The Tuesday Notice
October 22, 2024
This Week
Thurs, Oct 24 & Fri, Oct 25: NO SCHOOL - Parent Teacher Conferences (see sign up below)
Next Week
Mon, Oct 28: Pumpkin Delivery to ACORN garden, 8:30 a.m.
Wed, Oct 30: Pumpkin Carving with buddy classes (see details below)
Thurs, Oct 31: Halloween Celebration, HALF DAY (Friday pick-up times)
And Beyond!
Mon, Nov 4: Class 4 meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Wed, Nov 6: Kindergarten, Classes 2, 6 & 8 meetings, 6:30 p.m.
Thurs, Nov 7: 1st Grade Lantern Walk, 5:00 p.m. on campus
Mon, Nov 11: NO SCHOOL - Veteran's Day
Dear Families,
We are so excited to celebrate Halloween with our students this year! It’s a wonderful opportunity for fun, creativity, and community building. As we prepare for this festive day, I want to ask your help to ensure that costumes are thoughtful and considerate of others, so that Halloween is a day everyone is safe, honored, and respected.
Please take a moment to talk with your student about their costume choice, ensuring it doesn’t portray a stereotyped image of a culture or group of people. It’s important to avoid costumes that could be offensive to any racial, ethnic, or religious group, as well as to individuals with disabilities. Costumes should not turn a person’s identity into a stereotype. While students might want to dress as a famous person or character whose identity is different from their own, please remind them not to use makeup to change or darken their skin color to match the person they’re dressing as. Many students are unaware of the long history these practices have of causing harm, and we need to help them understand why it can be hurtful.
Some examples of problematic costumes include: Indigenous American attire involving headdresses or feathers, dressing as a homeless person, wearing a mustache and sombrero, dressing as a geisha, or portraying someone with any physical or mental disability. Any costume that reinforces negative or narrow stereotypes about a specific ethnicity, religion, or race should be avoided.
Halloween Guidelines
As you and your student choose costumes for Halloween, here are a few reminders to keep the day fun and enjoyable for everyone:
- Be creative and mindful that we have young students on campus.
- Please avoid scary costumes, blood, or weapons (even fake weapons). Let’s keep it light and fun!
- If you’re unsure whether your child’s costume is appropriate, please check with their teacher ahead of time.
- No candy should be brought to school on or after Halloween.
We are excited to celebrate this special day with all of our students and appreciate your support and cooperation in making it a fun, thoughtful, and positive experience.
Fall Conferences, October 24 & 25
Please take a moment to view your Parent-Teacher Conferences by clicking the link HERE. The link is now closed. and all subsequent changes must be made through the office.
If you cannot make the times available, please contact your teacher. Please note, make-up conferences are reserved for emergencies only. Two household families, please sign up for ONE conference time.
Conference Childcare
We’re excited to be able to offer childcare for conferences! Childcare will be available from 8:00 to 4:00 on Thursday and 8:00 to 3:00 on Friday. Children stay free during your conference time, beyond that time childcare is $10/hour (cash or check only please). Childcare funds go to our dedicated 8th grade students for their 8th grade trip fundraising!
Families new to the Siskiyou School
If your family is new to the Siskiyou School we'd like to invite you to sit for a welcome moment with Sarah Collins, our Events and Fundraising Coordinator. Please sign up for a time during our conferences, on the first sheet for conferences, you can't miss it!
School Directory
Directories are starting to come home with your children today and some may be handed out at conferences. If you are a current school family and do not receive one by next week, please see the link below or contact the office at 541-482-8223.
Help with Pumpkin Carving
Halloween is made so special here with over a hundred grinning jack-o-lanterns arrayed in Pine Hall. Come help the children carve with their buddies on Wednesday, October 30th. Different classes carve at different times, click HERE to sign up and help! Thank you!
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found will be out at the front of the school during conferences. That missing sweater or water bottle wants to come home with you! Items will be donated to Goodwill after Friday, October 25.
School Photos from Bryon DeVore
School photos are now online! Yay!
- Go to
- Click on "Your School Photos" in the menu at the top.
- Find The Siskiyou School at the top of the list.
The ORDERING DEADLINE for photos is in two weeks, Sunday, Oct. 27th.
Winter Assembly Fundraising
Help us get to the Bowmer! We'd like to invite our grandparents and grand-friends to a fundraising opportunity to help fund the Winter Assembly at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival's Angus Bowmer Theater.
We'd love to be able to invite all of our friends, family members, and community to watch the Winter Assembly with us. In order to accommodate all our friends, we'd like to rent the Bowmer Theater from OSF. However, the cost of renting the space is beyond our current budget.
If you'd like to help us open the doors to a larger audience for the Winter Assembly, please click the link below and donate $300 to our fund. In exchange, we're happy to offer you 4 reserved seats in the theatre along with recognition of your help in the Winter Assembly fundraising.
Thank you!
Raven Class - 6th Grade
The wonderful Raven class has just completed their discovery and understanding of the first 600 years of Rome. We learned many new things. To name a few, we studied the incredible heroic journey of Aeneas as depicted in the Aeneid. His bravery included escaping the Trojan War with his blind father on his shoulders and his young son at his side. With the Gods on his side, he courageously leads his people on a wild quest, traveling to Carthage, defeating the underworld, and subsequently finding a new city for his people called Latium, which eventually became the home of Rome, named after Rome’s first ruling King, Romulus. We then studied the Seven Kings of Rome, The Republic of Rome, and The Punic Wars, including the monumental success of Hannibal crossing the Alps with his army and African Elephants ready to fight the Romans with the hopes of once and for all stopping the dominating rule of Rome occupying all the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. We completed our erudition of Rome by learning about Julius Caesar, one of Rome’s most memorable and momentous figures. More than 2,000 years after his brutal assassination, Caesar’s military, charisma, and political achievements transformed ancient Rome into one of the greatest empires ever. He even inspired other leaders to emulate him.
The Raven class enjoyed this block study immensely. They were captivated by the stories! So much so that they are eager to begin part two of Rome this Winter as we tackle the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. If you have a moment at drop-off or pick-up, please stop by the office to see their beautiful main lesson drawings on Ancient Rome.
~ Mrs. Chlebowski
Our community classifieds are posted as a service to our Siskiyou School families and our broader community. If you would like to include something in the classifieds, email your text (a few lines in length) or an image file (png or jpg only), to no later than Monday by 3:00 pm. We may edit it for space purposes. Classifieds are included for two weeks, require a break for a week, and then can be renewed upon request.
Coming up at the Siskiyou School! Learn songs for the winter season with Rogue World Music.
Kitten Available
Greetings everyone,
We have a male kitten, 14 weeks old, who is looking for his forever home. He is such a sweetheart! Please call Sarah @ (530) 680-3772 if you are wanting more info or ready to give him a home.
Thank you!
Kids Craft Class during Halloween Week
We are trying something new and offering a Kids Craft Class during Halloween week. It's just one hour per session, Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday from 11-12. All materials are included, we are taking 7 kids per class, ages 7-12. Is there a Siskiyou School Facebook Group or email list you could help me spread the word to? Here is a link with more details and registration:
Gently Used Diapers for Sale
BumGenius organic cotton cloth diapers for sale. $120 for 12 shells and 26 inserts. Super soft and very absorbent. Pristine condition. No blowouts and baby stays dry all night so less waking. Adjustable snaps and grows with baby from 3 months to 3 years. If interested please text Vivian or Charlie at 541-414-9644 or 541-414-7375. Happy to give cleaning tips to make using these a breeze.
The Siskiyou School
Location: 631 Clay Street, Ashland, OR, USA
Phone: 541-482-8223