Kakisa Lake School Newsletter
September 16th, 2024
Week in Review..
We started the 2024-5 school year off with a day filled with activities and an afternoon special event: Lexi's 5th Birthday party! Our first week was devoted to getting back into our routines and getting used to being in school again after a long break. It was lovely seeing everyone again!
We have a lot planned this year that are additions to our regular programming that have been made possible with different grants.
One of our regular programming changes is the addition of daily, in the fall and spring, afternoon on the land learning opportunities for the students! Through this program we can finally create a full learning program for the students! Many individuals will be supporting this important program.
Another development supported by a different grant, is our nightly Hall supervised play time for students. Throughout the year students will have the opportunity to get together from 7-9 PM. There has been a request for an evening cooking class, too. I'll try to arrange that.
Our Fall Camp due to the fire has been changed to May 26-30, 2025. That's the best time for us to have a wide range of students come to our community as the air will be great and the weather should be good. More on the camp as we get closer to the date!
Some pictures of our on the land learning this past week....
This Week's After School Program and Hall Program
More Support Needed!
If anyone is willing to support the after school or Hall evening program please contact me. We need help :).