virtual 5PM
Mar 27: Report Cards Issued
Mar 28: Club Day, 2PM
Apr 2: Quarter 3 Awards Ceremony, 10:30AM
Apr 3: Paraprofessionals Appreciation Day
Apr 4: School Librarian Appreciation Day
Apr 7: Assistant Principal Appreciation Week, Ends April 11
Apr 7: Quarter 3 Principal List & A/B Honor Dress Down Day
Apr 8: iReady Math Assessment 9-11AM
Apr 9: iReady Reading Assessment 9-11AM
Apr 11: Quarter 3 Perfect Attendance Ice Cream Party
Apr 16: Club Day, 2PM
Apr 17: iReady Color Run, 2PM
Apr 22: School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Apr 23: Administrative Professionals Appreciation Day
Apr 18-25: Spring Break
Attendance Matters Winner for March 3 to March 7
Student Birthdays in March
Parents, Check Your Child's Grades & Attendance
School Improvement Council (SIC) Calendar
Bell Schedule
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Students who arrive to school after 8:00 a.m. must report to the main office with a parent or guardian and sign-in with the receptionist. If the student does not bring a valid reason for being tardy, the sign-in will count as an unexcused tardy for regular classes and an unexcused absence if he/she is enrolled in a course for high school credit that period. If a student is late to a class and he/she does not have a pass from a teacher, staff member, or the front office, he/she will be marked tardy.
Students who arrive to school after 8:00 are reported at tardy. A parent or guardian must report to the office with the student. Tardy student will not be permitted to class without a parent or guardian. A student who arrives late to class without a pass, throughout the school day, is tardy.
- Tardy to School: Students tardy to school will not be admitted without an admit pass from the PowerSchool Clerk, main office, or from an administrator.
- Tardy to Class: See table below:
Students who become ill during the school day should request to go to the nurse. If the nurse is not available, students will report to the PowerSchool Clerk Office, and he/she will notify parents of the illness. The student must be signed out by his/her parent or other responsible person designated by the parent and listed on the student’s registration card. All students who are picked up early from school will be signed out through the PowerSchool Clerk Office or the Main Office.
Parents/guardians must sign off on the sign-out sheet that is kept in the Main Office.
If a student must leave school early, the parent/guardian must show valid ID, sign the student out documenting the time dismissed, and provide the purpose of the dismissal. If a person other than the parent/guardian is picking the student up, he or she must be on the parent/guardian-approved list, show valid ID, complete the sign out sheet documenting the leave time and leave purpose.
It is our goal to accommodate parents as much as possible. However, for safety reasons and to protect the high levels of teaching and learning occurring on our campus all students requiring early dismissal must be signed out by 2:30pm. No student will be called to the office for early dismissal after 2:30 pm. No Exceptions!
Allendale-Fairfax County Schools Dress Code
Shirts, vests, sweaters, and sweatshirts. For the purpose of this policy, shirts, vests, sweaters and sweatshirts are referred to as tops. To that end, TOPS must be the approved school’s solid colors.
- Students shall wear plain shirts with a collar.
- Shirts may have school-approved/manufactured logos. Logo shall not be larger than 1" inch.
- Shirts may not exceed one size larger than necessary as determined by the school administrator.
- All shirttails, regardless of style, make or design, must be tucked in. Exceptions may be made for preschool and kindergarten students as needed by administration.
- Students may wear vests, sweaters or sweatshirts without hoods that allow the collar to be exposed over school uniforms. The vest, sweater or sweatshirts shall be the school approved colors or coordinate with school colors (i.e. argyle) and may not exceed one size larger or smaller than necessary as determined by the school administrator. Jackets with hoods may be worn but only with a full-length zipper.
- School T-shirts can be worn on designated dress down days, field days and special field trips as determined by the school administrator.
- Tank tops or sleeveless tee shirts are not allowed. All clothing must cover the stomach, back and sides from the shoulder to the waist; no backless dresses or halter tops; necklines must be appropriate. Garments shall assure modesty when the student is seated or engaged in school activities.
For the purposes of this document pants, skirts, skorts, jumpers, capri pants and shorts are referred to as bottoms. To that end, BOTTOMS must be the approved school colors. Denim jeans are not permitted. Principals may make exceptions for special field trips.
- Bottoms must be free of graphics and embroidery. With the exception of small labels, bottoms may not have insignias, words or pictures.
- Shorts, skirts, skorts, dresses and jumpers will be no shorter than 2½" above the knee or knee joint in the back when standing. Mini-skirts or mini-dresses are not allowed.
- Cargo-style pants or shorts are not permitted.
- Clothing shall not exceed one size larger than necessary as determined by the school administrator.
- Baggy or sagging pants or shorts are not permitted.
- Rolled up pants legs are not allowed.
- "Low rise" clothing is not permitted.
- Bottoms (excluding jumpers) shall be worn at the natural waistline and properly fitted to prevent sagging.
- Belts shall be worn in pants, skirts, skorts or shorts that have belt loops. Exceptions may be made for preschool and kindergarten students as needed by administration. Belts must be buckled and tucked in loops. Belt buckles must not be oversized or have any writing that is considered offensive.
- Pants must be worn at the waist. No denim jeans, sweatpants, running shorts, joggers, spandex, or cargo pants are permitted.
- Tights, leggings, jeggings, or jegging-style pants cannot be worn as bottoms.
- Flip flops, crocs or slippers are not permitted.
- Heelys and Stilettos are not permitted.
Head coverings of any kind including, but not limited to, hats, caps, bandanas, curlers, masks, visors, kerchiefs, athletic sweatbands, earmuffs, sunglasses, or hoods are not permitted. Head coverings will not be worn, carried, hung on belts or around the neck or kept in classrooms during regular school hours.
Allendale-Fairfax Schools Code of Conduct & Bus Discipline Policy
Student Devices Damage & Repair Policy & Fees
It is the student's responsibility to maintain proper care while under their use. However, if the iPad is damaged under their use, the student will be fined a fee. Damages include cracked or shattered screen or any other physical damage. If fines are unpaid, extracurricular activities such as athletics, field trips, social dances, and graduation may be denied. Fees are listed below.
- iPad Replacement: $480
- Charging block & cable Replacement Cost: $40.00
- Case Cost: $30.00