Newsletter 5, Week 10 Term 1
Waiau School ⎪ 8th April 2022
Kia ora,
Welcome to our last newsletter for Term 1. It has been a busy term for students and staff and everyone will be able to use the holiday break to be mask free and recharge ready for term 2.
In a few weeks we will have the annual school cross country to look forward to and I can’t wait to see our students demonstrate their determination out on the course. It will be great to have our Waiau School community supporting the students at this event on the 20th May.
Preparation is underway for Room 2’s camp in Christchurch and we will share the details early in term 2.
In this edition of our newsletter we have shared some of the creative poems that our students have been writing. Food seems to be a popular topic and generates some super poetic writing. I know that Room 1 enjoyed their 'popcorn' learning this week because when I visited they were all fully engaged in their lesson!
It is lovely to see our older students work alongside our younger students each morning before 9 o'clock, helping with learning alphabet letters/sounds and sight words. This is a true Tuakana/teina relationship and one which is so evident in our Waiau School setting, across all aspects of what we do.
Presently we have families in our school community that are feeling the full effects of covid and we wish them all a speedy recovery.
Ngā manaakitanga
With best wishes,
Easter cuppa and a catch up
Eastmond Trophy
Congratulations to Sophie Lawton The winner of the Eastmond Cup, for the most improvement in swimming this year.
PTA Meeting
Wednesday, 13th April - 7.30pm School Library
We are looking at bringing back our school PTA to help support our school by co-ordinating parent helpers, organising fun school events and helping to maintain our strong school community.
There is no big time requirements needed. It is a great opportunity to meet other parents and feel part of the school community. If you would like to come along please get in touch with Courtney Pemberton - courtneyridings@yahoo.co.nz
Fish and Chip Mufti
On the last day of the term we are having a mufti day to support Big Brother, Big Sisters North Canterbury. We are asking for a gold coin donation.
In keeping with the Waiau School tradition we will also be putting in orders for lunch from Brenda’s on Lyndon. So please bring along your order with correct change in a named envelope on Thursday morning.
Brendas on Lyndon - Menu
Kids Burgers
Cheese Burger $5.50
Chicken Burger $5.50
Plain Burger $5.00
Adults Burgers
Cheese Burger $7.00
Chicken Burger $9.00
Scoop of chips $4.00
1/2 Scoop of chips $2.50
Hot Dog $3.00
Crumbed Hoki $3.50
Chicken Nuggets $5.00 (5 nuggets)
Chicken Tender $2.00
Gluten Free
Chicken Nuggets $1 each
Fries $2.50
Thank you!
Thank you to Ben Ferguson and the team at Waiau Enterprises for removing and re-seeding the dirt pile from along the hedge and spraying the field for weeds at no charge A big thank you! It's looking great! (No more bee stings!)
Tee Ball / Softball Fun with Rotherham School
Anzac Day.
This year Waiau is hosting the Anzac Day Ceremony. Next week the Room 2 children are going to be learning about what Anzac Day means and why we celebrate it. We would like to invite students that are available on the 25th April to come to the ceremony and we will have a student place a wreath on behalf of the school.
The service starts at the Community Hall at 10am and we will walk up to the Monument together. More details will be in next week's Waiau Citizen.
Bus Duty Supervisor
Position available: on a fortnightly basis we require a responsible adult that can supervise our bus pupils from 3 - 3:45pm. This is a paid position and will require police vetting in order to ensure we have the best person looking after our tamariki.
Please contact either myself or Liv to find out more details or to express an interest.
Room 2 - Five Senses Poetry
Room 1 - Poetry
Waiau School Trailride 14th - 15th May 2022 (Save the Date!)
Assembly Awards
Our Class Super Whetū Awards
Room 1 - Samantha Shroder-Perrin for writing amazing and interesting 'wow' words in her poems.
Room 2 - Ella Armstrong for showing perseverance when learning her Group 2 spelling words.
'Welcome' certificate for Mia Humphreys who is our newest member of Waiau School.
Upcoming Events
- Easter cuppa and a catch up - Thursday, April 14. 2.30pm
- Term 1 Ends - Thursday, April 14
- Good Friday (School Closed) - Friday, April 15
- Term 2 Begins - Monday, May 2
- Kapahaka - to resume Term 2
- Waiau School Trailride May 14th -15th (Please keep this weekend free)
- Cross Country - Friday, May 20
Community Dental Service - Dental Care During the School Holidays
Due to the on-going pressures on our health system from Omicron, we will be providing limited dental care at 2 of our clinics over the upcoming school break. Most of our dental team continue to be redeployed to support the delivery of essential health services.
Could the following be included in your newsletters or sent directly to parents’ mailboxes?
The Community Dental Service will be providing urgent and relief of pain appointments during the school break at:
Aranui Community Dental Clinic, 240 Breezes Road, Christchurch
Hornby Community Dental Clinic, 2 Hei Hei Road, Christchurch
You can access these appointments by calling our Contact Centre on 0800 846 983.
For any dental advice please call the Contact Centre on 0800 846 983 or email
Contact Us
Email: office@waiau.school.nz
Website: https://waiau.school.nz/
Location: Waiau School 11 Montrose Street, Waiau 7332, New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 315 6027
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Waiau-School/100057444370147/