February 10, 2025 https://www.katyisd.org/SLHS
Click "view in browser" to open links
Bike Riders- students who ride their bicycle to school are not following traffic laws and cutting across the parking lots in the dark. Parents, if your student rides a bicycle to school, please speak to your student about cutting through the parking lot amongst parked cars. Drivers cannot see them.
Parent Drop Off- We have parents dropping off their student on Fry Rd. Fry Rd is not a drop off location for students and this is extremely unsafe. DO NOT allow your student to get out of the car until you are in front of the building in the designated drop off location.
SLHS Cheer and Mascot Tryouts
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Spartan Cheerleading Team or a mascot, you must attend the mandatory meeting on February 24th in the LGI. Please also use the QR code to get important information before the meeting. If you have any questions, please email Coach Amy Weaston at amyeweaston@katyisd.org
Junior Night- February 19th
Spartans for a Cure 2025 - SLHS Athletics Booster Club
Spartan athletics has kicked off the 2nd Annual “Spartans For a Cure” campaign. The attached store offers a t-shirt where profits will go to Memorial Hermann Cancer Services. $5 pays for the t-shirt while $10 per shirt will be donated to Memorial Hermann! Use the store below to order a shirt that can be delivered to your classroom on campus.
Love and Logic Parent Sessions- Spring 2025
Love and Logic Parenting Classes will be offered during the Spring semester of 2025. Details are listed in the chart below. Katy ISD families from any campus may register to attend.
Families who wish to participate in Love and Logic courses may pay $10 for the cost of the workbook with cash, check, or with the Pay ‘N Go system. Love and Logic Facilitators will arrange for parents to pick up materials. A minimum of 10 participants is required for each session.
Contact Elizabeth Merwald at ElizabethMMerwald@katyisd.org with any questions.
Students enrolled in high school health will receive instruction in Human Growth and Development, Abuse, and Violence Prevention during the sixth six weeks for students earning credit during the Spring semester. Topics will include the physical changes resulting from puberty, as well as personal hygiene, abuse, abstinence, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, dating violence, family violence and child abuse. All lessons and topics are aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and meet requirements mandated by the state.
Under Texas statute, parents must give their consent to allow their child to participate in the lessons that address Human Growth and Development, Abuse and Violence Prevention. Parents have the right to review the curriculum materials and will be provided access during the parent consent window.
Below is the parent consent window and the time frame when lessons will be taught:
Parent Consent Window: February 3rd – March 7th
Instruction Window: April 7th – May 22nd
Health Human Growth and Development, Abuse, and Violence Prevention Lesson
Click here to review the curriculum materials that will be taught to students enrolled in high school health education.
Parents may opt-in their child for instruction by logging in to MyKaty and selecting the KISD Option Portal icon. Additional technology help resources have been included for reference.
This content is intended to initiate conversations between you and your child about the physical, emotional and social changes that occur during adolescence. In addition, awareness and education on abuse and violence are key to prevention and intervention. It is a priority for Katy ISD to partner with our families and community to create a safety net for our students.
Click here for the Katy Option Portal Help Guide for Parents
*If you are a Katy ISD Employee and a parent of a student you must login with your parent HAC credentials on a personal device or in an incognito window. See instructions on Incognito Browser HERE
*Google Chrome is the recommended web browser for optimal performance, particularly on desktop or laptop platforms, rather than mobile devices.
Find detailed technology support on our Family Technology Resources web page including how to get support under the section titled, “Further Assistance.”
To enter a support request:
Family Technology Support: 281-396-7400
Hours of Operations:
6:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. Mon-Fri
10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Saturday
Please email instructionalresources@katyisd.org with any, non-technical related, questions.
Class of 2026 Fundraiser
The Class of 2026 officers are pleased to present their spring spirit fundraiser! Select the shirt as a long sleeve or sweatshirt and pay via the Pay N’ Go link by February 19th. All shirts will be delivered at the conclusion of sales.
Boys State
If you have applied to Boys State, please email AnneEBurns@katyisd.org by Friday, February 14th. Interviews are March 18th and the list of candidates needs to be finalized.
