The Bluejay
December 2024 edition
As we approach the close of the first semester, I want to take a moment to reflect on what a remarkable journey it has been so far. Watching our students grow academically, socially, and emotionally over the past few months has been truly inspiring. Their enthusiasm for learning and the joy they bring to our school community remind us every day why we do what we do.
A special shout-out goes to our incredible teachers, who have worked tirelessly to guide, nurture, and inspire our students. Their dedication, creativity, and unwavering commitment make a profound difference in the lives of our students, and we are so fortunate to have them as part of our school family.
December is always an exciting and busy time at our school. From engaging classroom activities to special events that bring us all together, this month is filled with opportunities for both learning and fun. We are grateful for your continued partnership, which plays such an essential role in the success of our students. Together, we create an environment where children thrive and feel supported.
As we prepare for the upcoming winter break, I encourage everyone to take time to rest, recharge, and enjoy quality moments with your favorite people. Whether it’s through family traditions or simply relaxing at home, these moments are precious.
Thank you for your unwavering support throughout this semester. We look forward to an exciting second half of the school year and all the wonderful milestones yet to come.
Wishing you a joyful and restful winter break!
Your partner in education,
Mrs Teague
PK-2 Principal
Buddy The Blue Corgi Assembly
A big SHOUTOUT to Mrs. Randall and her Leader In Me Bluejay Banter Student Action Team for putting on their very first student led assembly featuring Buddy the Blue Corgi. Suzanna Lynn is a local Author and owner of Buddy the Blue Corgi who travels to schools sharing her stories that focus on differences, acceptance and anti-bullying. The students exhibited great qualities of leadership and enjoyed the assembly! Please enjoy some photos and videos in the presentation linked below.
If you missed the opportunity to purchase your very own autographed copy by Buddy himself of Buddy's books, you can still order them from her website listed on the bookmark your child is bringing home. Ms. Randall also posted the link in ROOMS.
Read for 15
Earlier this fall Mrs. Johnson's first grade class participated in Patrick Mahome's Read For 15 reading challenge. They each received some really cool merch as a reward for their reading efforts and a signed letter for Patrick himself! Way to go!
We are beyond excited to announce that we received over $14,200 in Book Blast sponsorships for this year's Book Blast Campaign. EVERY CHILD will go home with at least ONE book, with some going home with up to TEN books. Thank you to parents, friends, family, and neighbors for making this our 2nd year in a row to reach out goal!
Attendance: BE HERE! BE A BLUEJAY!
This year's attendance goal:
K-2 students monthly attendance rate will be 95% or above.
Kindergarten: 95.0%
First Grade: 95.7%
Second Grade: 92.6%
This month's G.O.A.T award goes to Ms. Steven's Frist Grade class. They had an OUTSTANDING month with 97.07% attendance! They will celebrate with a donut or pizza party compliments of Mrs. Teague.
As you can see above we nearly all continue to meet our 95% attendance goal. Thank you for making it a priority in getting your students to school every single day. It really does make a difference.
Friendly Reminders:
Drop off and Pick Up
Students should only be dropped off in the carline that begins at the middle school entrance and follows to the Elementary entrance. Driving through the parking lot in front of the PK-2 office is not a designated drop off zone and poses a safety risk.
Students who walk or who are dropped off on school premises earlier than 7:30 will not have access to the building until 7:30 when a staff member begins duty in the FEMA shelter. With cold weather approaching please do not drop students off to be left outside.
Please be prompt in picking your students up at the end of the day in carline. Most days, carline is complete by 4:05. We've seen an increase in late pick ups and while we know sometimes these are unavoidable (Ex: stuck behind a wreck), we ask that this not become the norm. Please make sure all emergency contacts are up to date in Lumen as well so we are able to reach someone when we can't reach parents to come pick up a student. Students who are habitually picked up late will need to inquire about enrollment in our after school care program, or may be moved to riding the bus or walker as their after school routine.
The 12 Days of Christmas to be continued...
Counselor's Chatter- Message from Mrs. Randall
Habit of the Month
December's Habits of the Month:
Habit 3: Put First Things First: This habit places a focus on what we call BIG ROCKS, in other words, the most important thing or things on our To Do list. We talked about daily schedules and agendas, setting goals, and prioritization in order to stay on track in our school days.
Habit 4: Think Win- Win: When we have the Win-Win mentality we believe there is such an abundance of success, resources, and opportunity that we don't need to be concerned with competition. We learn to celebrate friends when they find success, the difference between competition and cooperation, courage and consideration, and when we think about and acknowledge other people's ideas and opinions.
Leaders Of The Month
Kindness Day Activities
Mrs. Lea's Class and Action Team News
Last week some kids from Ms. Lea and Ms. Coiner's action team shared the kindness challenge cards with their classes. They talked about how to spread kindness within classrooms by drawing out one of the cards each morning. They also shared Kindness certificates with teachers. If your child brings one home, they were noticed showing an act of KINDNESS.
Friendship Squad Student Action Team
Ms. Meier and Ms. Johnson's team spent their team time putting together a BOO BOO bag for the playground. They stocked it with Band-Aids and other first aid items for teachers to have on hand during recess. Be sure to check out the awesome videos their students created promoting the new bag.
STEM Student Action Team
Dr. Peaslee and Ms. Bruce's student action team had fun building and programming robot mice during their recent action team meeting.
Important Dates:
12- Parents As Teachers- Santa Bash (Preschool applications available for next school year)
16- Monday- School is in session
16-20- Christmas Shop sponsored by PTO (Volunteers needed- (see flyer below)
19- Second Grade Music Performance- 6:00 PM @ Clever High School
20- Class Christmas parties- Sponsored by PTO
23-Jan. 6: Christmas Break
7: School in session
24-25 Yearbooks
Parents can start placing orders for the the 2024-2025 Yearbook using this link: https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A01068415
Jay Threads
You've probably heard the term and thought to yourself, What is Jay Threads? Jay Threads is our school clothing closet that provides free clothing and shoes to any and all students who resided within the Clever R-V School district. Students have access to Jay Threads anytime during the school day as needed. Parents and guardians are able to shop with their student on select dates each month, or by appointment. We are able to accept new and clean, gently used clothing and shoes throughout the year. Please reach out to Mindy Taylor (taylorm@cleverbluejays.org), or Sara Hamilton (hamiltons@cleverbluejays.org) if you have clothing you would like to donate. They will be able to provide more information about our donation process. We also move items left on the Lost and Found rack to Jay Threads.
Elementary Library Readers of the Month
Every month, with the help of their amazing teachers, we will choose readers of the month here in the library! We will choose one student from each grade K-5. This student will receive a Reader Of The Month Certificate, get to pick a prize from our treasure box and they will get their picture taken and put on our bulletin board outside the library. This is a fun way to keep the kids interested in reading and they have been very excited about it! We are excited to share them with you!