Scotts Bluff County 4-H
December 2024 Newsletter
2025 Enrollment
4-H Online 2.0 Enrollment is Open!
4HOnline is UP and now ready for your 2025 enrollment application! v2.4honline.com
If you registered your child last year, you still need to register on 4HOnline for this year!
For returning families, please do not create a new account; instead, use your log-in credentials for 4honline used in previous years. Instructions can be found here: https://4h.unl.edu/enroll/returning-member
Enrollment instructions for new families can be found here: https://4h.unl.edu/enroll/new-member
- Project selection is optional, please still choose projects so that you will receive project specific emails. By successfully completing the 4-H member enrollment by the June 15th deadline, youth will be eligible to participate and exhibit in any project area, contest, county and state fairs.
Shooting Sports and Horse participants must sign up for a least one project to agree to the consents to participate.
Volunteer Screening Changes Fall 2024
Beginning with the 2024-2025, there are changes to the Nebraska 4-H volunteer screening policy and procedures. Beginning October 2024, all 4-H volunteers serving in a direct volunteer role, such as a club leader, project leader, workshop presenter and more, will screen every five years based on their anniversary date. With this change, ALL volunteers serving in a direct role will screen during the 2024-2025 program year.
When enrolling in 4-H Online, volunteers will be redirected to the new screening vendor, Sterling Volunteers. The new screening is a criminal background history check and will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. The cost of the screening is $16 and is paid during the screening process online. Volunteers must successfully pass their screening in order to serve in a 4-H volunteer role. All returning volunteers need to re-screen by March 15, 2025.
These changes were made to ensure all youth and volunteers are protected through increased volunteer screening level and enhanced user experience.
Volunteer Orientation for 2025
• Nebraska 4-H has implemented Volunteer Orientation, which is part of the volunteer screening process.
• Direct volunteers are required to complete the 4-H Volunteer Orientation during enrollment as a new volunteer and/or during the re-screening process every five years.
• The volunteer orientation link is located in the direct volunteer screening information in 4honline.
• Upon completion, the county office the volunteer selected during the orientation will receive a confirmation email.
• The volunteer also receives an email confirming their completion.
• The volunteer orientation can also be found on the public website: https://4h.unl.edu/volunteer-orientation
• The volunteer orientation will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. Users are not required to complete the orientation in one session.
Beef Weigh-in
2025 Beef Weigh-in Dates Announced
Beef weigh-in will take place at the UNL PREEC Feedlot on February 22 and March 15, 2025 from 1:00-2:30p.m. The UNL Feedlot is located north of Scottsbluff off of Experiment Farm Road. Call 632-1480 if you need directions!
County tags are $1 each and we will have all the paperwork needed. If you are interested in showing market beef, breeding beef, or feeder calf at State Fair you will need an EID tag ($3) and MUST submit a DNA kit for these animals. DNA kits will be available at the weigh-in and are due to the Nebraska Extension Office before June 15. To finish your nomination for State Fair you must submit nomination info and fees online.
Contact the Extension Office if you have questions
5th Annual New Years Beef Bash
Mark your calendars!!! December 27th-29th 2024. Scotts Bluff County Fairgrounds-Mitchell.
Online entries are now open!! Follow the link https://showman.app/shows
Late fees will be applied after Dec 20th. The last day to submit online entries is Dec 27th.
Entries will not be accepted the day of show.
Bit & Spur 4-H Club Member Invite
Shooting Sports Practice Announcement
Practices for BB gun and Air Rifle will begin Monday, December 2nd. Practice schedule will be as follows:
Mitchell-Monday and Thursday @6:30
Minatare-Monday @6:00
More Opportunities
Nebraska Sheep and Goat Producer Association Lambing & Kidding School
Have questions about Lambing & Kidding? Do you want to learn more about taking care of your lambs and kids? Do you know what to look for in times of trouble? ---
Whether you are a new producer or been doing it for a long time. We have the program for you. We will be holding a Lambing & Kidding Clinic in Scottsbluff, NE on December 14, 2024 starting at 9:30 am MT.
Get pre-registered today to get the early bird discount.
Early bird registration closes December 7th.
Clinic the link to get registered https://nebraskasheepandgoat.org/?fbclid=IwY2xjawGrUwhleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHfsZ2ZqsdRKan-yznVadbWDWwZxmWWabq2XuohgUnQo-v46n5GCbcgb43g_aem_pdVPpcLwQKAgen2GoDefZg .
Questions email ne.sheep.goat@gmail.com
2025 Special Garden Project Announcement
The Special Garden Project is a way to offer Nebraska youth the chance to grow unusual and fun projects in their gardens.
The 2025 Special Garden Project will focus on the Goldie Husk Cherry. This old-fashioned fruit from the tomato family has sweet berries inside golden husks. The fruits have many uses and can be eaten raw, dried, frozen, canned, or made into tasty treats like pies, desserts, or preserves. (I assure you the husk cherry is different than a groundcherry, which is a weed in Nebraska, that looks very similar, but isn’t edible)
Youth are encouraged to enroll for Horticulture/Plant Science through 4-H Online. Youth will then need to reach out to the Extension Office to sign up and order the seeds.