Federal Report Card
Katy ISD is sharing information about the state, district, and your child’s campus as part of our obligations under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). The Federal Report Cards are available for your review in the front office of our school or online at:
The 2023-2024 Federal Report Cards can be accessed online at: https://rptsvr1.tea.texas.gov/perfreport/frc/frc_srch.html?year=2024
Katy ISD comparte información sobre el estado, distrito y escuela de su hijo(a) como parte de nuestras obligaciones bajo la ley federal ''Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA)''. Están disponibles dos boletas de calificación (federal) para su revisión en la oficina principal de nuestra escuela o en línea: Las boletas de calificaciones federales 2023-2024 pueden obtenerse en línea: https://rptsvr1.tea.texas.gov/perfreport/frc/frc_srch.html?year=2024
EF Tours Student Travel Opportunity
Information Meeting- February 13th
Dear families,
We’re offering 3 educational tours for students and/or families to travel on in Summer 2026!
Greece, the Greek Islands & Turkey
South Korea & Japan
Venice, The Alps, Paris, & London
We’re excited to tell you more about the trips we’re planning with EF Tours, our educational travel partner. Please be sure to register for this info session to be considered for this opportunity: https://rsvp.eftours.com/6c9zwrd
When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them, discover more about themselves, and grow more confident. These skills are critical for creating the global citizens of tomorrow, and we would love to have your student join us on this adventure.
In this info session, we’ll talk about:
How these opportunities will benefit your student
What we’ll see and do on our trips
Everything that’s included in these experiences
How your child can earn college credit
How we’re keeping this safe and affordable
How to enroll on these trips (before they fill up!) during EF’s risk-free enrollment period
There are limited spots on each of these trips, so we would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about these exciting opportunities!
Melissa Kennedy and Sandra Franco
Spring 2025 GPA Exempt Course Information
High school students are encouraged to pursue their areas of special talents and interest to enrich their academic experience. Students are encouraged to continue in their Fine Art, Athletic, and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs as they continue to excel in their academic and extra/co-curricular endeavors. Once approved, students will receive credit for the GPA exempt course but will have their grade excluded from the GPA and class rank computation. Students must have a 4.0 or above GPA and maintain a B average in the GPA exempt course to qualify and maintain eligibility. This option is available to students enrolled in their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of high school. View the 2024-2025 GPA Exempt Course Information for a list of courses identified as GPA-exempt eligible for this school year.
Students interested in taking one of the GPA Exempt courses must discuss this option with their school counselor at the beginning of the course. If the student meets all the criteria, they must:
- Complete the online GPA Exempt application located in MyKaty Cloud.
- Submit the application no later than February 14, 2025, 11:59pm. At this time, if all criteria are met, it will be approved, and a schedule change will be made to reflect enrollment in a GPA Exempt course.
- Once a student makes the decision to take a course as GPA-exempt, the decision is final and cannot be changed.
- Students enrolled in full-year courses do not need to reapply during the second semester, they must maintain a B average in the GPA exempt course to remain qualified for their GPA exempt eligibility.
Register here to be a Spartan Buddy of the Seven Lakes baseball team.
There is no cost for this program, but each buddy must register.
*NOTE: If you have multiple children who are interested in being a Spartan Buddy, please complete a separate form for each.
Course Selection will be happening January through March. For any questions related to course selection or 4-year plans, please send with your student to discuss during their meeting with their counselor. See below for important dates!
NEW*** SLHS Course Selection Timeline ***NEW
Due to delays in district SchooLinks updates, some modifications to our course selection timeline are necessary. This means that counselors will begin meeting with students before SchooLinks has opened for students to input courses. Instead, students will be provided with a course selection worksheet, list of courses (course selection sheet), and will have access to our online course catalog.
Counselors will approve of courses when they meet individually with students and then input courses into SchooLinks. Students should NOT complete Schoolinks. Additionally, counselors will not be checking messaged in Schoolinks. Course Selection meetings will occur between January 27th through March 7th. Students should bring any course selection questions to their meeting with their counselor. See below for important dates!
UPDATE: Course Selection Dates:
Thursday, 1/23: Course Selection Video and Information provided during Enrichment and posted to counseling website.
Thursday, 1/23 – Thursday, January 23rd: Students will access the online Course Catalog to complete their Course Selection Worksheet.
Thursday, 1/23: Dual Credit Parent Night at 6PM in the PAC (required for anyone interested in enrolling in a dual credit course).
Monday, 1/27: Miller Career Center application open for current 10th and 11th graders.
Monday, 1/27: Course Selection Planning Worksheet due to English Teachers
Tuesday, 1/28—Friday, 3/07: Counselors meet with each student individually through English classes.
Friday, 2/28- Miller Career applications due. Dual Credit applications and appropriate documentation due.
Tuesday, 3/18—Monday, 3/24: Course Verification through Campus Google Form.
Miller Career Center Application Opens on January 27th!!!
Request your Miller course on the Miller tile in MyKaty.
