McCullough All Things Registration
Let's get READY for the 2025-2026 School Year

Welcome Letter
Dear Highlander Family,
Welcome to our All Things Registration Newsletter for rising 7th and 8th graders at McCullough Junior High.
The staff at McCullough has put together a wealth of information for you to use to make decisions for the 2025-26 academic year. We have used the newsletter format to organize and link everything in one place. This newsletter will be continually updated as more information is available.
The online registration window will be open February 3 through February 17. Individual conferences have been scheduled for 6th grade students at their intermediate school. Conferences with current seventh graders will occur beginning the week of February 18 through their math classes. There is also an optional parent help session scheduled for March 6 at McCullough. The final deadline to make changes to your child's course selection is April 1. We are looking forward to working with your child during the course registration process throughout the spring semester. We are dedicated to making this a smooth and successful transition.
Be sure to click on the various RED buttons below for all of our presentations---towards the end you will find instructions on how to input course selections as well!
General Information
Counselors (2025-26 Assignments)
- Christina Augustine, 7th grade students with last names A-K. caugustine@conroeisd.net
- Jana Goforth, 7th grade students with last names L-Z. jgoforth@conroeisd.net
- Amber Bentley, 8th grade students with last names, A-K. abentley@conroeisd.net
- Manuel Texidor, 8th grade students with last names L-Z. mtexidor@conroeisd.net
Assistant Principals (2025-26 Assignments)
- Crystal Kocian, 7th grade students with last names A-K
- Daniel Bulick, 7th grade students with last names L-Z
- Delvin Sims, 8th grade students with last names A-K
- Farrin Ormes, 8th grade students with last names L-Z
Intermediate Student Presentations
- Feb. 21 - Coulson Tough
- Feb. 18 - Deretchin
- Feb. 18 - Wilkerson
- Feb. 27 - Mitchell
Core Courses
Shoud I Take Honors Courses?
All general education classes, level and honors, are college preparatory. The ultimate choice on which core course, level or honors, you wish your child to be in lies with you as long as it is made before the final deadline of April 1st.
- Honors courses taught at McCullough, TWHS 9, and TWHS prepare students to be successful in Advanced Placement, Dual Credit courses, and beyond.
- Higher expectation of students
- May move at a quicker pace than regular courses
- Be wise in making course choices for your child based on his/her unique characteristics
- Changes from honors to level and vice versa will not be accommodated after the April 1st deadline.
Required Courses - 7th Grade
- Language Arts - (2 Semesters)
- Writing Strategies 7 - (1 Semester)
- Mathematics - (2 Semesters)
- Investigations in Math - (1 Semester)
- Science - (2 Semesters)
- Texas History - (2 Semesters)
- Physical Education - (2 Semesters)
- Electives - 4 (2 each Semester)*
- If you do not choose band/choir/orchestra you MUST take General Employability elective --NEW this year and counts as high school credit
*A two-semester elective may be substituted for two one-semester choices.
Required Courses - 8th Grade
- Language Arts - (2 Semesters)
- Writing Strategies 8 - (1 Semester)
- Mathematics - (2 Semesters)
- Science - (2 Semesters)
- U.S. History - (2 Semesters)
- Physical Education - (1 Semester)
- Electives - 6 - (3 each semester)*
*A two-semester elective may be substituted for two one-semester choices.
Math - 7th Grade
Math Courses meet every other day for 90 minutes all year long
Seventh Grade Math
Pre-Algebra Honors (Eighth Grade Math, one year ahead)
Algebra I Honors* (High School Course, two years ahead)
Investigations in Mathematics course required for all 7th graders meets every other day for 90 minutes for one semester
Answers the question, "When will we ever use this?"
Finance component
Art and Patterns
Statistics and Logic
*High School Course credit is recorded on HS transcript, but is not included in the calculation of HS grade point average.
Math - 8th Grade
Math Courses meet every other day for 90 minutes all year long
Eighth Grade Math - Pre-Algebra
Algebra I Honors* (9th grade math, one year ahead)
Geometry Honors* (10th grade math, two years ahead)
*High School Course credit is recorded on HS transcript, but is not included in the calculation of HS grade point average.
English Language Arts - 7th & 8th Grade
Honors vs. Level
- Honors classes are going to move at a quicker pace and rely on students to read and work more independently through in-depth material.
- Level classes will move at a more structured pace with a heavier emphasis on teacher guidance.
- Both classes will tackle the same skills throughout the course of the school year but with novels and other texts that vary in complexity.
- Writing strategies is a semester-long class that students will take in both 7th and 8th grade.
- This course will explore different writing styles and craft techniques with an emphasis on student choice.
- While students will be tasked with writing analytically in their core language arts class, writing strategies allows them to explore their own voices creatively.
Science - 7th & 8th Grade
Honors Science
Concurrent enrollment in Pre-Algebra for 7th & Algebra for 8th or higher recommended
Independent Science Project is NOT required next year
Students should be self motivated and able to maintain a challenging pace of instruction
Curriculum goes at a faster pace and goes deeper into the content areas
Texas History - 7th Grade
Texas History
Honors Texas History
This course is designed to prepare students for subsequent Honors and Advanced Placement courses in Social Studies.
The curriculum focuses on critical thinking, application of concepts, and strategies for analyzing primary sources.
Development of writing skills is emphasized to promote success on Free Response Questions and Document Based Questions in AP Social Studies courses.
US History - 8th Grade
US History
Honors US History
This course is designed to prepare students for subsequent Honors and Advanced Placement courses in Social Studies.
The curriculum focuses on critical thinking, application of concepts, and strategies for analyzing primary sources.
Development of writing skills is emphasized to promote success on Free Response Questions and Document Based Questions in AP Social Studies courses.
Special Populations Success and Concern
- All means All
- Our staff works diligently to know, encourage, and understand all of our student populations
- We have students in special populations in all levels of academic classes
- Intermediate campuses deliver all sixth grade student records to McCullough at end of year
- McCullough teachers receive accommodations for students in Special Education, Section 504, and English as a Second Language
Homework at McCullough
- Time varies widely among students to complete assignments.
- Effectiveness of your child’s study strategies
- How much time is it going to take for your child to complete work outside of school for him/her to achieve the grade you want them to achieve in the course?
- Consider activities outside of school such as Dance, Gymnastics, Baseball, Equestrian, Swimming, etc.
- There is homework in our regular classes albeit less than in Honors classes
- Homework demands increase greatly in high school and college
- Students at McCullough report an average of 30-45 minutes per night spent on homework.
Athletics, PE, Cheer, Highland Girls, and Colorguard
Physical Education Requirements
- Students take PE for one year (two semesters) in seventh grade.
- Students take PE for 1 semester in eighth grade.
- Physical education is not considered one of a seventh grade student’s four elective choices as this course is a requirement.
- Active and Fun
- PE Uniforms are required. Parents can click on the link below to purchase them. Current prices range from $8- $12 depending on size and material.
- Specialty PE Courses Soccer (this is NOT the soccer team)
- PE- Soccer (not competitive)
- MUST pass skills test & have physical (will be placed in this class after skills evaluation)
- Athletics may substitute for PE *NEW this year---students must pass skills evaluation to be placed into the Athletics class. Students will then tryout in that class for that season. You will NOT select athletics on the course registration form. Please note, if your child doesn't pass the skills evaluation, they will still get the opportunity to tryout for that sport during that season.
List of classes we offer at McC but you will not sign up for them. Counselors will place students.
- Girls or Boys Basketball
- Girls Volleyball
- Girls or Boys Cross Country
- Cheerleading
- Highland Girls Drill Team
- Color Guard
- PE Specialty Soccer
NOTE: The Athletic Presentations will be posted after the February 11th Athletic Meetings here and on the McC Athletics Website!
Off Campus Physical Education also known as Private PE
Off Campus Physical Education also known as Private PE
Examples of activities that facilities may provide for off campus PE are: dance, diving (JH only), equestrian, fencing, gymnastics, figure skating, golf (JH only), martial arts, rowing, swimming (JH only), tennis (JH only), and other individual sports.
- March 11 - Off Campus/Private PE Applications open online. All applications due to CISD Physical Education Department are due June 1st.
- April 1 - Last day for Off Campus/Private PE requests at McCullough
- June 1 - Last day for Off Campus/Private PE Applications with Conroe ISD
- Off Campus Private PE is a one year requirement for both 7th and 8th grades.
- Students enrolled in 7515 *5 hrs must enroll in General Employability if in 7th grade
For more information please click on the following links:
**Please note, students who are trying out for an athletic team and would like the option for off campus PE must make sure they have completed the Private PE online application by June 1, 2025. Off Campus PE cannot be added after the June 1st Deadline if the application is not submitted. There are strict deadlines. BE sure to see JH Course Guide for more details.
Off Campus Private PE Program Guidelines
Conroe ISD JH Course Guide--check all details under Private PE: https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/5052/CISD/4920502/JHS_Academic_Catalog_25-26.pdf
List of Vendors: https://www.conroeisd.net/page/health-physical-education
McCullough Cheer Important Dates
The 2025-26 McCullough Cheerleader Tryout dates have been set as follows:
- Feb. 10 - McCullough Cheerleader Information Meeting, 6:00pm in the Nancy Bock Auditorium at McCullough
- Mar. 3-5 - McCullough Cheerleader Clinic 4:45 - 6:45 p.m.
- Mar. 6 - McCullough Cheerleader Tryout at 4:45 p.m.