Let us know if you want to plant seeds so we order a good supply!
4-H Year End Reminders
Please check back for updates.
Premium Money/County & State Fair Projects
There are a few county and state fair projects left at the office, please come and pick them up!
Club leaders are required to submit a year end treasurer’s report to your local Extension Office by the end of January for each bank or savings account your club or council has. Year End Report
paperwork needs to be filled out and returned to our office by January 31. Paperwork will be
sent to Organizational Club Leaders or forms are also available at the Extension Office or
online at: https://4h.unl.edu/resources/volunteers/training-community-club-leader/.
2024 Achievement Celebration
2024 Achievement Celebration
Thank you to all of our families who joined us in celebrating the end of our 2023-2024 4-H year! A special shoutout to the Committee Julie Lane and Laurie Zitterkopf! For those 4-H members and family that did not make it to the Achievement Celebration - Don’t forget to stop by the Extension Office and pick up your Premium Money.
The Annual Achievement Celebration was held on Sunday, November 3rd. The afternoon was full of celebrating the successes of 4-H members and the appreciation of volunteers.
Achievement Application Winners:
- Junior Grand: Gage Creech
- Junior Reserve: Heidi LaTowsky
- Intermediate Grand: Hunter Creech
- Intermediate Reserve: Brooklyn Creech
- Senior Grand: Jonah Splichal
- Senior Reserve: Justine Wilkinson
Diamond Clover:
- Level 1 (Amethyst) – Bowen Brown, Ashlyn Duffield, Addy Hayward, Eldridge Howard, Kayson Keithly, Noah Reynaga, Easton Sauer, Gunnar Schultz, Colten Woodard
- Level 2 (Aquamarine) – Corbin Anderson, Kaylynn Muhr, Bella Schultz
- Level 3 (Ruby) – Mattie Brown, Lillian Debus, Bryson Gaul, Brenden Keener, Mariella Myers, Madi Murphy, Dillon Russell
- Level 4 (Sapphire) – Cash Robbins, Jake Wilkinson
- Level 6 (Diamond) – Justine Wilkinson
Casey Debus was recognized as the Outstanding Volunteer. For the last two years she has taken on the head superintendent role for the dog and small animal programs. She also serves as one of the co-leaders of the Puppy Lovers 4-H Club. Casey is tenacious at ensuring that things are done correctly and on time.
Friend of 4-H Award was presented to the Cromer family in memory of Joan Cromer. Joan served as a long time 4-H volunteer and continues to impact lives of others even in her passing with a donation to be used to benefit 4-H youth in Scotts Bluff County.
The Outstanding Leader Award was presented to Juanita Baker. Mrs. Baker is a 56-year seasoned horse volunteer who continues to inspire our youth to be the best they can be!
The New Horizons Award we awarded to Kira Bowhay. As a 4-H alumni, she showed dog and fiber goats along with many other projects. She has now come back as a volunteer and is the superintendent of the Fiber Animal Project. With her leadership and knowledge, the project will flourish for years to come.
The Tom Holman Spirit of 4-H Award was received by two 4-H members.
Mariella Myers is a shining star; she has done well with all her 4-H projects and has submitted some to state fair already. She helps with clean-up and workdays and is always respectful of others.
Lillian Debus joined the Just Kidding Around 4-H Club in 2021 and has shown diversity and growth in her projects. She consistently volunteers in the JKA Club community service projects and serves as secretary for the club.
The I Dare You Award was presented to Sophia Pitts. She has been serving as a coach to Just Kidding Around Club members identifying animal breeds, litter size, and distinguishing characteristics. She has also been active assisting younger members with STEM activities. Sophia’s values and respect for others make her an outstanding citizen. She participates in community service projects and volunteers wherever there is a need.
This year the Outstanding 4-H member award went to Justine Wilkinson. Justine is a member of more than one club, and they know they can go to her for help and guidance. She has become a leader and helps wherever needed. She leads by example and a softly spoken word. She is on her way to becoming a very caring leader.
New Rocket Club
State 4-H
Nebraska 4-H Farrowed and Owned Cohort
Registration is now open! **NEW for 2025**: Exhibit your Farrowed and Owned project animals at any Nebraska county fair. Exhibiting at the 2025 Nebraska State Fair is optional. All cohort members will participate in an interview at the 2025 Nebraska State Fair. For more details, refer to the cohort webpage at: https://4h.unl.edu/farrowed-owned.
Nebraska Fed Steer Challenge
Nebraska Fed Steer Challenge applications now open!
Last chance for applications, please apply by December 15th, 2024 for the 2025 program year. For more information regarding the Fed Steer Challenge, or to submit an application please visit https://4h.unl.edu/fed-steer-challenge
Livestock Achievement Program 2025
We are excited to announce the fourth year of the Nebraska 4-H Livestock Achievement Program. This additional opportunity for enrolled livestock project youth is designed to promote all educational aspects of 4-H livestock projects including selection, production, leadership, and exhibition by recognizing youth striving to improve their livestock project knowledge and leadership.