The tile is open from January 27th at 7 am through February 28th at 11:59 pm.
Some colleges and universities require students to send an updated transcript (known as a “midyear report”) following the Fall semester of their senior year. Midyear reports are not ready to send until GPAs and class ranks have been recalculated at the end of January. The tentative date that the district has set for this is January 31st. You do not need to request these for your colleges if you have linked your college application with SchooLinks—your counselors will automatically upload for students in SchooLinks by February 15th.
Midyear reports will still be on time for your colleges and universities.
Transcript Request
Transcripts can be requested after January 31st through the link below:
SAT Seminars
After working with more than 60,000 students across the country over the last 15 years, Sycamore Learning Company designed these 5-hour seminars to help students prepare for the upcoming SAT with specific strategies to maximize scoring on each section of these tests.
The cost for one seminar is only $125 and each seminar includes an extensive study guide that has full-length practice tests with in-depth answer explanations for each question and 5 hours of in-class instruction.
The only materials needed for the seminar will be a calculator and two pencils. Enrollment may be limited, so please register as soon as possible at www.prepforthefuture.com to ensure your student does not miss out on this opportunity.
February 15, 9am-3pm SAT Seminar @ Tompkins High School
February 22, 9am-3pm SAT Seminar @ Taylor High School
“Senior Athletes… there’s still time to join SLHS Athletics Booster Club to be eligible* to enter for the 2025 Spartan Club Scholarship! Deadline is March 1st, 2025! Visit our page at sevenlakesabc.com to join today!”
The Class of 2025 Senior Survey is scheduled to open on Friday, January 31, 2024. The survey is designed to capture information from graduating seniors regarding post-secondary opportunities, military service and scholarships. Students will submit their final transcript request along with other important information used for campus and district reporting. Check with your high school campus regarding the specific deadline.
Senior Surveys Resources:
- SchooLinks Senior Year End Activity Overview(pdf)
- Overview of the Senior Year End Activity(SchooLinks Help Center Article **Must be logged in to view**)
- Video Overview of the Senior Year End Activity
If you haven’t ordered your cap and gown yet, now is the time! Although the original deadline has passed, you can still place your order. Click here
Don’t forget—there’s also still time to order your custom Seven Lakes High School graduation announcements!
Don’t delay—celebrate your big day in style! 🎓
Please note that our Personal Data Sheet has been adjusted for this coming school year.
All sections of the personal data sheet must be completed to receive a counselor letter of recommendation.
Complete the FAFSA Application to meet Graduation Requirements!
In accordance with Texas Education Code Section 28.0256, seniors graduating in 2022 and thereafter must complete, submit, and show proof of submission, a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a Texas application for state financial aid (TASFA).
Visit the Federal Student Aid webpage for additional information.
- FAFSA Process Website
- Better FAFSA
- Financial Aid Toolkit
- Katy ISD Financial Aid Website
- How to Create FSA ID
- Financial Aid Webinars
- “Who’s the Parent on the FAFSA Form?” Wizard—A new, stand-alone tool to help students and families determine who will need to provide contributor information on the 2025–26 FAFSA form prior to starting the application.
- “Creating Your StudentAid.gov Account” Page—A new resource that explains what families and partners need to know about creating a StudentAid.gov account.
- Pro Tips for Completing the FAFSA Form—Updated tips for preparing to complete and submit the FAFSA form. This resource will also be linked from the StudentAid.gov Dashboard to promote easier access for students and their required contributor(s).
- Federal Student Aid Estimator—The tool provides an estimate of the 2025–26 Student Aid Index and Federal Pell Grant eligibility calculation.
- Federal Student Aid YouTube Channel: FAFSA Videos—Updated videos to help students and families understand the importance of the FAFSA form, who is a FAFSA contributor, and what happens after submitting the form.
For questions, please contact your campus college and career facilitator.
College and Career Connection Webinars
The Academic Counseling, College and Career Guidance department will offer College and Career Connection Webinars on Wednesdays from 6pm-7pm each week. The live presentations will take place from 6pm-7pm via Zoom Webinar. Participants are not required to register for each individual session. Presentations will be recorded and placed on the Academic Counseling webpage.
Stay connected and get involved using Katy ISD’s Katy Corkboard. This online community platform uses visually engaging flyers to offer up-to-date activities and events happening within Katy ISD. Check back throughout the year to see what is new.
Checking out a student at the end of the day?
NEW Attendance Policy
The cut-off time to check out your student early from school is 2:00PM. Please plan appointments accordingly. Thank you!!!