Friday Focus Newsletter
305th Issue - October 18, 2024
Marian Central Catholic High School
From the Desk of Mrs. Kelly Hilton
What a wonderful time of year as the leaves change to vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows! The crisp air brings scents of pumpkin spice and apple cider! Just as the seasons are changing, so is our guidance team as we welcome our new school counselor, Mr. Fearn. He’ll be focusing on connecting with our freshman and junior students and their parents throughout this school year.
Fall also brings transition for our Marian Central students including the beginning of second quarter, college application season, preparations for the fall play, and the end of the fall athletic season – to name a few. As much as these changes can be exciting, tensions run high as our students are pushed to their limit navigating the many obligations in their lives. It is so important, especially as stress levels increase, that we keep an eye on our students’ physical and emotional well-being. I encourage you to engage in conversations with your child about their experiences and feelings – open dialogue can make a world of difference! Be mindful of changes in their behavior - increased or lack of sleep and appetite, lack of focus, and signs of isolation. Students who are struggling with their mental health often appear “down” and report feelings of sadness, anxiety, exhaustion, and lack of motivation.
If you are concerned that your teen might be experiencing mental health struggles, there are options for support. Mr. Fearn, myself and Father Warren are available to consult with parents and meet with students – we are simply an email or call away. Additionally, there are outside resources including the 988 National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline that allows students to call, text or chat for access to professionals. Locally, the MCHelp app which was developed by the McHenry County Mental Health Board connects teens with trained counselors 24/7. It is important to us at Marian Central that none of our students ever feel hopeless, alone, or isolated. Let’s help them embrace this season of change by encouraging them to seek out support and lean on their faith in God.
Kelly Hilton
Director of Guidance
ARK Testing - October 31st
All schools in the Diocese of Rockford will be using ARK testing this year as a tool to assess student knowledge and growth in specific areas. Please click below for additional details about the testing.
Marian Central will be giving the test to students this year on Thursday, October 31st during the regular school day (8:00 am – 2:40 pm). Students will follow an adjusted schedule to accommodate for the testing and all regular classes will still meet.
2024-25 Yearbooks - Pay Now and Save!
Have you ordered your 2024-25 yearbook yet? If you order and pay for your yearbook by November 1st, you can take advantage of the discounted rate of $90 each. After November 1st, the cost is $100 for each yearbook. Money can be paid online by clicking here (4% fee) or sent to the office (no fee).
Don't miss out on this chance to preserve your memories!
School Picture Day is October 29!
All freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will have school photos taken on Tuesday, October 29 during their PE/First Aid or Economics class period. Our photographer, Higher Focus Photography (HFP), uses a paperless ordering system. The only thing students need do is come picture-ready in their blue or read sweater or red fleece uniform! Please refer to school guidelines for additional information and uniform guidelines. (Note, that the black uniform fleece is not an approved uniform item for these photos.)
Photos will be shared via private online photo albums after Picture Day and will include savings opportunities for orders placed within the first week. You'll receive an email as soon as these albums are active online. Students not photographed on Picture Day will have a make-up opportunity at the school on Tuesday, December 3 during lunch periods.
Seniors who missed Senior Portrait Day will be photographed during Advisory on the 29th.
Additional Picture Day info is available in the attached flyer and online at https://higherfocusphotography.com/faqs-schools
Spirit Wear Tops - Next Week
Show your Hurricane Pride!
Students will be permitted to wear spirit wear tops (Marian sweatshirts, pull overs, etc.) with Marian uniform pants next week, October 21-25.
Sweater Season Begins October 28th
As we enter the fall/winter seasons, Marian Central students will enter "Sweater Season".
“Sweater Season” begins October 28, 2024, and ends as we leave for Spring Break on March 21, 2025. During this season, students are expected to wear school uniform sweaters OR red fleece quarter-zip jackets and uniform slacks. Shorts and polos are not permitted during this season.
College Visits Next Week
All juniors and seniors may attend these visits. Students must receive permission from their teachers to attend each visit and must sign up for all visits in SCOIR.
Wednesday 10/23
Aquinas College (MI)-8th Period
October/November Calendar
Thursday, October 24th - Parent/Teacher Conferences; Noon Dismissal
Friday, October 25th - Parent/Teacher Conferences; No School
Tuesday, November 5th - Election Day; Noon Dismissal; Office Closes at Noon
Wednesday, November 6th - Late Start; Classes Begin at 9:45 am
Wednesday, November 27th - Noon Dismissal
Thursday, November 28th - Friday, November 29th - Thanksgiving Break; no school