February Tointon Times
A School Community Newsletter
Celebrating Black History Month!
Upcoming Events
February Upcoming Events:
- Feb. 5- No School (Conferences 1:15-7:15)
- Feb. 6- 100th Day of School (Conference 3:15 -7:15)
- Feb. 9- Chinese New Year (School Spirit Day)
- Feb. 14- Valentines Day
- Feb. 19- No School (President's Day)
- Feb. 23- Super Hero Day (School Spirit Day)
- Feb. 26- College Day (School Spirit Day)
- Feb. 27- Silly Sock Day (School Spirit Day)
- Feb. 28- Wacky Wednesday (School Spirit Day)
- Feb. 29- Hat Day (School Spirit Day)
LULAC Concessions
Grab some yummy snacks during sports games, while supporting Tointon's LULAC!
Chips and Takis- $1
Gatorade and Arizona Tea- $2
Candy Bars- $2
Bottle Water- $1
Calling All Chaperons!
Girls Basketball and Wrestling Schedule
School Fundraisers
Box Tops
Download the 'Box Tops' app, create an account, find Tointon Academy, and start scanning digital or paper receipts!
King Soopers
Once logged into King Soopers account under 'Rewards' search for 'Tointon Academy of Pre-Engineering (District 6)' or use code "NW113" and then click 'Enroll'.
New users will need to create an account that requires some basic information, a valid email address, and a loyalty card.
Tointon Tunes Field Trip
*Image of a heart flower petal*
The Tointon Tunes are on the move! February 27th the 4th and 5th grade singers will be going on a Field Trip to the Greeley Evans Elementary Choral Festival! We are so excited to work with other schools choirs and create an amazing concert for the community. If you would like to watch the concert will be February 27th at 6pm at the Union Colony Civics Center. Tickets will be $2.00 per person. Hope to see you there!
Tointon Variety Show!
Health Office Note
February is Dental Health Month!
Oral Health and General Health -
- Oral problems could have a significant effect on your child’s development and well-being, for example, problems with eating & drinking, pain & discomfort, restless nights, fatigue & low concentration, and low self-esteem.
Supervise your child’s oral health until at least age 8.
Begin oral health at infancy.
Brush and floss daily
Limit sugary drinks
Maintain regular dental check-ups.
Please get in touch with your school’s health office or Dr. if you need help with any resources.
Engineering Corner
Looking for some fun engineering activities for the family? Check out the idea below! Every month you will find something fun for all ages. Some challenges are easy and some are more complex, but most require materials you will find around your home. If your family completes activities, send pictures and/or videos to kfarruggia@greeleyschools.org to get them posted on our social media!