The Friday Focus
December 6, 2024
From the Office of the Superintendent
Please check out our December “HVRSD Highlights” (linked), featured in this month’s Hopewell Express, which contains an article from Dr. Treece about the fiscal state of the district, as well as a summary of recent programs and events. We are grateful to Mike Schwartz Photography for providing all of the fantastic sports pictures.
Thank you to all who participated in our November Day of Gratitude, which marked the culmination of a month during which students and staff participated in a number of activities to give thanks for the big and small things that make their lives better. Many schools collected food and clothing items, volunteered, shared resources and helped our community in immeasurable ways.
Upcoming Events:
- The Hopewell Valley Central High School Class of 2026 is proud to present their annual Winter Fundraiser, Flapjacks with Frosty, on Dec. 7th from 10:00am-12:00pm in the CHS Cafeteria. Children will be making winter crafts, playing games and listening to stories. Frosty the Snowman joins the children for a pancake breakfast and is available for winter themed photo opportunities. All children must be accompanied by an adult. This is a great morning of fun to get your children excited about the winter season. Tickets will also be available at the door.
The Digital Wellness Initiative next Common Sense Connected Schools Parent webinar:
“The Fraught Future: Pressures and Stressors in Our Kids’ Lives” will be held Tuesday, December 10 at 12:00PM. See flyer for more information. Registration to attend
Join the HVRSD EcoPTO and Hopewell, NJ Native Plant Swap for a Native Seed Sowing Extravaganza! on Jan. 18th, 10 AM - 1 PM in the HVCHS Community Room. This event, hosted in partnership with the HVRSD Climate Action Committee, HVCHS Youth Environmental Society, HV Green Team, and the HV Community Wildlife Habitat Program, will provide participants with a ready-made jug, soil, and native seeds for $5 (each). Seedlings can be overwintered outdoors and then transplanted in the spring as a fun family activity that fosters nature connection and wellbeing. Use the link to RSVP and learn more about this event as well as the educational pre-event Zoom call on Jan. 2nd. Proceeds will go to supporting the conservation efforts of The Sourland Conservancy and Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space.
A message from the Hopewell Valley Education Foundation:
Dear Hopewell Valley Families, The Hopewell Valley Education Foundation supports education excellence through teacher initiated grants across the Hopewell Valley School Systems. The Foundation is launching its 2024/25 Power of 100 fundraising campaign and ask that you consider supporting HVEF. The Fall grant cycle has begun and we have a robust pipeline of grant requests from teachers to evaluate and fund. Additional detail on past grants and HVEF initiatives can be found at HVEF.org The donation link: Power of 100 (hvef.org)
Donations can also be made via VENMO: @hvedf
All the best during this giving season!
Jon Hunt, Chairman, Power of 100 Giving Campaign
HVCHS Updates: Please see the November edition of HVCHS Updates from Ms. Riley and the December edition of the Counseling Newsletter from Ms. Rutt.
Gratitude Grams: Thank you to all of the parents, guardians, and students who contributed to the Gratitude Grams for the HVCHS Staff. We were so happy to celebrate our staff members with personalized messages prior to the Thanksgiving holiday!
Our Performing Arts Department is excited to present our winter performance series, which includes the Orchestra Concert on December 9, the Band Concert on December 17, the Dance Festival on December 18, and the Choir Concert on January 22. All events will take place in the HVCHS PAC and are open to the public. Please consider supporting our students by attending an event!
Central High School’s "Career, Coffee & Learn program" is looking for parents/guardians interested in discussing their career with interested students. The program, supported by the CHS Counseling Department and Hopewell Valley Municipal Alliance, takes place once a month during recitation where students listen to a career presentation from parents, alumni or community members. If you are interested, please complete this form by December 20, 2024.
Alumni Day: Last year, the Counseling Services Department invited recent HVCHS graduates to participate in the inaugural Alumni Day, a program designed to provide an opportunity for recent alumni to return and talk about their college/work/postgrad experiences with current juniors and seniors in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. If you know recent alumni of HVCHS who might be interested in participating in this year's event on January 10, please encourage them to reach out to Mr. Maldonado in the Counseling Office at kevinmaldonado@hvrsd.org
Winter Athletics: Over 300 student-athletes are involved in our winter athletic programs, which include sports such as track, basketball, ice hockey, cheerleading, and wrestling. Please check out our winter schedule and consider supporting the Bulldogs at an athletic event this season!
