Evergreen Middle School
October 25, 2024
Message from Principal Collins
Hello Evergreen Families,
I would like to thank all of the families and scholars who attended the College Career Fair. Quite a few colleges were there for our scholars to ask questions. 8th-grade parents/guardians, on Monday, October 28th, our 8th grade scholars will be taking the PSAT. Please help your child get to school on time. We will start the testing promptly at 8:00 a.m.
October is the month I cover student’s use of social media. As all school districts, we deal with student social media and its effects on our students. We work to keep our scholars updated and knowledgeable on using social media properly. I will give our students credit for the fact in the past couple of years the amount of time we have had to do deal with social media issues has dropped drastically. We still get to see what other districts go through with student and parent use of social media and it can cause major problems for everyone involved. I always encourage parents to make sure they are monitoring their children’s social media platforms. Be aware of what apps they are using and do not be afraid to occasionally do some routine checks of their phone. Besides checking your child’s phone and social media, please make sure you are talking with your children about their lives and how they are doing. Social media is something that we all have to manage in our own lives unfortunately it is not always used in the correct form with teenagers.
Fall is a beautiful time of the year as the seasons change and we are in full swing with all school activities! As always, many incredible things are happening, and we want to ensure everyone can enjoy it! Hopefully, with the school year hitting full stride, you will have a chance to watch the Grizzlies! Many amazing things are happening on the field, cross country, and Softball diamond! We are very proud of the kids and coaches for their time and effort, and I know they appreciate all the support you give them. Along with our athletics, our academics are very important, and we are very proud of the students' efforts in their focus as we concluded our first rounds of assessment testing.
Promote a sense of duty, self-reliance, and persistence of course you want your child to become a responsible person. But not all middle schoolers know what that means. To help your child understand what responsibility looks like, talk about the traits that responsible people share, and suggest ways to model them. For instance, responsible people usually demonstrate:
- A sense of duty. They do what is necessary—even if they don’t feel like it. For your child, that might mean getting ready for school on time, completing assignments on time, and doing chores. • Self-reliance. Responsible students do as much as they can for themselves. True, your middle schooler is too young to be completely self-reliant. But your child can take a big step in that direction. Empower your child to handle some tasks independently, such as making a simple meal and packing a school lunch.
- Persistence. They don’t give up, and they don’t abandon goals that seem out of reach. Your child can demonstrate persistence by hanging in there when the going gets tough. If your scholar doesn’t earn a spot on a school team this year, for example, your child can work on sharpening skills and try again next time. Connect with teachers to boost learning While parent-teacher conferences are often brief in middle school, they are still worthwhile. To make the most of these important meetings with your child’s teachers:
- Talk with your child beforehand. Does your child have any concerns about a teacher, a class or a large project?
- Make a list. Don’t assume you’ll remember everything you want to talk about with teachers. Write down your questions and notes about topics you’d like to cover. • Start on a high note. Begin the meeting by saying something positive. “My child enjoyed the last project for your class.” An upbeat start sets a positive tone for teamwork.
- Keep an open mind. If a teacher has concerns about your child ask for specific examples of the problem. Share information the teacher may not have about your child.
- Develop a plan. If one of your child’s teachers mentions an issue, ask for strategies to help address it. Problems are easier to solve when teachers and families work together.
If you have not already done so, remember to set an appointment for Student Led Conferences. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you at the conferences.
- Wednesday, Nov 6th Normal School Day then 3:30 PM-5:30 PM conferences
- Thursday, Nov 7th No School: Conferences 10:30 AM-12:00 PM, Conferences 3:00 PM-7:00 PM
- Friday, Nov 8th No School 7:00 AM-10:30 AM
Next week we will have our first Spirit Week of the school year. Each day scholars and staff will participate in dressing up for that day. It is optional and scholars do not have to participate if they do not want to.
- Monday 10/28 – Sports Day
- Tuesday 10/29 – Twin Day
- Wednesday 10/30 – We wear pink
- Thursday 10/31 – Color War – No Costumes - end of day pep assembly
- 6th Grade Grey
- 7th Grade Yellow / Gold
- 8th Grade Green
- Friday 11/1 – Pajama Day
- No Robes
- No Blankets
- No Plushies
We appreciate your continued partnership and support. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact me.
In partnership,
Mrs. Collins
Principal Evergreen Middle School
253 945 5100
Student Led Conferences
11/06-11/08- Student Led Conferences- set an appointment with your student's ADVISORY teacher through ParentVue: https://grades.fwps.org
- Wed- 3:30-5:30pm
- Thur- 10:30am-12pm & 3-7pm
- Fri- 7am-10:30am
11/07-11/08 Thur & Fri- no classes due to Student Led Conferences
Book Fair during SLC's
11/06-11/08- Book Fair during Student Led Conferences: Stop by the library and check out some amazing items!
- Wed- 3:30-5:30pm
- Thur- 10:30am-12pm & 3-7pm
- Fri- 7am-10:30am
Multicultural Night & Community Resource Fair
Become part of the Evergreen Community. Consider participating in the Evergreen Multicultural Night and Resource Fair that will be hosted on Friday, November 1, 2024 from 6-8 pm.
You can participate in a cultural table display, or community resource table display, bring food (with a food handlers permit), dress up for a cultural fashion show, prepare a song or dance, etc.
If you would like to be a part of this event, please contact Yelizaveta Bilovol at (253) 945-5100 ext. 5124 or email at ybilovol@p12fwps.org.
Instructional Coach's Corner
Dear 8th Grade parents,
On Monday, October 28th, the 8th grade students will be taking the PSAT 8/9.
Since the students are taking the exam online, an online calculator is provided for them. In case you want your child to have an analog calculator, here is a list of approved calculators. And here is a list of prohibited items.
If you’re wondering what the benefits of taking the PSAT are, the PSAT/CollegeBoard has created a program that allows families to explore potential careers based on the exam results. It’s called BigFuture. Please discuss with your child the importance of doing their best on this test so that you can begin to explore these opportunities with your child.
Good luck to all of our scholars!
Mr. Wilkins
Instructional Coach/Test Coordinator
Evergreen Middle School
Important Dates
10/30 Wed- Football-Varsity- Evergreen @ Kilo
10/30 Wed- Cross Country banquet after school
10/30 Wed- Popcorn Wed's- $1 a bag
10/28-11/01- Spirit Week
- Monday 10/28 – Sports Day
- Tuesday 10/29 – Twin Day
- Wednesday 10/30 – We wear pink
- Thursday 10/31 – Color Wars – No Costumes– end of-day pep assembly
- 6th Grade- Grey
- 7th Grade- Yellow / Gold
- 8th Grade- Green
- Friday 11/1 – Pajama Day
- No Robes
- No Blankets
- No Plushies
10/31- PEP Assembly- students/staff only
11/01 Fri- Early Release Fridays- out at 1:15pm
11/01 Fri- Multicultural Night 6-8pm; come for a fun, festival night celebrating cultures!
11/05 Tues- Football-Varsity- Sequoyah @ Evergreen
11/06 Wed- Fall Concert @ 6pm
11/06-11/08- Book Fair during Student Led Conferences
- Wed- 3:30-5:30pm
- Thur- 10:30am-12pm & 3-7pm
- Fri- 7am-10:30am
11/06-11/08- Student Led Conferences- set an appointment with your student's ADVISORY teacher through ParentVue
- Wed- 3:30-5:30pm
- Thur- 10:30am-12pm & 3-7pm
- Fri- 7am-10:30am
11/07-11/08 Thur & Fri- no classes due to Student Led Conferences