The Buzz
Autumn Term -12th September 2024
Message from the Head of School
Dear Parents/Carers,
What a wonderful first week back at HJS we have had! I have been so impressed with how quickly the children have settled back into school, working hard and doing this with a huge smile on their faces! It can be quite daunting joining a new year group, with a new teacher and new pupils but all the children have shown great resilience and it has been a pleasure seeing them all thrive.
This term, we have 27 clubs running before, during and after school. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to enrich their experience at HJS and I am pleased that so many have signed up. With all after school sports clubs, children need to change into their school PE kits at lunch time. This is to ensure that they can make the most of their club. If the sports club is before school (e.g. Judo) they may wear their school PE all day. Children are not permitted to wear other sports clothing at school during the day (e.g. Nike t-shirts, Puma shorts). If you have any questions about this, please initially speak to your child's class teacher.
Providing an enriched curriculum has always been at the heart of the ethos at Hampton Primary Partnership and we are determined to ensure we can continue to provide the richest possible experience for your child. It is for this reason that we ask parents to consider making a voluntary donation to the school of £10, per pupil per term. This has had a significant impact on the money available for the schools to purchase the ‘discretionary’ resources which support our enriched curriculum and we would like to thank you for these contributions made. Payments can be made on Arbor.
Another way that you can help the school is by volunteering. At HJS we are always thankful to parents / family members who are able to make a regular commitment to come into school and help. This might be hearing children read, working with a small group or supporting on visits. All volunteers must attend a short, annual volunteer briefing. The dates of these meetings are as follows:
🐝Hampton Junior School - Friday 20th September at 2.30pm
🐝Hampton Infant School and Nursery - Wednesday 25th September at 9am
🐝Hampton Junior School - Friday 27th September at 9.15am
The presentations from myself and Mrs Cook are the same, so you can attend either school.
Finally, I am thrilled to announce that Mrs Clarke (Y4 teacher last year) welcomed her baby girl (Constance) into the world over the summer holidays. Both Mum and baby are doing well and we hope to see them in school soon.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mr J James
Stars of the Week
3D - Seth
3G - Matilda
3S - Clara
3B - Celeste
4P - Alexia
4M - Kitty
4S - Ruby
4K - Leela
5GF - Kai
5R - Izzie
5S - Neerav
5D - Tom
Autumn Term Attendance Information
The class with the best attendance last week was 6B (100%)
The class with the least numbers of lates last week was 3D, 4M & 5D (zero lates)
Message from the Office
Year 6 Secondary School Applications
Applications have now opened for secondary school places and will close on Thursday 31st October. If you are taking your child to any of these open mornings, please ensure the office is informed in good time.
As a reminder we are happy to authorise a half day's absence to any year 6 child to view a prospective school in line with our attendance policy.
HPPA Welcomes Classlist
HPPA are delighted to let you know that from this year we will be moving away from PTA events to a new app called Classlist, letting you quickly and easily book tickets and make payments (it even has Google & Apple Pay!) and is super easy to set up.
Please download the Classlist app using the QR code below and create an account - it’s really simple and only takes a couple of minutes. We’ll be using Classlist for all HPPA fundraisers this year so don’t miss out - our first events (including everyone’s favourite open air cinema, fireworks and sponsored walks) are coming soon!
Classlist is a community app which means you will be able to find other carers / parents in your class and the wider school community. When signing up, the app will ask for some personal data (e.g your phone number and address) but you can skip these questions - this data isn’t essential for sign up. If you have any concerns about safeguarding or being searchable then please let the PTA know on and we will ensure you can still access these events.
Starts on Tuesday 1st October. In the interim please can you ensure that your child's pencil case is fully stocked - thank you
HJS Sporting Achievements
On Saturday, 10 boys showcased their exceptional skills and teamwork at the 5-a-side football tournament, representing their school with remarkable pride and determination. The boys' enthusiasm and sportsmanship made them a standout team, placing 4th overall for both groups. Well done boys, keep up the phenomenal effort.
Year 5 News
5GF were fantastic with reading and writing numbers up to 1,000,000. They showed excellent partnership and resilience.
ADHD Embrace
ADHD Embrace will be running Post Diagnosis Courses for children and young people on 5th October. The courses are run in age groups and cover developing an understanding of an ADHD diagnosis, strategies that support the academic journey and mental well-being.
Please click the below link to access the booking.
Helpful Links
Virtual Tour
Contact Details
Location: Hampton Junior School, Percy Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 020 8979 2545