Absences, Late Arrivals, & Early Dismissals: Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number 609-737-4003, Ext 2, by 8:00 am to report an absence or late arrival. Please provide a note if your child needs to be dismissed from school early. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors MUST be signed out by a parent or guardian before leaving the building. Please also review our attendance procedures for details about the district policies. *As a reminder, students must be in school for at least four hours in order to participate in all athletic or extra-curricular activities and events*
Save the Date:
December 9: Winter Orchestra Concert, 7 p.m.
December 13: Madrigal Dinner, 6 p.m.
December 17: Winter Band Concert, 7 p.m.
December 18: Winter Dance Festival, 6:30 p.m.
December 20: Early Dismissal, Winter Pep Rally
January 10: Alumni Day
What’s Happening at HVCHS?
Twitter: @HVCentralHS
Instagram: hopewell_valley_central_hs
Our fundraising calendar for classes, clubs and teams
The Timberlane ``Principal's Page" is on the TMS Website.
Hello Timberlane Students and Families, We are proud to report that we sent out 125 Thanksgiving Boxes in coordination with the Hopewell Valley Mobile Food Pantry, and 644 bagged lunches to support the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK). We'd like to thank everyone who contributed and our amazing volunteer drivers. It was a huge success and we are so grateful to be in such an amazing community.
Sincerely, Chris Turnbull, Michael Emmich, and Tammy Pegrem
Penny Wars: We'll be participating in a fun activity which is also a WIN-WIN-WIN. We'll be having a 'penny wars' competition that will provide students with fun "Community Points" toward the coveted "Team Cup." Far more importantly, we'll be raising money to provide books to Mercer Elementary School in Hamilton, NJ, in time for the holidays. Scholastic will match our money to get books that we'll deliver to the students at Mercer AND will give us 'Scholastic Points' to use at TMS. We will be able to make a huge impact for elementary school kids, gain resources for the Timberlane library, and have a blast while engaging in some fun competition. The students have been adding money to their jars and from Tues12/10- Thurs12/13 students will be place pennies in the jars of their rival homerooms. The total amount of pennies will be deducted from the amount of cash and checks in each homeroom. The homeroom with the highest remaining total will be the winner.
7th Grade Night Out: Student Council is sponsoring a fun event with Hot Chocolate Bar, Games, Gingerbread Houses, Winter Crafts, and music. December 13th from 4:00 pm - 5:30pm. Please drop off $10 to attend in a labeled envelope to Mrs Sinatra’s mailbox.
Book Fair Volunteers Needed! Tuesday, Dec 10th - Tuesday, Dec. 17th: Volunteering at the Book Fair is one of the most fun and rewarding ways to get involved in helping students become better readers! Any time that you can donate would be greatly appreciated. Any questions please contact barbaramccarty@hvrsd.org Click here to sign up for a volunteer shift.
Back by Popular Demand: TMS Philadelphia 76ers game Friday, March 14,2025 at 7:00 pm. $85 per ticket which includes a private (on-court” experience. Tickets are limited. Email DANAFRAY@aol.com to purchase tickets.
Building Security: Parents who wish to drop off something for their child are asked to leave labeled items in the secure vestibule without entering the main office area. It is very important that we avoid interruptions to classroom instructional time, as well as limit time in the hallways. Please alert your child of early dismissals the day prior and send them to school with a note so that we may provide them a pass. Students must remember to pick up items dropped off by parents, as they will not be paged. If your child forgets their chromebook, plan with your student whether or not you will be bringing it to TMS so they can check the vestibule. Students can always call from the main office.
Absences, Late Arrival & Early Dismissal: Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe # 609-737-4004, Ext 2, by 8:00 am, to report an absence or late arrival. If your child is leaving early, please be sure to send in a note when possible so that we may provide them a pass.
If the need occurs after the start of school, please call the Main Office. Please be aware Timberlane Drive is closed between 2:30 - 3:00 for TMS and CHS dismissal.
TMS Updates: For additional information about TMS, please visit our webpage, or follow us on Twitter @Timberlane_HV, or instagram @timberlane_timberwolves
*Dates To Remember*
Dec. 10-Dec. 13th: TMS Book Fair
Dec. 11th: "Ugly Sweater" Day
Dec. 13th: 7th Grade Night Out
Dec. 17th: Band Concert, 7pm
Dec. 20th: School-Wide pep Rally / Early Dismissal!
