The Scoop!
Cedar Hills Elementary - September 20, 2024

November 23, 2024 - Principal's Note
We had a great week leading up to our Thanksgiving break! We've been focused on gratitude this month and filling up an entire gratitude board in the front entrance. It's been fun to watch the interaction and excitement around being thankful for each other! I'm sure you also heard a bit about the fun our staff had the last few days before break -- our students love the Turkey in Your Pocket game too!
I huge thank you to our community and fabulous PTO -- our entire staff was able to take home an easy to cook meal on Friday. Pizza and pie just hits the spot! THANK YOU to all of CHE!
Don't forget - the weather is changing, so please make sure your student has appropriate clothing for the possible weather that day. If you need help with cold weather gear, please use the Hug Fund information found below.
Have a great break and we look forward to seeing everyone on December 2nd!
✈️ Important Travel Outside of the USA Information ✈️
This important message is for any family or staff that will travel out of the United States during the school year. Please click here to read the restrictions and recommendations for Out of the Country travel. Blue Valley resources such as Canvas, Classlink, and school email are not accessible out of the country unless you have a personal device with a VPN on it.
🚧 Construction Update 🚧
We are now able to relay that construction will begin while we are on Thanksgiving break. We are expecting the contractors to come in over that week and set up safety fencing, as well as any other preparations prior to our students coming back on Monday, 12/2/24. We are actively teaching about safety and how to navigate the construction in classrooms and through our morning announcements.
One major change for our back walkers or bike riders will be a change in path. We will not be able to access the back at all for arrival or dismissal. Below you will find a finalized map for this adjustment. I realize this will not be ideal and some will decide to change their arrival or dismissal to car riders.
I realize there will be disruptions to our norm due to construction and plans may have to change if we learn that something is not working. Safety and minimizing disruption are at the heart of every decision that we are working on. We just ask for some grace and understanding during this time.
In the latest Blue Valley Schools’ BV Unmuted podcast episode, Superintendent Dr. Tonya Merrigan is joined by Leah Vomhof (Blue Valley Northwest principal), Stacey Sperry (Prairie Star Elementary principal) and Dr. Cory Cox (Blue Valley North assistant principal) to discuss the importance of school attendance.
🎙️ To listen to the podcast episode, visit https://tinyurl.com/AttendanceBV.
#BVTogether #ChampionsOfLearning
Attendance Matters: Learning is More Than Just Worksheets
When children miss school, it's not just about catching up on homework or getting missed assignments. The classroom experience offers far more than what can be sent home. In-class learning involves hands-on activities, group projects, interactive lessons and discussions that help students engage in learning.
For young learners, these experiences are irreplaceable. Being part of the class helps your child develop social skills, teamwork and problem-solving abilities. Teachers craft lessons that involve direct participation, and when a student is absent, they miss out on these critical elements.
Every day of school provides opportunities for your child to grow, connect and learn. Ensuring they are present as much as possible gives them the best chance to succeed.
Reminder - PTO Hug Fund
We've been discussing additional support for those in need with our PTO for the past few years. We are thrilled to relay that we can do our best to help with those needs. If you don't have funds to purchase coats, hats/gloves, shoes, clothing, food, book fair books, gifts, etc., our amazing PTO has established methods to possibly help fulfill those needs. We understand asking for help can be hard, so you can reach out to any of the contacts listed below and request assistance. Your identity, the need, or any other particulars will be confidential.
Cade Chace, Principal - ccchace@bluevalleyk12.org
Kelly Northup, Asst. Principal - knorthup@bluevalleyk12.org
Sara Maddox, Counselor - sfmaddox@bluevalleyk12.org
Denise Stutey, Social Work - dastutey@bluevalleyk12.org
Thank you to our outstanding community and PTO for the additional support!
🍴Lunchroom Visitors - Change is Here! 🍴
With a sight delay, we will now ask that ALL lunchroom visitors sign up in advance to attend lunch with their student. We will have a link that allows you to sign up and provide notice in advance. This small change will help us tighten safety and security while ensuring we have enough seating for all involved. While this will be a change for all of us, it will greatly reduce concerns and logistical issues for all of CHE. Thank you for your support!
Civility For All - Students, Staff, and Community
We are thankful for the ongoing partnership and support we experience in our school community. Working together we ensure the best possible student experience allowing them to realize personal success. There are times, however, when issues arise which require our continued collaboration to resolve. Families may utilize the matrix linked on the district website to best address questions and concerns that may arise throughout the course of a school year. Finally, all staff and visitors should conduct their business free from intimidation, harassment, or bullying. The district’s Board of Education states expectations regarding civility within Policy 6341. Again, thank you for your partnership in helping to maintain a safe school community environment for all.
Native American Heritage Month - celebrates the rich and diverse cultures, traditions, histories, and ongoing contributions of Indigenous peoples.
National Veterans and Military Family Appreciation Month - honors the military family by recognizing their sacrifices and commitments.
All Saints Day - November 1 - celebrated by some of the Christian faith, this solemn, holy day honors the saints of the church.
Day of the Dead - November 1 - celebrated by some with Mexican heritage, a joyful time to remember and honor deceased loved ones.
Diwali - November 1 - the festival of lights celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and the human ability to overcome observed by some Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists, and others. Some will decorate their homes with lights and rangoli art, exchange gifts, dress in colorful clothing, feast with family, and/or go to temple.
Safe Schools Reporting
Upcoming Events!
November 25-29: No school, Thanksgiving break
December 4th: Freddy's Spirit Night
December 6th: No School Students - Collaboration Day for Staff
December 12th: 5th Grade Musical
December 17th: Pizza Hut Spirit Night
December 18th: Staff Holiday Cookie Carryout
December 20th: Winter Parties, 11:45 full dismissal -- beginning at normal our 11:30 time
Stay in touch!
Email: CedarHillsElementary@bluevalleyk12.org
Website: https://www.bluevalleyk12.org/che
Location: 9100 West 165th Street, Overland Park, KS, USA
Phone: 9132393300
Twitter: @cedarhillselementary