The Wildcat Word
WHES Family Newsletter: December Edition
Dear Wildcat Families,
As we approach the halfway mark of the 2024/2025 school year, it's hard to believe how quickly time is flying! With Quarter 2 concluding on December 20th, our students are diligently working towards their academic goals, eagerly anticipating the upcoming winter break, and looking forward to celebrating the holidays.
The holiday season brings with it a special magic and wonder, and there's no better place to witness it than on the faces of our Wildcats. