Linden Middle School
April Newsletter
Dear LMS Families,
I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that I am transitioning into the curriculum director position at central office. LMS has been a wonderful experience. Students and staff have been so welcoming to me. I am happy to announce that Mr. Kraig Enders, our Assistant Principal, will be acting principal at Linden Middle School.
NWEA Reading & Math Assessment (Benchmark Assessment):
Week of April 10th - 6th grade & 7th grade
Week of April 17th - 8th grade students
M-STEP Testing (MDE Summative Assessment):
Week of April 24th - 7th grade (language arts & math) & 8th grade (social studies and science)
Week of May 1st - 6th grade (language arts and math)
6th Grade Team Building
6th Grade Team Building
6th Grade Team Building
8th Grade Trip to Washington DC
All students should have submitted their room requests to Mrs. McBride. This trip is an amazing experience for students, parents and chaperones. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. McBride at hmcbride@lindenschools.org.
Mr. Durant passes the MVP ball to Ms. Croff!
Mr. Allessie awarded VFW Teacher of the Year and students recognized for VFW Patriot's Pen
Be sure to include your Eagle Time teacher for your child's homeroom teacher.
LMS National Junior Honor Society
Linden Middle School
Email: cthomas@lindenschools.org
Website: https://middleschool.lindenschools.org/o/lms
Phone: 810-591-0712
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindenCommunitySchools/