Miller Elementary Weekly Update
May 10, 2024
Mrs. Goodman's Message
Hello Miller Families!
It's hard to believe our time is winding down and the end-of-the-year festivities are quickly approaching! We had an amazing week with our Mystery Guest, The Bubble Lady - Ms. Sue! Your little ones enjoyed watching all the small bubbles, large bubbles and unique bubble blowers she used throughout her show. I'm sure they came home and talked all about it! We want to thank the Aurora Elementary PTO for supporting this wonderful assembly for all children at Miller. The Bubble Lady will be back in Aurora this summer at the Library on June 29th at 1:00 PM! Please check out our local library for some fun summer events and activities to enjoy with your child!
Here are some important reminders for the upcoming week:
- Kindergarten parents, don't forget there is a Parent/Guardian Orientation on Tuesday, 5/14 at 6:30 PM. This event is for adults only to hear important information about the transition to Craddock Elementary School. Students will be participating in a visit to Craddock on Thursday 5/16 of this upcoming week so they can have a more child-friendly opportunity to get ready for next year!
- Preschool families, please make sure you have saved the date for our Preschool Family Playground Party and Preschool Graduation. We are excited to welcome you to school to say farewell for the summer and of course, send off your amazing preschoolers to kindergarten through our graduation ceremony. Preschool graduation will be on Monday, May 20th at 5:30 PM. Our Preschool Family Playground Party will be on Thursday, May 23rd from 11:00-11:30 for our AM classes and 2:30-3:00 for our PM classes.
Finally, we would like to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and sisters who enter the lives of our young children. We are all shaped by others in our lives, so whoever you are celebrating with this weekend, we hope you enjoy your time spent together or the time you will spend reflecting on fond memories of loved ones. Happy Mother's Day!
Maria Goodman
Miller Elementary School - Principal
Principal for the Day - Keagan Sarver
This past Monday, Miller was lucky to have Principal Keagan Sarver takeover for the day! The Aurora Sports Boosters held their annual raffle fundraiser and Keagan was the lucky winner. He helped to call our last tornado drill for the year, check in with Superintendent Mike Roberto and of course we had a fabulous assembly with the Bubble Lady! Thank you to the Sarver Family and all families who support our Sports Boosters!
The Bubbly Lady Assembly
Craddock, Here I Come!
Hello Incoming First Grade Craddock Families!
I am getting so excited to meet with you on Tuesday, 5/14 at 6:30 for our Incoming 1st Grade Parent Orientation. This meeting will be held in the Craddock gymnasium. You can park towards the front of the building and enter through door 1 or by the Board of Education/courtyard and enter through door 3.
Mrs. Kerchenski, our school secretary, Mrs. Schnur, our school counselor and I will be on hand to present some important information and answer any and all questions you might have. Our goal is to get you feeling comfortable and excited about your child's transition to Craddock for the 24-25 school year! Mrs. Goodman will send out the slides from the presentation to all families in case we have some who are not able to attend.
In the meantime, if you have any questions about this evening or 1st grade, don't hesitate to reach out using my contact information below.
Take care and I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, 5/14 at 6:30 at Craddock Elementary!
Kim Stewart
Principal of Craddock Elementary School
105 Hurd Road
Aurora, Ohio 44202
330-562-3175 - office
216-849-2552 - cell
Lost and Found
Here are a few pictures of our lost and found in the front office. If you see an item that belongs to your child or family, please send in a note with your child which picture 1, 2, 3, or 4 and the item they need to bring home. Any unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the school year or kept for our clinic to use next year. Thanks!
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Important Dates and Events
- Sunday, 5/12 - Happy Mother's Day
- Tuesday, 5/14 - Incoming First Grade Parent Meeting at Craddock 6:30 PM @ CES
- Thursday, 5/16- Kindergarten Visits First Grade at Craddock
- Monday, 5/20 - Preschool Graduation at Miller - 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM on the Playground
- Monday, 5/20 - Board Meeting at 7:00 Conference Center
- Wednesday, 5/22 - Kindergarten End of the Year Outdoor Events- Sign-Up Forthcoming
- Thursday, 5/23- Preschool End of the Year Family Farewell
- AM Classes 11:00-11:30 and PM Classes 2:30-3:00
- Thursday, 5/23- Last Day of School/Last Day of Trimester 3
Miller Parent Pick-Up and Attendance Reporting
This is a reminder that we are using our Miller Attendance and Parent Pick-up Form as an easy communication tool to report your child will be absent or you need to pick them up from school early. You still need to use the Alternative Bus Stop Form linked in this newsletter if you need your child's bus to change. You do not need to report if they will not be riding the bus in the morning due to an absence or illness on this form.
If you want to change your child from a bus rider to a parent pick-up, please scan the QR code below or click the button to fill out our Google form. This can be done from any device and your reply will be sent immediately to our secretary, Mrs. Wolf.
If you need an alternative bus stop or a change in busing, we also have attached the transportation forms to change your child's busing information. These forms need to be completed and sent to our transportation department at transportationinfo@aurora-schools.org
As a reminder, you can send in cash or check made out to the Aurora City Schools and we will add any amount to your child's lunch account. Please send in money in a clearly labeled envelope so we know to add this amount to your child's account!
Important PTO Information
Hello Miller Families!
Below are your AEPTO updates.
1. Saturday, May 4th 9:30am-1:00pm - Spring Flower pick up at the Aurora Board of Education parking lot (102 E. Garfield Rd.). This is the only day for pick up. If you are unable to make it, please ask a family member or friend to pick up your flowers for you.
This is a drive through pick up, so you will not be parking your car. Also, we have changed the route you will be taking to pick up the flowers to try to avoid backing up traffic on 82. Please see the map below.
Important Dates
5/3 - School Lunch Hero Day
5/4 - Spring flower pick up
5/8 - School Nurse Day
5/23- Last Day of School!!
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Miller Elementary: Preschool & Kindergarten
Vicki Wolf
Email: mgoodman@aurora-schools.org
Website: aurora-schools.org
Location: 646 S Chillicothe Rd, Aurora, OH 44202, USA
Phone: 330-562-6199