Mason Moose Minutes February 14th!
Teamwork it is! One Mason, One Family, One Team!
Together we learn, together we lift, and together we lead!
Message from the Principal
Dearest Mason Families,
What a fantastic and eventful week we've had at Mason Elementary! It has been both fun and busy, filled with meaningful learning experiences and celebrations!
In honor of Black History Month, I would like to give a shoutout to Mrs. Demas' second-grade students, who proudly completed their research projects on historical Black figures. Additionally, all students participated in a fun and interactive schoolwide scavenger hunt! A special shout-out goes to Ms. Gealer, Ms. Paige Maguire, and Ms. Charley Maguire for making this special event possible, and all other educators who helped! Students read clues and explored different locations around the building to learn about influential Black leaders. As a reward for their discoveries, they earned special edition Mason Best tickets featuring these important historical figures. It was a wonderful experience that blended learning with excitement, and both students and staff had a fantastic time!
This week, we also celebrated the 100th day of school! Students engaged in various activities centered around the number 100, including a parade around the building showcasing their creatively decorated tops. It was a joyful celebration of growth, learning, and achievement!
A big thank-you to Ms. Veitengruber and Ms. Graham for organizing a heartwarming family engagement event in the gym for our first-grade students and their families. Together, they created Valentine’s Day cards for the residents of Sunrise at Vernier. This activity not only reinforced literacy skills, but also provided students with a meaningful opportunity to participate in a community service project, spreading kindness and joy!
Believe it or not, we also held a Mason Best Assembly this week, celebrating the achievements of our 2nd-4th grade students! They received awards recognizing their hard work, growth, achievements and dedication, and we look forward to celebrating our Y5-1st grade students after the break.
To wrap up our exciting week, today was filled with Valentine’s Day parties, creative projects, and of course, continued learning. As we celebrated, we reminded our students that Valentine’s Day is about more than just treats and cards—it’s about leading with kindness, compassion, and care for one another. At Mason, we believe in the power of small acts of kindness to brighten someone’s day and strengthen our school community. It was wonderful to see students lifting each other up, and showing appreciation for their friends and teachers.
As we head into next week, there will be no school from February 17-21 due to our Midwinter Break, and I encourage everyone to take time to rest, recharge, and enjoy quality moments with family and friends. I am grateful for our Mason families and the incredible support you provide to our students and staff each day! Have a wonderful break, and we look forward to welcoming everyone back, refreshed and ready for more learning, fun, and growth on February 24!
Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement—let’s keep moving forward together, remembering that Mason is more than just a school—it’s a home and a family. As always, I welcome open and direct communication with all of my families. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to connect with me directly. I am here for you and your student. Thank you for being part of our Mason family, and as always, Teamwork it is! One Mason, One Family, and One Team!
Mrs. Anita Hassan, Principal
Black History Month Scavenger Hunt
Mrs. Demas' Class Research Black Historical Figures- Black History Month
Kids Heart Challenge Kickoff Assembly
100th Day of School Pictures!
1st Grade Family Engagement and Service project for Sunrise Senior Living
2nd Grade Farm Fresh Lesson
Ms. Ludwig's class learned about Michigan grains: wheat oats, and barley. The student got to touch, see, hear, smell, and taste (optional.) It was so much fun!
Mark Your Calendars: School Concert Information Below
March 11, 2025
Grades 1-4
Location: Parcells Middle School
Mason's Career Day!
I am thrilled to announce that Career Day is happening at Mason on April 4, 2025! This event is an incredible opportunity for our students to explore a variety of professions, gain inspiration, and learn about the many career paths available to them. During Career Day, guest speakers from diverse industries will share their expertise, stories, artifacts, and experiences to help students understand what it takes to pursue their dreams. From hands-on demonstrations to engaging presentations, our goal is to spark curiosity and help students, even at a young age, discover the vast opportunities in different fields.
Based on feedback gathered, Career Day will take place within individual classrooms. Presenters will have roughly 20 minutes to share about their careers, present artifacts brought in, and answer questions before transitioning to the next room. If you plan to bring props, a cart or table with wheels can be provided for easier transport if you choose. If you are interested in presenting to our students on this special day, please fill out this Google Form before February 20, and be sure to have an approved IChat on file in the main office. We can't wait to make this day a meaningful and memorable experience for our students!
