PBIS Newsletter 2020 - 2021
3rdQ Edition: Centering Equity & Belonging in School Culture
Professional Learning Opportunties and Topics
Seeking support for yourself or your staff? We are here for you.
Are you or your staff seeking support around PBIS, SEL, Restorative Practices, Efficacy, or other School Culture and Climate work? Explore some options below that can help you in your efforts in continuous improvement. Reach out to pbis@pghschools.org
School Culture Professional Learning Session Topics:
Building Cultural Competence through Care
Childhood Trauma and Trauma Sensitive Teaching
Overview of Social Emotional Learning and Reflective Teaching
SEL, Student Engagement and Self-Care Strategies for Educators
Tier 2 Readiness and Resources
Setting Expectations and Student Engagement for Positive Behaviors
Effective Classroom Practices (Management) Strategies
Using the PBIS Dashboard for Data Informed Decision Making
Virtual PLCs
Coming in February - Acknowledging and Incentivizing Student Behavior
Supporting a Community of Learners
Intended Audience: New Teachers (1-3 years)
When?: February 2021 - Date TBD
We will have an opportunity to develop a toolbox of best practices and:
Learn from one another
Reflect on our practice the best outcomes
Deepen an understanding of the district’s initiatives that support a positive climate and culture
Share ideas that support professional growth and development
If you have any questions about the event please reach out to your Learning Environment Specialist or reach out to one of the forum facilitators who can guide you...
- Pam Goncar - Network A
- Donna Ervin - Network D
- Kiley Krizan - Network E
- Dr. Rhonda Threet - Network E
- Dr. Eva Allen - Student Support Services
What is Belonging?
Restorative Practice - Fair Process
One of the basic tenets of restorative practices is called “fair process.” “People are happier, more cooperative and productive, and more likely to make positive changes in behavior when those in authority do things with them, rather than to them or for them,” from a statement of the International Institute of Restorative Practices (IIRP). A catchy way to remember this is, “a decision made without me is against me.”
There are three ‘E’ principles to fair process: Engagement, Explanation, and Expectation Clarity.
- Engagement — involving individuals in decisions that affect them by listening to their views and genuinely taking their opinions into account
- Explanation — explaining the reasoning behind a the decision to everyone who has been involved or who is affected by it
- Expectation Clarity — making sure that everyone clearly understands a decision and what is expected of them in the future (Kim & Mauborgne, 1997)
In real life, this boils down to having a dialogue with those involved about the decisions. This ensures that everyone understands the decisions and knows what is expected of them, and what are the consequences for not abiding by the agreements.
Reflection Question - Do we use fair process in our practice with students?
Social Emotional Learning
Mindful Cafe
Anyone can participate! Students, Families, and PPS staff are welcome to join the community session that works best for them. Lessons last approximately 20 minutes. Choose your 20-minute window(s) from the times below.
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays
- Morning Sessions: 7:30, 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00 and 11:30
- Afternoon Sessions: Noon, 12:30 and 1:00
While you're welcome to join any day, Tuesdays are focused on the Elementary School Community (grades K-5), Wednesdays are focused on the Middle School Community (grades 6-8), and Thursdays are focused on the High School Community (grades 9-12).
Did you know the definition of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) has changed?
CASEL is committed to a continuous process of learning, examining, and collaboratively refining the understanding of SEL. Click here to explore the updates across definitions and framework to highlight an expanded vision and growing research base for SEL that takes into account the critical aspect of EQUITY.
Rethink Ed - Parent SEL Resources
Where to turn for support?
Learning Environment Specialists
Leading, Elevating, and Serving (LES) in PPS
How we support...
- Support the execution and implementation of District-wide initiatives that promote racial equity, positive school culture, climate, and desired outcomes such as Restorative. Practice, Positive Behavior Interventions, and Supports (PBIS), Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), and Culturally Responsive Practices.
- Provide formative coaching and differentiated support in remote and traditional settings for principals, leadership teams, and teachers.
- Serve on the School-based PBIS leadership team. Assist in establishing systems and structures and implementing the process.
- Provide formative support and coaching to a caseload of new teachers and other teachers identified by principals and assistant superintendents within the school or network.
- Facilitate site-based professional learning opportunities focused on improving culture and climate (i.e., PBIS, Relationship Building, Classroom Management, SEL, Restorative Practice, to name a few)
- Assist in implementing strategies in the School Improvement Plan.
- Collaboratively plan and co-facilitate district-wide professional development on a wide variety of topics related to school culture and climate.
Support PBIS teams in data collection, analysis, and action planning.
- Provide resources, materials, and guidance around best practices to support a positive learning environment.
The role of the LES is critical to supporting schools with the successful implementation of district-wide systems and structures that promote effective practices and cultivate a positive and supportive school culture. LESs play an essential role in meeting the foundational objectives outlined in the strategic plan, impacting school culture, and climate.
Building Based LES: Dorreen Allen, Faison; Linda Bailey, Westinghouse; Clinetta Jackson, Morrow; Erin Johnson, PCA; Michele Masdea, Langley
- Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Spring 2021 Window March 1st - May 1st
- Completed or Updated Action Plan - Due June 15
- Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) Spring 2021 Window - March 1st - May 1st (All Staff with a minimum of 80% total staff participation)
Student Support Services
Virtual Calming Room
We know that during these difficult times we are all experiencing a wide range of anxiety and emotions. We understand that you may be feeling scared, confused, overwhelmed, angry, alone, grateful, or completely calm - sometimes all at once. We created this site to give you a virtual space that you could turn to when you need a break, or just want to spend some time rejuvenating.
We want you to know that our PPS Student Support Services Department wants to be here to assist you in any way possible, beginning with this virtual space. This Virtual Calming Room is a place for students, families and staff to find tools and strategies for managing emotions and feelings and building our resilience during this pandemic.
Missed previous issues? Click Below for Inspiration, Materials, and Resources
2020-2021 First Quarter Edition
2019-2020 Past Issues
(Resources can also be found within the newsletters.)
About Us - Student Support Services
Dr. Rodney Necciai, Assistant Superintendent of Student Support Services
Monika Pugh, Director, Student Support Services-School Counselors,
Dr. Eva Allen, Learning Environment Specialist, Student Support Services, 412-529-3546
Please contact Monika Pugh or Dr. Eva Allen with any questions. Emails and photographs sharing good news, student and school success stories, and any exciting events are also welcomed (and may be featured in our PBIS Newsletter).
Email: pbis@pghschools.org
Website: https://www.pghschools.org/domain/1346
Location: 341 S. Bellefield Ave.
Phone: 412-529-3950
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ppsstudentsupportservices/