How Do I...?
Elkins Pointe Middle School
- ADAP form for my child for Driver's License (eADAP) * FOR PARENTS OF TEENAGERS GETTING THEIR DRIVER'S LICENSE: If your child took HIGH SCHOOL HEALTH in middle school, they would need to get the eADAP certificate to get their Driver's License. Use the link to the access the "Electronic Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program." (eADAP): https://online.dds.ga.gov/eADAP/Index.aspx?ReturnUrl=/eadap/
- Bus Code for "HERE COMES THE BUS" App Elkins Pointe code is: 87428
- Carpool Map
- Check-Out a Student
- Contact a Teacher
- Donate to the Annual Campaign
- Email the Front Office
- Find My Child's Bus Stop
- Find My Child's Textbook
- Find My Child's Georgia Milestones Data/Results in Infinite Campus
- Join PTSA
- Join the Elkins Pointe Facebook Page
- Participate in Remote Learning Days
- Pay for My Child's...An instrument, Fieldtrip, etc.
- Report an Absence
- Register a New Student
- Sign Up for the Infinite Campus Parent Portal
- Supply List 2024-2025
- Troubleshoot My Device
- Volunteer at Elkins Pointe by emailing the PTSA Vice President of Student Support at studentsupport@epmsptsa.org
- The doors open at 8:25 a.m. Students stay in the gym or cafeteria until 8:45 a.m.
- Breakfast is served until 8:50 a.m.
- Instruments may be dropped off in the Band/Orchestra room.
- To find out your child's bus information: http://edulogweb.fultonschools.org/edulog/webquery/
- To view the Fulton County Transportation page, click here.
Car riders and walkers are dismissed at 4:05 p.m.
Bus riders are dismissed at 4:10 p.m.
Parents are not permitted to wait in the Atrium or on the sidewalk in front of the school during dismissal.
The carpool lane entry is off Elkins Road (driveway closest to Elkins Rd). Do not enter at the traffic light on Elkins Road - this entrance is for buses only.
Students may be dropped off at 8:25 am in the morning; students are released at 4:05 pm.
Do not park in the parking lot by the bus lane. From 3:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., the lot where buses load is off-limits.
Expect bus delays and carpool backup for the first two weeks of school.
Elkins Pointe School
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