- Mar. 7 - Posting of McCullough Cheerleader results after 6:00 p.m. after all results have been verified.
Highland Girls
The 2025-26 McCullough Highland Girls Drill Team Tryout dates have been set as follows:
- Feb. 10 – Highland Girl Applications available at home campuses
- Mar. 17 – Highlander Girl Tryout Meeting, McCullough Large Gym at 6:00 p.m.
- Mar. 17 – Application Deadline – turn in to home campus by noon or at parent meeting
- Mar 18-21, 24-28 – Highland Girl Tryout Clinic
- Mar 29 - Highland Girl Tryouts
- Mar 30 - Posting of Highland Girls results
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tara Gourley, tgourley@conroeisd.net
Color Guard
The 2025-26 McCullough Color Guard Tryout dates have been set as follows:
- April 14th - Mandatory Audition Informational Meeting at 6:30 - 7:30 PM in Nancy Bock Auditorium at McCullough Junior High.
- Parent/Guardian and student attendance required.
- April 22-24th - Mandatory Color Guard Audition Clinic: McCullough Gyms A & B , 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. (attendance at all three days of clinic are required to be eligible to audition)
- April 25th - Mandatory Color Guard Auditions in McCullough Gyms A & B, 4:30 - 8:00 p.m.
- April 26th - Audition results sent to parent/guardian email by 5:00 p.m.
If you have any questions, please email mniemeyer@conroeisd.net.
Elective Choices - 7th Grade
- Art A
Art B
Exploring Languages
Leadworthy/Teen Leadership
Theater Arts I
Theater Arts II
Theater Production
- Yearbook I
High School Credit
- General Employability *
Elective Choices - 8th Grade
Eighth Graders may take all electives that are available to seventh graders. The following elective choices are only available to our eighth graders.
- Office Aide/Peer Tutor/Buddy Application
- Ceramics (Art A is pre-requisite, application required)
- Yearbook II Application
High School Credit Electives - Career Technical Education (CTE) courses are only available to rising 8th graders. These courses are for the full year and are bolded below. Rising Eighth graders may choose to sign up for one of these courses. More information will be available at McCullough Athletic and Elective Night on Feb. 11, 6:00 p.m.
- *Art I (full year)
- Communications (1 semester)
- Health (1 semester)
- *Spanish I (full year)
- *Principles of Agriculture (full year)
- *Medical Terminology (full year)
- *Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance (full year)
- *Principles of Arts/Audio Visual (full year)
- *Fundamentals of Computer Science--NEW this year (full year)
*A Year long elective counts as two choices
Athletic and Elective Night - Feb. 11
McCullough's Athletic and Elective Night is scheduled for Feb. 11, 2025. Students will have the opportunity to explore elective offerings as well as attend athletic presentations in the Bock Auditorium.
- 5:45 p.m. Doors open to Bock Auditorium
- 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Girls Athletics Presentation in Bock Auditorium
- 6:00 - 6:20 p.m. 8th Grade HS CTE Courses
- 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. - Come and Go Events
- Elective Fair in Commons, E104, E106
- Band Directors in Band Hall D100
- Orchestra Director in Orchestra Hall D101
- Choir Directors in Choir Room D102
- 6:30 - 6:50 p.m. 8th Grade HS CTE Courses
- 6:45 - 7:15 p.m. Boys Athletics Presentation in Bock Auditorium
- 7:00 - 7:20 p.m. 8th Grade HS CTE Courses
Course Request Process
Factors Impacting Course Requests
Availability of Course
Student’s Core Course Selection
Elective Course Requests by Students
Number of Electives
7th Graders will take 4
8th Graders will take 6
Specialty Classes
Fine Arts
Course Request Process - Feb. 3 - Feb. 17
- Online scheduling portal opens for all incoming 7th and 8th graders Feb. 3 through Feb. 17.
- Instructions for making course requests will be available Feb. 3.
- Deadline for course request changes is April 1, 2025
Parent Help Session - March 6, 2025
Parent Help Session will take place on March 6, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at McCullough Junior High School. The help session is for rising 7th and 8th grade parents who may have specific questions about course selection pertaining to their child. Please note that staff will meet individually with all students prior to this date to verify for accuracy of course selections.
Individual Student Conferencing Sessions
Counselors will meet individually with each student after the online request window closes on the following dates (dates are tentative).
- McCullough Current 7th graders beginning Feb. 18 through their math classes
- Feb. 26 - Wilkerson
- Feb. 27 - Coulson Tough
- Mar 3 - Deretchin
- Mar. 4 - Mitchell
Registration Final Deadline - April 1st
- Final deadline to make any change, elective request, or core level change is April 1, 2025.
- Teachers are hired with specific teaching certifications based on requests of parents on this date.
- Master schedule is constructed based on parent/guardian course requests