Supporting Others
Character of the Week
Dear Families,
This week our school community will be focusing on the Other People Mindset of Supporting Others When They Struggle. This means when other people are struggling, we do our best to help them out.
Supporting other people when they struggle is a critical piece of being human. There are many different approaches to helping people who are struggling. These can include: listening while they describe an event and their feelings about it, taking action to help people in need, or simply just being there and sitting together in silence. Everyone faces tough days and needs support, and this support leads to a chain of prosocial behavior that makes us feel good about ourselves and our group.
To practice and encourage the character strength of perspective with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2), where together you will watch a video, read a quote, and talk about the answers to three questions.
Have a wonderful week!
Ms Saravia-Perez
Estimadas familias,
Esta semana nuestra comunidad escolar se centrará en la mentalidad de otras personas de apoyar a otros cuando tienen dificultades. Esto significa que cuando otras personas están luchando, hacemos todo lo posible para ayudarles.
Apoyar a otras personas cuando tienen dificultades es una parte fundamental del ser humano. Hay muchos enfoques diferentes para ayudar a las personas que tienen dificultades. Pueden ser: escuchar mientras describen un acontecimiento y sus sentimientos al respecto, actuar para ayudar a las personas que lo necesitan o simplemente estar allí y sentarse juntos en silencio. Todo el mundo se enfrenta a días difíciles y necesita apoyo y este apoyo conduce a una cadena de comportamientos prosociales que nos hacen sentir bien con nosotros mismos y con nuestro grupo.
Para practicar y fomentar la fuerza del carácter del trabajo en equipo con su hijo, visite la página del Proyecto de Positividad P2 for Families (contraseña: P2), donde juntos verán un vídeo, leerán una cita y hablarán sobre las respuestas a tres preguntas.
¡Que tengan una buena semana!
Mrs Saravia-Perez
🕯Students of the Week🌛
Antonella never misses an opportunity to help others.
Elieth is theKindergarten student that has shown the character trait for this week.. She is always helping her classmates when they need help with classwork and always helps me in the classroom.
Joseph is always helping those around him.
Jocelyn is always helping others with technology.
Christopher is an active listener to his friends. He helps them when they need help.
Noah is always kind and considerate of all those around him.
Timothy is such a supportive person. When he sees other struggles he tries his best to help them out in any way possible.
Ever demonstrates kindness and OPM when he helps his classmates and teachers. He is constantly helping others while not expecting anything in return.
Ashley is often showing her support to her classmates by helping them out whenever they need a helping hand.
Christmas Program Schedule
For the fist group, student are asked to be in school 30 minutes early ( ready to perform)
3:30pm - 4:30pm First Group: TK, K,1,2, 3, (These students meet at school at 3:00pm)
5:00pm - 6:00pm Second Group: 4,5,6,7,8, (These students meet in the church at 4:30pm)
Food Sale:
Tamales Pollo and Pork $2.00
Tacos Asada y Pollo $2.00
Pupusas $3.00
Sliders and Chips $6.00 Combo
Hot Dogs $2.00
Hot Dogs with Bacon $3.00
Pan Dulce $1.00
Flan $3.00
Gelatinas de Leche $3.00
Arros con Leche $2.00
Avena $2.00
Atol de Elote $2.00
Champurado $2.00
Ponche $2.00
Sodas and Water $1.00
💡 Reminders
St Odilia School
Email: principal@stodiliaschool-la.org
Website: www.stodiliaschool-la.org