Snapshot - Home Learning Edition
Welcome to our CTS Snapshot - a weekly celebration update. We would like to continue to share the achievements of our students during this uncertain time. Each week we will include new ideas for students to do at home, news on competitions and updates from the home learning team. If you have done a piece of work you are really proud of and would like to share it in Snapshot next week, please email this to with the title of the email being 'snapshot' including a short description of your work, and we will choose a selection to share.
Home Learning News:
Year 8 - Emma - Experimenting with realism
Year 10 - Emma - Pen drawing for GCSE Art
Year 10 - Lacy - Study of Van Gogh
Year 8 student Alfie H has created a brilliant version of the “Flappy Bird” game with a medieval theme!
News, Nominations and Competitions:
Year 7 – Mr Cox needs you! He has created a survey for you to complete about tutor time. This will only take a few minutes to do. Click here for the link.
Year 7/8 – History have posted a National essay writing competition that you can take part in – check your history team for more information.
Year 9 – Have you entered the Brooke Weston Trust science competition? Have a look in your science team for more information.
Year 9 students will be set assignments on Teams next week to submit to your teachers for feedback. Please check your teams on Monday morning for all of the details.
Year 10 – You have been set an assignment this week in each of your Teams that your teacher will be marking and providing feedback. Please make sure you 'turn in' your assignments to take advantage of this opportunity.
Year 11 – Amazon have published FREE CGP kindle editions of their ‘Head Start’ books for anyone who is looking to progress to Biology, Physics, Chemistry or Maths.
Year 13 – Check out your home learning page on the website for up to date careers information, online certification and support with CV writing.
Mrs Ferns would like to say, 'well done' to Year 10 students Carmen, Patryk, Ines, Ashley and Sonny, who have complete all the tasks set on Hegarty Maths.
Miss McGrath has nominated Year 8 student Dylan C for the brilliant weekly summaries of the work he has been completing. During week 1 of home learning, Dylan put together an interactive PowerPoint showcasing his all the work he had completed. For week 2 Dylan created a Microsoft Sway, again to present his work. Dylan used what he has been learning in his online music lessons with his guitar tutor to compose his own background music.
Mr Gourlay would like to say, 'well done' to Year 10 students Tamsyn and Ana for their superb and well considered responses to their question on the ethical considerations of replacing mobile devices on an annual basis.
We are proud to have received the Silver Award from All Together - United Against Bullying.
In November 2019, we participated in The Anti Bullying Alliance: “All Together” initiative. Corby Technical School firmly support their vision to stop bullying and create a safe environment where our students can live, grow, play and learn. A picture of our award is below and the full story is also on the school website.
Apprenticeship News:
The March parent information pack from Amazing Apprenticeships is here:
It offers information and support for young people and parents who are considering an apprenticeship as their next step.
- If you have any queries regarding free school meal vouchers or any student queries please email
- For any assistance with home learning, email
Corby Technical School
Location: Cottingham Road, Corby, United Kingdom
Phone: 01536 213100
Twitter: @CTSCorby