The Boeckman Buzz
August 2nd, 2024
A Note from Principal Sage
BMS Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
For our new families, the Boeckman Buzz is a newsletter sent out weekly on Sundays that will highlight important information and upcoming events at BMS!
Our mission at Boeckman Middle School is a learner-centered community committed to personalization that nurtures curiosity, to ensure each learner exercises ownership for continuous personal growth to have a positive impact on themselves and their communities.
During the school year, we will send out a weekly newsletter that highlights and celebrates our learners! We will also include dates and important information coming from Boeckman.
We are excited to welcome all of our learners back to Boeckman Middle School! Many of you are anxiously awaiting your schedule for the upcoming school year, which we are in the midst of creating. Schedules will go live for families on August 19th at 9:00 am.
In order to see schedules in mid-August, you must have Campus Portal (Infinite Campus). If you need your Campus Portal setup, please call the BMS main office as soon as possible at 651-460-1400. In addition to giving you access to your student’s schedule, Campus Portal will give you access to your student’s records that include, bus route numbers (available August 23rd), attendance, and their academic progress throughout the school year. After being requested, an invitation will arrive from Campus Portal within 48 hours of your call. Please call as soon as possible so you are able to access your electronic schedule when they go live.
I would like to personally invite you to attend our Open House Night on Tuesday, August 27th, from 2:00 - 7:00 pm. This will be a great time to bring our Boeckman Middle School community together, meet teachers and other families, and learn about the upcoming school year. Students will have the opportunity to pick up their official schedules, tour the building, find their lockers, and have their school pictures taken. We will also have Kona Ice on site for a summer treat. Please see below for more detail. I hope to see each of you at the Open House!
On Tuesday, September 3rd, school will only be held for 6th grade students. This is part of our WEB orientation. Please note that 7th and 8th graders will not have school on September 3rd. Their first day of school will be Wednesday, September 4th.
On behalf of the entire BMS family, we are excited for a great year! Please review these materials carefully to assist you in preparing for the upcoming school year. If you have any questions regarding this information, please feel free to call the BMS office at 651-460-1400.
Enjoy the remainder of your summer!
Joe Sage, Principal
Important Dates
Monday, August 19........................................Schedules go live for learners on Infinite Campus
Friday, August 23 ...........................................Bus Routes will be available in Campus
Tuesday, August 27, 2:00pm-7:00pm............BMS Open House
Tuesday, September 3....................................First Day of School (6th Grade Only)
Wednesday, September 4th...........................All Learners Attend
Calendar Changes for School Year 2024-25
In 2023 the Minnesota legislature passed the READ ACT which requires additional professional development specific to literacy instruction. In response to the time needed, the district has added three more professional development days to the 2024-25 school calendar at the elementary level only. These added professional development days will not impact the secondary level (middle and high school). You can find the updated 2024-2025 Year-at-a-Glance calendar on the district website here.
Cell Phone Policy
The school board recently approved policy 1022 around personal technology use for the 2024-2025 school year and beyond. We wanted to take a moment to let our families know about how this will affect our learning communities moving forward.
Starting with the 2024-2025 school year at Boeckman and Dodge Middle Schools, cell phones will need to remain silent and kept out of sight during the school day. This will be from when students enter the building until they leave. More detailed information around procedures for the policy will be communicated from each building later this summer and into the fall.
Transportation Reminders
If families were utilizing a daycare address for school transportation in elementary school, those daycares addresses are removed as students transition to middle school. Marschall Line routes to and from the primary address on file. If a change is needed (i.e. add grandparents, add back a daycare, or alternate address for dual households) you should reach out to Marschall Line ASAP. Families can call 651-463-8689 anytime between the hours of 7 am and 5 pm or send an email (preferred) to
Transportation information will be available to view on Infinite Campus on Friday 8/23/24. If students have dual addresses they will only see one of the addresses and will need to call for the secondary address information.
BMS 24-25 Calendar
Here is a link to the BMS 2024-25 Calendar.
6th Grade WEB Orientation Letter
Here is a link to the 6th Grade WEB Orientation Letter. Orientation Day for 6th grade students is the first day of school, September 3rd from 8:45 am - 3:30 pm. Please read the letter for more information.
7th Grade Immunization Information
Here is a link for the 7th Grade Immunization Information. Updated immunization records must be submitted no later than September 5th. Please see the link for more detailed information.
2024-25 Supplies List
School supply lists have been posted to the BMS Website. If you are in need of school supplies, please contact the BMS office.
PBIS Parent Guide
The purpose of PBIS at Robert Boeckman Middle School is to foster an environment of responsibility, integrity, and compassion maximizing the potential of every learner to be academically, socially, emotionally and behaviorally competent.
24-25 Health Office Reminders
Students will need to have up to date medication orders for fall. These must be signed by your medical provider as well as a parent or guardian. These may be emailed to me at any time over summer or provided to the building nurses when we return.
New medications may be given to the nurses when school resumes. All medications including over the counter items must have an annual provider order on file.
If your student has a special health need such as Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Epilepsy or Diabetes, we must receive doctor orders/action plans prior to school beginning. These must be updated annually and signed by your provider and a parent or guardian.
If your student has had a prior health plan the district nurse will be emailing you the updated version for review. If you are new to the district or have an incoming student with a special health need please reach out over the summer.