The Bag Project: This month, Bear Tavern’s 5th graders are engaged in a community service project for The Bag Project Program. Our students are collecting various comfort activities and supplies to bundle into backpacks to be donated to children in crisis. We ask that each grade level at Bear Tavern donate items to be included in each bag. Please take a look at the attached flyer for details. We will also need 75 backpacks so each 5th grader can assemble one. We are asking our Bear Tavern families in case anyone knows/works for a company that may be interested in donating bags or funds to this cause. The Bag Project requests that bags have no company logos on them. If your company would be interested in donating the funding for the backpacks, we can purchase them wholesale for $4 a bag. Please contact Molly (Molly9518@gmail.com) or Stacey (StaceyLTackett@gmail.com) with any information or questions. Thank you for your support.
BTPTO Holiday Shop is around the corner - This fundraising opportunity helps students with budgeting, problem-solving, and independence. The Holiday Shop will run from Monday, December 9th, to Friday, December 13th. Homeroom teachers will reach out with dates and shopping times. Volunteers are needed for the Holiday Shop Fundraiser. Click here to sign up.
BT Share Your Musical Talent Day - All students in Ms.Ingram’s music classes, grades K-5, are encouraged to perform for their classmates in music beginning Friday, 12/13, and ending Thursday, 12/19. This could be in the form of a dance, singing a song, or performing an instrument work. Gymnastics or martial arts students may wish to share some forms or sequences they’ve learned for their Share. Cheerleading is also an excellent option for students looking to share. Please fill out the required Google Form.
School Lunch Information: Please click this link for the 2024-2025 information.
Absences & Late Arrivals - Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number:
609-737-4005, Ext 2, by 8:00 a.m. to report an absence or late arrival. Thank you.
Changes In Students’ Dismissal - If there is a change in how students will be going home (pick up, take the bus, after-school program, etc.), please be sure to call or email the main office at 609-737-4005 btmainoffice@hvrsd.org
*Dates To Remember*
12/9 - 12/13 Holiday Shoppe
12/16 - Trimester 1 Report Cards Available to Parents
12/20 - Pajama Day, Early Dismissal 12:45 pm (No Lunch Is Served), PK AM Only
12/23 - 1/1 - School Is Closed
The Principal’s Newsletter - Hopewell’s Happenings is a monthly update with links to all sorts of information and activities.
Chubby’s Winter Collection - The 5th Grade will be collecting hats & gloves for Chubby’s Project this December. Donations will be accepted from December 4th through December 18th, with collection bins placed throughout the building and near the main office. Thank you for supporting this meaningful cause!
Family Photo Fundraiser - The HES PTO is thrilled to continue our partnership for the annual Holiday Experience Family Photo Fundraiser. This year, they’re offering two stunning settings for your family photo sessions:
- Outdoor Holiday Greenhouse: A natural, festive backdrop perfect for holiday-themed photos.
- Indoor Elaborate Holiday Setting: A warm and inviting holiday scene within our studio.
Sign-Up Links: https://krisreneecreative.com/fall-and-holiday-mini-sessions
Minted Partnership - Sending holiday cards this year? Please consider using the HES PTO's coupon code for Minted.com. You save 20% and we get 15% back! Feel free to share this coupon with family and friends (users do not need to be affiliated with HES) The code works on wedding stationery, thank you cards, birth announcements, invitations, and so much more! Minted Code: FUNDRAISEHOPEWELLELEM
Governor’s Educator-of-the-Year Nominations - Thank you to all the students and parents who took the time to nominate a staff member! Our winner will be announced shortly!
School Lunch Information: Please click this link for the 2024-2025 information.
Absences & Late Arrivals - Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number, 609-737- 4007, Ext 2, by 8:00 a.m. to report an absence or late arrival. Thank you.
HES Changes in Students’ Dismissal - If there is a change in how students will be going home, please be sure to call or email the main office at 609-737-4007 hwmainoffice@hvrsd.org
Lost and Found -. Be sure to LABEL your children’s coats, hats, and other clothing!
Our Lost and Found is filling up! Please encourage your child to check for any misplaced items. Thank you for helping us keep our Lost and Found manageable!
Dates to Remember:
December 13th - Whole School Meeting ( Wear HES T-Shirts)
December 16th - Trimester 1 Report Cards Available to Parents
December 20th - 12:45pm early dismissal & no lunch is served
December 23rd - Jan 1st - School is closed
Principal’s Newsletter - “The Scoop” has details on upcoming events and is emailed to families weekly. Also check out the Principal’s Page on the SB website.
Pennies for PJs! - The SB Student Council is collecting change to raise money for children with cancer. All donations will support the “Liv Like a Unicorn” Foundation, a non-profit organization that helps families with the financial impact of pediatric cancer. Students can drop their change in a container outside of the main office through Dec 12 and all who donate can wear pajamas on the last donation day!
