CME PTO Weekly
November 21st, 2024
In this season of giving thanks, CME PTO would like to say thank you for being an amazing, engaged school community. Without your help and support we are unable to do any of the fun things we do for the students, staff and school. We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!
SCRIPS (Giftcrowd)
SCRIPS is an easy and great way to show how much you appreciate the teachers and staff who make Copper Mesa a great place for your child. Through SCRIPS, you can contribute funds towards gift cards that are then given to teachers and staff along with all the contributions from other families.
We will also have the privilege of sponsoring 8 local families (with a combined total of 14 kids) as a part of our SCRIPS program.
This program will be open until December 5th, in order to give us time to order and distribute the gift cards.
How to use SCRIPS:
1) First complete the Google form below by filling out who you would like to make donations to (in increments of $5). Determine your total donation amount and type it in at the bottom of the form. Total donation amount includes donations for Adopt-a-Families. Submit the Google Form
2) Make the payment on MySchoolBucks
Input the total donation amount from the Google Form
Follow Normal Checkout
A Message From the Art Room
The first round of Original Works orders were due last week, but there's still time to place your order! We will continue accepting orders until December 6th.
To place an order, please refer to the flyers sent home with your child for their personalized ordering code. If you cannot find the code or need assistance, feel free to reach out to Mrs. Burke at kburke@dcsdk12.org.
Alternatively, you can also search for your child’s artwork directly through the link below:
Thank you for supporting our young artists and the CME art room!
Calling all classroom parents - it’s not too late! Are you helping plan a Holiday party in the classroom? Need something easy? Consider using MyClassroomParty. They have a full party kit ready to go that’s age appropriate. Two local moms started this company and the great news is CME gets 20% back on any party kit purchases when you use our school code.
Daughter Dance Volunteers Needed
The Daughter Dance committee is looking for volunteers to help set up the event, during the event and cleaning up the event, on January 25th. If you are able to contribute a few hours of your time, please let us know at cmeapto.com
Spring Fundraiser Planning
Our Spring Fundraiser planning has kicked off and we would love for you to join! It’s going to be a really fun family event in May. If you are interested in helping to plan the event, reach out for auction donations, or volunteer on the day, please reach out to BG and Leslie at cmeapto@gmail.com.
Community Meetings
If you haven’t seen the email from the district, or our social media posts about the community feedback meetings that are coming up, please check out our Instagram or Facebook page for details about upcoming meetings where you can voice your opinions about the future school pairings. Let’s flood these meetings with proud Copper Mesa parents and make sure they know why our school deserves to stay open!
If you can't make a meeting, you can fill out this survey to let the district know your thoughts. Thank you!
Give Copper Mesa a Great Review!
If you haven’t yet, please take a minute to go to www.greatschools.org and give Copper Mesa a raving review! Let’s do everything we can to show the district that CME is the place to send your kids!
Save the Date (All in One Place)
November 25th-29th - Thanksgiving Break
December 11th - Chick Fil A Spirit Night
December 20th-January 6th - Christmas Break
January 25th - Daughter Dance
March 13th - Skate City Spirit night 5:30pm-7:30pm
May 4th - Spring Fundraiser (AM time TBD)
Volunteer Info
Got a knack for party planning? Love reaching out to local businesses? Looking to get your hands dirty (We know for a fact there are some interested dads out there!)?
We are always looking for volunteers for Teacher/Staff Appreciation, our Daughter Event, our Son Event, School Beautification, our Spring Fundraiser, etc. If you would like to volunteer with PTO in any way, please let us know.
Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students): Ongoing
Watch D.O.G.S. is a program that gives dads the opportunity to spend either a half or whole day in the building with their children. You will help in classrooms and go to lunch and recess with your child.
The purpose of the program:
- To provide positive male role models for the students, demonstrating by their presence that education is essential.
- To provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school security and reduce bullying. All dads are encouraged to be a Watch D.O.G.S. Dad at least once a year.
One of our biggest and easiest fundraisers has proven to be King Soopers Cards. In just over a year our total donation received is in excess of $15,000. If you haven’t registered your rewards number (phone number) yet, please do so, it’s quick and easy and a great way to earn funds for our school. This money helps us to pay for teacher and school grants and host some of our events.
Visit kingsooperscommunityrewards.com
Sign in or register with your King Soopers card or phone number
Click on enroll
Search by school code: AB638
Or organization name: Copper Mesa Elementary School - CMEA
Don’t forget to reserve the ROCK for your special dates. Sign up HERE for the date you need and submit payment through the My School Bucks App or drop cash/check to the office.
**Please remember reservations do not begin until 4:00 pm the day prior to your reservation. Rock painting should not begin prior to 4:00 pm. We appreciate your cooperation**
We are collecting Longmont Dairy Milk Caps again this year. There is a box near the front office desk where you can deposit them. Thank you!
Customizable Spirit Wear is always available at Schmancy Tees and Gifts. Orders take about two weeks and are delivered right to your child’s classroom.
Do you love Copper Mesa as much as we do? Then let the world know, too! Post a review on GreatSchools.org!
CME PTO Email - cmeapto@gmail.com
Instagram - cmeapto
Facebook - Copper Mesa PTO - CMEA
Website - CMEAPTO.com
All School Calendar
Cassie George | President
BG Nead & Leslie Baker | Co-Vice Presidents
Kelly O'Shea | Treasurer
Kristen Parker | Secretary
We work with and benefit from the most generous companies in our community!
Please visit our sponsors' sites by clicking their images below.