Minnesota Immunization Law 121A requires that children enrolled in school to be immunized again certain diseases or file a legal medical or conscientious exemption. Each student is required to show proof of receiving the necessary immunizations or provide a notarized statement of medical or conscientious objection to immunization. Please submit your child’s immunizations records as soon as possible and no later than the first day of school.
There are current vaccine requirements for kindergarten, 7th and 12th grade.
Please contact your medical provider if your child is due for immunizations.
We will exclude students who do not have the proper paperwork on file.
If you do not have health insurance that covers the cost of immunizations please refer to Dakota County Public Health at
Please call with any questions or concerns.
Sayra Maberry, RN, LSN
Health Services Coordinator
Starting Tiger Strong Immunization Clinic
Do you have a K-12 student in need of immunization assistance for the upcoming school year? On Wednesday August 28, 2024 at Farmington High School from 3pm – 6pm, Dakota County Public Health will be on-site providing back to school immunizations for students who meet MnVFC eligibility. Students that would qualify for this immunization clinic are enrolled in Medical Assistance (MA), MinnesotaCare, Prepaid Medical Assistance Program (PMAP), are uninsured, have insurance that does not cover vaccines, or students who are American Indian and Alaskan Native. If you have any questions about the clinic please contact Sayra Maberry, District Health Coordinator ( or Kate Adams, District School Social Worker (
Tiene un estudiante de K-12 que necesita asistencia con vacunas para el próximo año escolar? El miércoles 28 de agosto de 2024 en Farmington High School de 3 p. m. a 6 p. m., Salud Pública del Condado de Dakota estará en el lugar brindando vacunas de regreso a clases a los estudiantes que cumplan con los requisitos de elegibilidad para MnVFC. Los estudiantes que calificarían para esta clínica de vacunación están inscritos en Asistencia Médica (MA), MinnesotaCare, Programa de Asistencia Médica Prepaga (PMAP), no tienen seguro, tienen un seguro que no cubre vacunas, o son indios americanos y nativos de Alaska. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la clínica, comuníquese con Sayra Maberry, Coordinadora de Salud del Distrito ( o Kate Adams, Trabajadora Social Escolar del Distrito (
Attendance Line
iPad Loan Agreement
Returning students to Boeckman Middle School and/or families new to ISD 192 (including those incoming 6th-grade students) who elected NOT to sign out their iPads for the summer, will receive their iPads during the school day this year within the first couple weeks back to school. Families must complete the online user agreement and protection plan option for the 2024-25 school year before students receive their iPads. Any student that does not have a current user agreement and protection plan selection will not receive his/her iPad until the required documentation is received. You can access the iPad Loan Agreement and indicate your iPad protection plan preference by going to the main district iPad Loan Agreement page.
***Families/Students that elected to sign out their iPads for the summer DO NOT need to complete any of the above steps as you completed everything in the spring. You are set to go for the school year!
+++If you receive free or reduced lunch, have applied for, and have been approved for Educational Benefits for 2024/2025, the fee to enroll in the iPad Protection Plan should show as zero. The application for Educational Benefits must be filled out every year.
Free Meals for Kids Mobile App
Only a click away, the Free Meals for Kids mobile app will help families and kids find free meals at schools and other sites across Minnesota.
How it works:
- Download the Free Meals for Kids app to your cell phone.
- Use the app to find the nearest site providing meals by GPS.
- Click on the nearby site and use the Site Updates tab for more details.
- Share the app with friends, neighbors and on social media.
Free Meals for Kids can be downloaded at Apple or Google Play app stores. There are free meal sites across the state at schools and community locations. The app provides location, directions to the site and hours and days of operation. More sites are added daily. For more information:
Download the free app via the app store on your smartphone, simply search "Free Meals for Kids”
App Store:
Google Play:
360 Community Summer Resources
We're Hiring!
Farmington School District has some great opportunities for you!
Click the link to apply for positions or reach out to the main office if interested.
Teachers on Call
Farmington Area Public Schools has partnered with TEACHERS ON CALL for the hiring of our substitute teachers and paraprofessionals.
If you would like to sign up to sub as a teacher or paraprofessional for the Farmington Schools you will have to apply through TOC. Please email or call TOC directly to sign up as we will no longer be filling these positions through Farmington Schools. TOC also offers many benefits including, weekly paychecks, ability to easily sub at multiple districts and many insurance benefit options.
To Apply:
For more information contact Teachers On Call (TOC): 800-713-4439
Boeckman Middle School Hours
Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm
PBIS at Boeckman Middle School
Useful Phone Numbers
School: 651-460-1400
Nurse: 651-460-1406
Food Service: 651-463-5025
Bus Company: 651-463-8689
School Fax: 651-460-1510
School Athletics: 651-252-2514
School Closing Line: 651-985-1100
Community Education: 651-460-3200
About us
The mission of BMS, a learner-centered community committed to personalization that nurtures curiosity, to ensure each learner exercises ownership for continuous personal growth to have a positive impact on themselves and their communities through:
Honoring uniqueness and valuing diverse experiences
Safe and empathetic environments that foster authentic relationships
Nurturing joy and well-being
Mistakes and reflection as essential components of learning
Partnering with our communities
Location: 800 Denmark Avenue, Farmington, MN, USA
Phone: 651-460-1400
Twitter: @BoeckmanTigers