Leopard News
Vol. 1 - Issue 35/May 10, 2024
Intent to Return Form
Please complete by May 10th
Thank you to those families who have completed this form, if you have not completed this form and you will be at Laurel next school year please make sure to complete this by May 10th. Thank you!
Rock the Test!
Leopards are Rocking this Test!
This has been such an awesome experience! I am beyond proud of all of our students! They are working hard and doing their very best. Congratulations to 6th Graders Chloe and Keyla, and 3rd Grader Malaea who won the raffle for Lunch with the principal for testing this week. Your scratch paper notes for testing were so detailed, it shows how hard you worked. Congratulations!
Upcoming Events
TK/Kinder Update
Attendance Update
May Wear It Wednesday!
Lunch Menu
Counselor Corner
BOUSD Future Events
Erika Lopez, Principal
Instagram: @laurel_leopards
Email: erika.lopez@bousd.us
Website: https://laurel.bousd.us/
Location: 200 South Flower Avenue, Brea, CA, USA
Phone: (714) 529 - 2520
Erika Lopez
Erika is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters