Smithfield Elementary News
November 2021
Message from the Principal
Hello Smithfield Families!
What an amazing October we've had at Smithfield Elementary! Our students enjoyed picking pumpkins from our "pumpkin patch" and using them to complete pumpkin activities throughout the day, and participated in our annual Character Parade on Oct. 29th. Our PTO and families have been doing an amazing job with the Read-a-Thon this month! - we've made over $8,000 so far! Keep up the awesome reading! Our new design for the Student of the Month celebration was also a great success - it was great seeing so many family members join the celebration virtually! Thanks to all families who volunteered during our Trunk-or-Treat event this past Friday night. The students were so excited by all that was offered! We look forward to another month filled with learning and motivational activities during November. Don't forget to check out upcoming events in the November calendar below... As always, if you have any questions, please call our office at (570) 421-2841.
Kristin Lord
Calendar of Events at Smithfield Elementary
1st One District, One Book Kick off - The One and Only Ivan
1st Impact Survey arriving for parents via Community Portal
1st- 12th School-Wide Positive Behavior Support program - Food Drive
3rd Star Student of the Month Celebration
9th PTO Meeting 6-8 pm
11th Progress Reports posted to Community Portal
12th Lifetouch Picture Retake Day Link
15-19th School-wide Positive Behavior Support Program - Spirit Week
22th Parent Teacher Conferences 12-8pm
23th Parent Teacher Conferences 8:30-2pm
24th Teacher In Service - NO SCHOOL
25 -29th Thanksgiving Holiday - NO SCHOOL
Dec 2nd - Virtual Family Math Night 6:30-7:30 pm
Click Here for ESASD calendar (also found at
PTO Meeting
Tuesday, Nov 9, 2021, 06:00 PM
The Reading Nook
Reading Nook Section:
Hello Smithfield Families!
For the month of November, all six elementary schools in the East Stroudsburg Area School District will participate in One District, One Book. The book is The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate. This event is to promote family literacy through a district-wide book club. Everyone (students, families, teachers, support staff, community members) reads the same book at the same time. Our school and community will be saturated with literacy while sharing a love of reading at school and at home. On Wednesday, October 27th, your student(s) should have received their book, letter, calendar, and weekly trivia questions to begin reading on Monday, November 1st. Happy reading!
Calentar & Weekly Trivia Questions
Counselor Corner - Newsletter and resources!
Our guidance counselors are ready to assist!
Photo of Mrs. Rovi and Mrs. Osmun below.
ESASD Attendance and Truancy Procedures
Email for Attendance Notes
Birthday Celebrations
Until further notice, all classroom birthday celebrations are on hold. Please do not send any items prepackaged (or otherwise) from home to share with others.
The cafeteria is in the process of bringing back their Birthday Basket package that parents/guardians will be able to purchase to celebrate their child's special day. More information and order forms will be released from Food Services soon.
In keeping with health and safety, the ESASD Birthday Basket option will be the only type of birthday celebration permitted at this time.
Join Smithfield's Class Dojo for Building Updates
CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program) and Medicaid
For Pennsylvanians who have lost health coverage or are currently uninsured and need coverage for themselves or their children.
Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC)
The Pennsylvania Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
WIC income guidelinesOpens In A New Window