Book Fair Is 12/9-12/13! - The Scholastic Book Fair is next week, 12/9-12/13. The Family Fun Night is on Wednesday, 12/11, from 4-7pm. We are still in need of volunteers to help run it. Click here to sign up!
Winter Concert - This year’s event, on 12/12 at Stony Brook, consists of two smaller performances.
- 6:00pm: 4th grade performance
- 7:30pm: 5th grade performance
- Please click here for further information about arrival times and concert attire
Stony Brook is offering breakfast for students. Students will receive the breakfast indicated on the school lunch menu. It will be a cold, "grab and go" option (cereal, breakfast bar, fruit, muffin, milk, etc.) that students can pick up on the way to class at the beginning of school and eat in the classroom. The cost is $3.25 and will be charged to your student’s account. If your family qualifies for free/reduced lunch, there is no cost.
School Lunch Information: Please click this link for the 2024-2025 information.
Lost & Found - Check the latest Scoop Newsletter for pictures of our lost & found items. It’s getting cold - please label your jackets, gloves and hats!
Absences, Late Arrivals & Changes In Students’ Dismissal.
- Please call our TelSafe line at 609-737-4006, Ext 2, by 8:00 am to report an absence, late arrival or last minute change in your student's dismissal.
- When possible, lease email the main office in advance at sbmainoffice@hvrsd.org about a dismissal change.
- Please refer to our Attendance Procedures for details regarding school absences, late arrivals and early dismissals.
Membership Toolkit - Click here to register for volunteer opportunities, class lists & apparel. Contact StonyBrookPTO@gmail.com with any questions.
All Star Donation Drive - While the prize raffle is now closed, you can still donate to the All Star Donation Drive! Click here to donate.
*Dates To Remember*
12/9 - 12/13 - Book Fair during school
12/11 - Book Fair Family Fun NIght
12/12 - Winter Concert 6pm & 7:30pm @ SB
12/20 - 12:45pm early dismissal & no lunch is served
12/23 - 1/1 - School is closed
Toll Gate Grammar School Website
Toll Gate Grammar on Instagram
Email the Toll Gate Main Office
Monthly Principal Newsletter: Click here to view Principal Lauri’s November newsletter.
Philly Pretzel Sales: The Toll Gate 5th Grade Committee is offering soft pretzel sales from December until June to raise money for 5th grade year-end activities. Pretzels are $2 each and will be delivered to your child’s homeroom by the end of the day for an after school snack on the following dates: 12/12, 1/9, 1/23, 2/5, 2/20, 3/6, 3/20, 4/10, 4/24, 5/8, 5/21 and 6/5. Click here to order! If you have any questions, please contact Tricia Simpson. For nutritional information for Philly Pretzel Factory, click here.
Toll Gate Winter Concert: All 4th and 5th grade students will participate in our winter concert on Tuesday, January 14th at 7:00 PM in the TMS Cafeteria. Students should arrive at 6:30 PM with their instruments and music. Performer attire is black (dark) pants/skirt, white dress shirt and black (dark) comfortable, but nice, shoes. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Cuesta or Ms. Phillips.
School Lunch Information: Please click this link for the 2024-2025 information.
Dismissal Changes: If your dismissal plans change on any given day, please email tgmainoffice@hvrsd.org, (this email will go to both main office secretaries, Ashlee Dana and Patricia Jaczko) to inform them of the change. Please also cc' your child's homeroom teacher.
Reporting Student Absences: Please remember to call the Telsafe line 609-737-4008, option 2) by 8:00am for any absences or tardiness. Emails to a teacher may not be seen in a timely manner. Telsafe is the best way to report an absence. If your child is not at school and you haven’t reported them absent or tardy, you will get a phone call from Mrs. Smith, our school nurse.
Dates to Remember:
Thursday, 12/12: PTO Meeting at 7:00 PM (via Zoom)
Friday, 12/20: Early Dismissal at 12:45 PM
12/23/24-1/1/25: Winter Break - School Closed
Thursday, 1/2/25: School Resumes
Tuesday, 1/14/25: Winter Concert at TMS for Grades 4 & 5
Community News & Events
- Pennington Borough 40th Annual Holiday Walk, Friday, Dec. 6th at 6pm, Howe Commons. A very special evening with music, lights, treats and more!
- Pop-up Shop at Chubby's, Hopewell Borough, Sat. Dec. 7th, 10am-2pm: locally-made goods and unique finds!
