Emmanuel Baptist Church
February 7th, 2023
EBC Family,
Hope you enjoyed the time of fellowship and chili last night. We will not be meeting next Sunday night 2/12 as many of our groups are hosting Super Bowl Fellowships. Let me encourage you, that if you are planning to watch the game, don’t do it alone. Invite a friend or two to your house - especially someone that doesn’t go to church. The Super Bowl provides a good chance to build relationships. (The women’s Philippians Bible Study will still meet at 6:00 next Sunday evening).
I have good news regarding our Administrative Assistant position. Stephenie Bunce has decided to remain in this role, albeit at fewer hours per week. Stephenie will be working weekday mornings while Katie Ramirez will be working weekday afternoons. The Personnel Committee interviewed Katie last week and is excited about her joining our Staff Ministry Team. We will vote on hiring Katie at our next Quarterly Business Meeting, Sunday night February 26 at 5:30 p.m.
I will be at a conference at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary this week, but look forward to seeing you next Sunday morning.
It is a blessing to serve Jesus with you,
Pastor Clint
The Lord's Supper February 19
Wednesday Night Meal
Wednesday, Feb 8, 2023, 05:00 PM
You're Invited - Nursery & Daycare Shower
You're Invited February 26, 2pm
Our Church Nursery/Daycare are in need of new toys. There are two ways you can help! The first way is you can donate gently used or new like toys. The second way to help is to purchase new items from our registry.
Please bring your donations to the shower.
Click the link below to go straight to the registry.
The Grove on Sunday Mornings
Children will be dismissed from family worship after the offering.
March 5th
April 2nd
May 7th
February 11th from 6pm - 8pm
Your donation will help raise money for the KIDS and Youth Summer Intern. Our goal is $2000.00. For more information please contact Roger Howell
Committee Meetings - 5pm
Finance Committee Meeting - 7pm
Quarterly Business Meeting - 5pm
Women's Book Study
Join us for this 6 week study!
GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD - Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts
By: Jennie Allen
Beginning February 19
6:00pm Sundays
Fellowship Hall
You can order the book from various sites or bookstores. If you need assistance please contact Janice Sperle
The Enduring Word Bible Museum
Friday, February 10
3:00pm - 9:00pm Come and Go
7:00pm - Presentation
Saturday, February 11
1:00pm - 6:00pm Come and Go
3:00pm - Presentation
Cost is: FREE
Family Trip - Clinton Water Zoo
The cost is $20 per person, bring the whole family!
Last Week at a Glance
Sunday, February 5th, 2023
Budget Offering
Last Sunday ......................................... $ 15,494.39
YTD Budget Needed ........................... $ 53,484.40
YTD Budget Received ......................... $ 82,846.58
This Month New Building
Receipts This month .......................... $ 8,718.00
Received This Week ........................... $ 8718.00
Grow Groups: 108
Family Worship: 172
Online: 30
Sunday Night:
Sunday Servants
Preschool Care
2/12 Jimabel Moore
2/19 Karen Antwine
2/26 Volunteer Needed
Lead Usher
2/12 Bernard Boeckman
2/19 Robert Walker
Welcome Desk
2/12 Robyn Antwine and Boys
2/19 Steve and Carol Wichert
2/26 Blanche Ford and Rebecca Henderson
Deacon of the Week
Richard Metscher
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Sunday Services
Grow Groups 9:30am
Family Worship 10:45am
Evening Study 6:00pm
Wednesday Night Activities
Church-Wide Meal 5:00pm
KIDS and Youth 6:00pm
Evening Study 6:00pm
Harbor - College 8:00pm
Website: ebcweatherford.com
Location: 719 North Kansas Street, Weatherford, OK, USA
Phone: (580)772-3413
Facebook: facebook.com/ebcwford