Students Not to Bring Toys From Home to School
As we work to maintain a safe, focused, and productive learning environment, please remember that students should not bring toys from home to school, unless specifically announced by their teacher. This includes, but is not limited to, items such as balls of any type, Pokémon or other trading cards, slime, toy cars, stuffed animals, and similar items. Bringing toys can be a distraction in the classroom and during school activities, and we appreciate your support in ensuring all students can focus on learning and engaging positively with their peers. Thank you for your understanding, and please feel free to reach out with any questions.
Lunch Menu
Morning Reminders
- Breakfast Starts: 8:50 am
- School Bell: 9:05 am
Students should not arrive before 8:50 am on Mondays, as there is no supervision available before this time. Breakfast is served at the drop-off time, allowing students time to eat before the bell.
Tuesday through Friday
- Breakfast Starts: 8:05 am
- School Bell: 8:20 am
For the rest of the week (Tuesday through Friday), students may arrive starting at 8:05 am.
Important Reminder:
Please ensure students are not dropped off before these designated times. The staff supervision, breakfast services, and the building itself may not be available prior to these times, so adhering to this schedule is important for the safety of all students.
Mason's Playground Procedures/Rules Cold Weather guidelines
Please reference Mason's Playground Procedures/Rules. As the days get colder please remember to have your students bring appropriate outdoor wear. Students are asked to wear jackets when it is 55 degree or below. We value fresh air a movement during the school day, so please review the reminders below:
Snow stays on the ground: No snowballs
No jumping nor standing in muddy/snowy puddles or any icy surfaces
No picking up ice shards
Respect other people’s space and snow creations
Play safely and stay dry
Feet stay on the ground
The blacktop is a ‘snow-free’ zone
Students who do not wear boots or snow pants are only allowed to play on the blacktop. Teachers can restrict students at any time who do not have the proper clothing from going outside for safety reasons.
All students should have an extra set of clothes in their locker in case it is needed throughout the school year.
Guidelines for when outdoor recess will be held:
1 degree and above with wind-chill - outdoor recess
0 degree and below with wind-chill - indoor recess
Guideline for when jackets should be worn by students outside:
At 55 degrees or below, students should wear a coat/long sleeve item during recess.
Education Benefits
Did you know that you may qualify to receive discounted athletic fees, class materials, college application fees and more by filling out the 2024-2025 Education and Nutrition Benefits Application? All info is confidential and protected – so take action today!
Recess Volunteer Sign Up!
Please take a look at the Lunch Volunteer Signup Genius.
Important Forthcoming Dates
Feb 17-21 Mid Winter Break
March 11, School Concert, 7pm, Grades 1-4, Location: Parcells
March 19, Full Day, Evening Conferences
March 20, Half Day, AM (PM & Evening Conferences)
Bell Schedule
Monday (late start) 9:05 a.m. - 3:38 p.m.
Tuesday - Friday 8:20 a.m.- 3:38 p.m.
Late Arrivals - If students are arriving late, they will need to enter through door A (secure entrance) and kindly sign in with the office staff.
Parents know your child is in great hands! We are committed to providing our students with a quality education and maximizing the safety of all.
To assist us with this, anytime your student will be absent or late to school, please call by 9 a.m. our attendance line at
Please know this is a direct to voicemail line and you will not be connected with a staff member.
If you need to speak to someone in the main office please use one of the following numbers:
(313) 432-4403
(313) 432-4411
Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria, on Mondays from 8:50 - 9:05 a.m. & Tues. - Friday from 8:05 - 8:20 a.m.
Students who want to eat breakfast will need to be dropped off to enter Mason through door A (secure vestibule) at 8:50 a.m. on Mondays, or 8:05 a.m. Tuesday through Fridays. Students can not enter the building before the noted times for breakfast.
Students will be walked to the blacktop at 9:05 am on Mondays and 8:20 a.m. Tue- Fridays to join their class for arrival.
Come Volunteer at Mason!
2025-26 Important Dates
Mason Elementary School
Teamwork it is! One Mason, One Family, One Team!
Email: hassana@gpschools.org
Website: https://www.gpschools.org/Domain/1501
Location: 1640 Vernier Road, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI, USA
Phone: 313-432-4400