- The Hopewell Public Library annual Holiday Open House, Sat. Dec. 7th 1:00-3:00pm: held in conjunction with the Hopewell Museum and the Hopewell Baptist Meeting House. Delight in homemade refreshments while you peruse the library’s collection and review our 2024 programming. Winter-themed activities will be available in the children’s room. As a special bonus, you can enjoy live music–The Sounds of the Season– provided by the Raritan Valley Trombone Trio from 1:30-2:30 pm.
- Hopewell Art Museum "Reimagination: Holiday Open House, Dec. 7th, 1:00-4:00pm: Our annual Holiday Open House is held in conjunction with the Hopewell Public Library NJ and the Hopewell Old School Baptist Meetinghouse. Come see all the work that has taken place this year as we progress with our "Reimagination".
Howell Living Farm, Christmas On the Farm, Saturday, December 7 | 10:00–4:00
Children's Craft: Victorian Ornament (11:00–3:00) Visit Howell Farm this Saturday for Christmas crafts, live music, farm animal visits, and an opportunity to stroll through a decorated historic farmhouse – before meeting Santa when he arrives at 12:30. The Jugtown Mountain String Band will play inside the barn...then find a spot around the craft table to recreate a paper Victorian ornament ($5 materials fee). In the barnyard, where families can take selfies in the 1800s sleigh pulled by the horses on snowy days, and visit the blacksmith working in the farm’s forge. The farmhouse will be open for tours, decked out in all its Christmas finery. Stop back at the visitor center for warm drinks, homemade cookies, lunch, and other light refreshments. While you're inside, be sure to check out the gift shop for unique gifts. Toys for Tots is also accepting donations of new, unwrapped toys to help bring joy to America's less fortunate children this holiday season.
- Winter Wonder Festival! Sat. Dec. 7th, Sypek Center, 8:30am-12:00pm. For all students, families and our community! Enjoy a breakfast buffest and fundraisers from Graphic Design and Horticulture Turf Management. Pay at the Door.
- Harvard University & Princeton University Present: "Science by Candlelight", Sat. Dec. 7th 10am & 1pm, Princeton University, McDonnell Hall A02: Join us a scientific adventure and fun interactive lecture as we investigate the seemingly simple candle! For children and families.
- Terhune Orchards, Holiday Festivities, Sunday, Dec. 8th, 10:am -5:00pm: Terhune Orchards will turn into the North Pole with its special Winter Wonderland. Warm up by the bonfire (conditions permitting) with hot chocolate. S’mores kits available. Terhune own holiday cookie decorating kits available all season. Bring your camera, and pose for photos in front of Santa’s sleigh and the Winter Wonderland display. Enjoy live music from 1-4pm.
- Jingle All The Way 3K, Sunday, Dec 8th, Special Olympics Sports Complex, Lawrenceville. Event Includes 1k Jingle Jog as well as both competitive and fun runs. Jingle All the Way 3K brings people with and without disabilities together to kick off the holiday season! Hundreds of sprinters, joggers and strollers brave the cold in support of thousands of athletes across the state.
- Hopewell Art & Community Holiday Market, Sat., Dec. 14th, 10am-5pm: Hopewell Train Station, Local Artisans and Community Fundraising
- Palmer Square Full Holiday Event Schedule for upcoming entertainment!
- The Mercer County Skating Rink is open! Click HERE for lesson information.
- Arts Council of Princeton, Winter Chalets, Though Dec 22nd: These festive pop-up shops, run by talented regional creatives, offer fun and unique gifts.
The Princeton Garden Theatre lineup for the holiday season includes a $5 Family Matinee series features cheerful classics. Click here for info and tickets: princetongardentheatre.org/specials/
Registration for Hopewell Valley Youth Wrestling is open to all students, girls and boys, in Grades K through 6. Practices are held on Tuesday and Thursdays at CHS. To learn more and to register, please visit the Hopewell Valley Youth Wrestling website. We hope you'll join us!
- Hopewell Valley Soccer Association: Winter Rec Registration is Open! Our winter season runs from 1/12 - 3/16 12th. Children ages 2 to 18 are eligible to participate. School grades below are used as a guide. Pre K program players must be at least 2 years old as of the start of the season, 1/12/2025.
- Music Mountain Theatre: 2024 Young Audience Season: The perfect introduction to live theater for children. Upcoming shows for children include: The Snow Queen's Adventure and the Lion King.
Here are the links to the local libraries for upcoming storytimes, events and programs: