NMSHS Panther Post
December 13, 2024
Nederland Middle-Senior HS Community,
This week I had the opportunity to attend our music program concerts. The band and orchestra concert on Tuesday was really special. Having students from 5th grade through 12th grade was remarkable and really showed off how students progress from beginners to wonderful sounding musicians in the high school. Thanks to Christina Mallery and Liz Evans. On Wednesday evening the Nederland Choirs 6-12th grade performed. The music was marvelous and the singing was heartwarming. It really got me in the mood for the holidays.
Final Exams
Final exams are scheduled for Monday 12/16 - Thursday 12/19 (Make-up tests by appointment with teachers on Friday 12/20). Finals Week Schedule
Cell Phone Policy
Look for the school district message about the implementation of the new cell phone policy starting in January.
PTA Fundraiser
Today is the last day to donate, you have until Midnight! I want to remind everyone that thanks to the PTA's advocacy, the Eldora parking money is now going directly to the school. That means fundraising is the PTA's only source of income for the 2024/25 school year. PTA has some big goals they are trying to achieve this year, Staff Appreciation Week being just one of them. We are doing a school fundraising competition between the Middle and High for a Pizza and Ice Cream Social with free time at the end of the day for the winner of the competition! Currently the High School is leading 34-23. Please click on the link below to make your family's donation today:
Thank you in advance for your donation to education!
Have a great weekend,
Upcoming Events
See all events on the NMSHS school calendar here.
- December 16 - Flapjacks for Finals, 8am
- December 16-19 - Finals Week Schedule
- December 23-January 6 - Winter Break (Return on Tuesday 1/7 - Blue Day)
Thank you to everyone who came out to the Ned vs. Gilpin basketball game. It was an exciting night, including the 33-32 win by Boys’ Varsity. Go Panthers! As a community, we raised a bunch of money to help out Miles Pancoast’s wheelchair rugby team, the Denver Barbarians. In total, we raised $1,346. Thank you to National Honor Society for putting on a great fundraiser!
When we come back from break, there are a lot of middle school sports getting started.
MS Girls’ Basketball is coached by Val Gane. Email him w/ any specific questions. It is not too late to register! Remember to pay and upload your sports physical. First practice is Wednesday, January 8 from 4 to 5:30 pm.
MS Nordic Skiing is coached by Billy Giblin. Email him w/ any specific questions. It is also not too late to register! Remember to pay and upload your sports physical. On Tuesday, January 7 in the afternoon, he will meet w/ students briefly at the school to help outfit kids in skis. There is no official practice that Tuesday. On Wednesday, January 8 is the first official practice at Eldora from 2 to 4:30 pm. Practices will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays this year from 2 to 4:30 pm.
MS Alpine Skiing is coached by Ben Croll, Cheyne Keith, and Wendy Morone. Email them w/ any questions. Registration is officially closed and additional sign-ups are not being accepted. The first practice is Monday, January 6 from 2 to 4 pm at Eldora.
Have a good weekend!
Parents & Students - check your Infinite Campus portal for grades. Keep up your best work and get ready for finals! Communicate with your teachers to clarify their expectations for finishing the semester! High school students - do you need credit recovery for graduation requirements? See Ms. Jill to sign up for spring semester credit recovery for required high school credits.
Spots are filling FAST: You can still sign up for FRCC next semester. See Ms. Jill to sign up for Concurrent College Credits for Spring. Asynchronous online courses include:
CIS 1018 Intro to PC Applications - meets BVSD computer literacy requirements
LIT 2005 Race, Culture & Ethnicity - transferable Humanities credits.
Courses such as the ones offered through Front Range could help you qualify for ASCENT.
ASCENT is a tuition payment to help students access college. BVSD partners with the following colleges and universities for the ASCENT program.
● Aims Community College - Greeley, Ft Lupton, Loveland and Windsor
● Emily Griffith Technical College - Denver
● Front Range Community College - Westminster, Longmont and Ft. Collins
● Metropolitan State University - Denver
● University of Colorado @ Colorado Springs
● University of Northern Colorado - Greeley
● Western Colorado University - Gunnison
See Ms. Jill for information on preparing to participate in the ASCENT program or see the info sheet.
SAT-PSAT is coming in April 2025.
Would you like free online SAT Test Prep? We have 8 seats, sponsored by BVSD, for online SAT test prep. See Ms. Jill if you are interested in accessing an SAT test prep spot! The SAT is a college-scholarship reportable exam score. Here’s a video on SAT test preview. Students can view a test preview and previous exam scores on their Bluebook App. See instructions on creating your Bluebook app account.
Seniors: The actual FAFSA IS OPEN (finally!) fafsa.gov BVSD will host some drop in help workshops for families filling out the FAFSA for financial aid. See the FAFSA drop in schedule here. To be evaluated for college financial aid, students and families need to apply for the FAFSA. Nederland seniors graders will apply for the 2025-26 FAFSA, because they enter college in FALL of 2025. You can get a sneak preview of the FAFSA prototype here.
