Our Week Ahead
Sept. 30 - Oct. 4
TREP$ Meeting - September 30th
The first TREP$ meeting is Monday (9/30). Students will meet in Ms. Hearn's room (208) from 3:00-4:00. Please bring your permission slip if you haven't done so already. If you are unable to attend the first meeting, information will be sent to you.
School Pictures - October 1st
SchoolCraft will be on campus Tuesday for picture day. Wear your best outfit and most dapper hairstyle.
Students will bring home School Craft's QR codes following picture day. Parents will be able to order through the code.
Do you like "formless" picture day?
MP1 Midterm Point - October 2nd
Wednesday marks the halfway point of the 1st Marking Period. Now is a great time to check you student's grades on the RealTime Parent Portal. The term ends on November 1st!
Recognize & Appreciate
Firefighter Recognition and Custodian Appreciation Day are both on Wednesday, October 2nd.
Kids Bingo - October 4th
Hamburg's PTA will host KIDS BINGO on Friday (10/4). The first number will be called after 6:30.
Band Info & Sign Ups
Use the link below to sign up for band this school year. Additional information is attached below.
More to come...
Oct. 8th = PTA Meeting @ 7:30
Oct. 11th = Early Dismissal (1PM)
Oct. 14th = School Closed (Columbus Day / Staff Inservice)
Oct. 22nd = Community Fall Fair
Oct. 24th = BOE Meeting @ 6:30
Oct 25th = PTA Halloween Dance
TBD = Modified Dismissal Procedure (Wallkill Ave temporary CLOSURE)