Panthers Newsletter
September 2024
A message from our Principal
Dear Families,
Thank you for an amazing start to the school year! As September gets underway, I want to remind you of a few things. First, during student drop off and pick up, please do not block any driveways or double park. Double parking means you pull your car up and stop next to other cars that are in the pick-up lane so that children need to walk between cars to get to your vehicle. This is dangerous and I would hate for anyone to be injured. We are lucky that from the dismissal bell to the last students being picked up takes less than 10 minutes so please be patient as you are getting your child. Finally, I want to make sure you save the date to attend our Fall Festival on November 1st from 4:30pm to 7pm. There will be lots of fun games, activities, and food. We can’t wait to see you there!
-Michael Konrad, Ed.D
Principal, Pueblo Gardens PK8
Save the Date
14- 8th Grade Car Wash
16-20- Book Fair
18-20- Parent Teacher Conference- Early Out
24- Cafecito 9AM
24- PTO Meeting 3:30pm
27- Mobile Food Bank
28- 8th Grade Car Wash
Scholastic Book Fair Is Here
Our Scholastic Book Fair is here!!
Sale starts Monday, September 16 and runs through Friday, September 20th.
Volunteers welcome.
Please contact Ms. Maribel to coordinate. 520-225-2724
Mobile Food Distribution
Parents we need your help in making this food distribution a success.
If you able to assist us, please contact Ms. Maribel at 520-225-2724
Fall Carnival is Coming
Save the date!!!!
Our Fall Carnival is coming November 1st.
Volunteers needed.