October 16th - 20th
Important School Dates:
10/18 - After-School Archery
10/19 - Title 1 Meeting @ 12:00
10/20 - Backwards Day
10/26 & 10/27 - Parent/ Teacher Conferences - No School
10/28 *** Fall Carnival 3:00pm - 6:00pm ***
10/31 - October Spotlight Student Lunch @ 11:55
Snow is Here!
Bill's Title 1 Corner
There will be a Title I first meeting on Thursday, October 19th at 12:00 p.m. in the Title I room next to the Staff Lounge. We will be working on the Parent and Family Engagement Action Plan. Lunch will be provided. Please contact Bill at if you have any questions, or are unable to attend and would like to be involved.
Backwards Day - October 20th
Parent/ Teacher Conferences - October 27th & 28th
***Our normal book fair that happens during this time has been moved to February's parent/ teacher conferences***
McNeil Canyon Fall Carnival
The annual McNeil Canyon Elementary Fall Carnival will be held on Saturday, October 28th from 3:00 - 6:00 pm. This is a fun-filled evening for the whole family and community. The Fall Carnival is sponsored by Community Council and is 1 of 2 major fundraisers for the year. Plus, it's a lot of fun! Parents will be receiving a phone call from their class parent representative asking them to help at the Carnival. Your time commitment can be as short as one hour. Please consider helping with this great event. We couldn't do it with out you all!!
***Last year's event was so popular that the line for ticket sales was out the door!
This year we are offering early ticket sales exclusively to McNeil families. Bring cash or check to the school during PT conferences, buy early at the front office, and avoid the long ticket sales line.
We're looking forward to another great carnival this year! Hope to see you all there.
Got Stuffies???
October Spotlight Students
Parents are invited to join their child and the principal for lunch on Tuesday, October 31st at 11:55 am.
Spotlight Student forms are being sent home with these children today. Please return them as soon as possible so they can be placed on our Spotlight Student bulletin board. Thank you!!
Thank you!Dragon Cafe
Curious About Community Activities??
McNeil Canyon Elementary School
Location: 52188 East End Rd, Homer, AK, USA
Phone: 907-235-8181