Feeling stress? Need information? See the 2024-2025 BVSD Mental Health Referral Provider List for a list of local psychologists and clinics serving in a variety of specializations, including educational consult services, family consultations, eating issues, substance use and others.
Mental Health First Aid There will be a free Mental Health First Aid class on 12/14 from 9am to 4pm, for persons aged 15 and above, at the Nederland Nederland Community Center: 750 HWY 72 N, Nederland. Lunch is provided. You must register with this link. This course is an evidence-based, early-intervention course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.
Flapjacks for Finals
Candy Grams
8th Grade Winterpalooza
8th Grade parents please check your email for a signup sheet from Ms. Chewens with more information about how to support our festivities.
Yearbooks on sale now
Yearbooks for the 2024-2025 school year are available for sale now. $50/book through March 1st, 2025 ($60 March 2nd-April 11th, 2025). You can order at this link for your student. Also available are a limited number of ads for your business to support our yearbook, or take out an ad for your senior! Ads must be placed no later than March 1st, 2025. Yearbook orders must be placed by April 11th, 2025 if you want them delivered to the school by graduation.
Rules for transporting instruments on BVSD bus routes
Musical instruments are permitted on BVSD school buses but must fit into a standard-sized backpack without sticking out or, the student can hold the instrument securely on his/her lap without obstructing their face and upper torso. Any instrument the student cannot hold securely on his/her lap without obstructing their face and upper torso, is not allowed on a route bus.
During a regular route, school bus drivers are not allowed to store instruments under the bus in the luggage compartments because this would leave the driver’s area unattended while student loading occurs. Activity trips are the exception because sponsors can provide student management or load instruments while someone attends the driver’s area. See Operating Procedure K-2 for more information on Activity Trips.
The list below includes instruments which can be transported during regular routes. It is for the current school year, however, safe transportation is always under review.
Instruments Allowed on the Bus: Alto saxophone, Bassoon, Clarinet, Flute, Mini baritone, Oboe, Piccolo, Trombone, Trumpet, Viola, Violin
Instruments NOT Allowed on the Bus: Baritone, Bass, Bass, Clarinet, 1/14 Cello, 1/2 Cello, 3/4 Cello, Cello, Drums, French Horn, Euphonium, Guitar (acoustic or electric), Tuba
8th Grade Pop Culture Presentations from The Outsiders
Diversity class
Diversity class met with Alexander Kinczel to talk about teaching writing in prisons
On Wednesday, mentors and mentees played while learning about each other's favorite holiday traditions!
A huge thank you to all our invested mentors for making this semester of mentorship awesome!
PTA Fundraiser - Today is the last day to donate!
Today is the last day to donate, you have until Midnight! Fundraising is the PTA's only source of income for the 2024/25 school year. PTA has some big goals they are trying to achieve this year, Staff Appreciation Week being just one of them. We are doing a school fundraising competition between the Middle and High for a Pizza and Ice Cream Social with free time at the end of the day for the winner of the competition! Currently the High School is leading 34-23. Please click on the link below to make your family's donation today:
Thank you in advance for your donation to education!
The NMSHS PTA Staff Appreciation Committee needs help from our NMSHS Families!
Please help provide a monthly staff appreciation Wed morning treat for our staff, sign up here:
Also, if you would like to be a part of the PTA Staff Appreciation Committee, please sign up here:
We need you to help us show our amazing NMSHS staff how much we appreciate them!
Questions? Contact Amy DeBenedictis 303-589-3188 amy@apexbookkeeping.com
Teen Center
Gilpin County
Seal of Climate Literacy in BVSD
The greenBVSD Sustainability Team and the STEAM Team are excited to announce that BVSD will confer the Seal of Climate Literacy for graduating seniors this year.
The Seal of Climate Literacy, established through Colorado Senate Bill 24-014, is a high school diploma endorsement that connects educational knowledge with the real challenges and opportunities that climate change brings to each of our communities.
It offers students a chance to engage directly with issues that impact their local environment and communities through course work and hands-on learning in grades 6-12.
Attainment of the Seal of Climate Literacy illuminates the ways students in BVSD show their commitment to sustainability, the environment and climate literacy in our community.
Interested students in grades 6-12 should complete the Interest Form found on our new website: Seal of Climate Literacy - Boulder Valley School District
Nederland Middle Senior High School
Bell Times: 8:30 am-3:45 pm; 9:30 am-3:45 pm Wednesdays
Front Office: 720-561-4900
Attendance line: 720-561-4902
Transportation: 720-561-6241
Email: nmshs.contact@bvsd.org
Website: neh.bvsd.org
Location: 597 County Rd. 130, Nederland, CO 80466
Phone: 720-561-4900