The program recognizes Members of Excellence across all 4-H livestock project areas including: beef, sheep, meat goat, swine, dairy cattle, dairy goat, rabbit, and poultry.
The program consists of three levels that require 4-H members to plan and report a broad range of age-appropriate and project-related accomplishments. For each level, the Livestock Achievement Program provides a list of accomplishments from which 4-H members choose their goals. Each accomplishment is worth a specific number of points. Juniors 8-9 submit pictures, posters, presentations, and other learning activities to receive the distinction of Junior Member of Excellence, no point value. Intermediates, ages 10-13, must complete 100 points worth of activities to receive the distinction of Intermediate Member of Excellence. Seniors, ages 14-18, must complete 150 points worth of activities to receive the distinction of Senior Member of Excellence. The Plan and Reports page shows examples of the project related accomplishments they can choose, or they can identify their own with approval of their local educator.
Application/Sign up is due June 15th through the application form link on the website. Plan and Reports, as well as Project Records will be due August 1 via the completion form on the website.
Youth completing the Achievement Program and receiving Member of Excellence recognition in the various species will be recognized during the Parade of Champions, 4-H weekend at the Nebraska State Fair.
For more information or to apply, go to: Livestock Achievement Program | Nebraska 4-H (unl.edu)
Scholarship Opportunities
For a list of available scholarships visit https://www.ne4hfoundation.org/scholarships/.
Engler is an entrepreneurship program at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Our mission is to embolden our people on the courageous pursuit of their purpose through the art and practice of entrepreneurship. Rather than sit in lecture halls all day, Engler students engage in entrepreneurship the time-tested, tried-and-true way: learning by doing.
Engler is for the students who recognize that college should be more than just homework and grades — those who are not content waiting four years to start building their future and desire more than the generic college experience. If you’re passionate about entrepreneurship or are interested in pursuing your purpose, you’re in the right place. Our students come from a wide variety of majors and disciplines, and we welcome all kinds of entrepreneurs and businesses. Engler is a place where future engineers, marketers, scientists, artists, programmers, farmers, and many others collaborate to build enterprises and wage war with the status quo. Whether you’re from small-town Nebraska or a big city on the other side of the globe, you can find a home here.
Submit your application by email to engler@unl.edu or you can mail it to Engler Program, 1625 N 38th St, DINS 201A, Lincoln, NE 68583.or visit https://englerjourney.com/scholarships/.
Deadline to apply is January 15, 2025.
The Nebraska Women Involved in Farm Economics (WIFE) is pleased to offer the Cynthia Thomsen Scholarship. Nebraska WIFE is a grassroots organization dedicated to improving profitability in production agriculture. The one-year $2000 scholarship is available to any woman who lives in Nebraska who will begin her FIRST year in a University/Technical/Trade/Community College in a field related to agriculture and must be postmarked by March 25, 2025. The scholarship may be used at the school of the recipient’s choice in Nebraska.
Applications are due by March 15, 2025. Contact the Extension Office for the application.
For the second year, the University of Nebraska—Lincoln’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources will accept applicants for the Elite 11 scholarship program.
This unique scholarship opportunity, which is open to high school seniors from Nebraska, is aimed at increasing the number of veterinarians practicing in production animal practices across the state.
The Elite 11 program offers financial assistance to Nebraska students pursuing degrees in Animal Science or Veterinary Science at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources who have demonstrated a passion and commitment to the health and well being of production animals. Students who take part in the program will pursue careers as livestock veterinarians in rural Nebraska. The program is a partnership between the state of Nebraska and CASNR.
To apply, students must submit a statement of interest, a two-minute video, a resume, transcripts, ACT/SAT scores, and three references. List of references must be submitted by Jan. 10, 2025. All other materials must be submitted by Feb. 3, 2025. Scholarship recipients will be announced March 5, 2025.
2025 Omaha Fashion Week
Nebraska 4-H is excited to participate in the 2025 Omaha Fashion Week Student Night!
4-H members ages 8-18 are invited to apply for the 4-H Collection to be shown at the Omaha Design Center on February 26, 2025. Garments must have been exhibited at the County Fair in 2024 and should be fashion-forward, runway appropriate, and display high-quality construction.
To apply, complete the online application by December 20th. Visit https://go.unl.edu/25ofw for event details and application process.
Searching for Companion Animal Superintendent
2025 Fair Dates
Contact Information
Nebraska Extension - Scotts Bluff County
Email: abrown132@unl.edu
Website: extension.unl.edu/statewide/scottsbluff/
Location: 4502 Ave I, Scottsbluff, NE 69361
Phone: 308-632-1480
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scottsbluffco4h
The University of Nebraska does not discriminate based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, marital status, and/or political affiliation in its programs, activities, or employment.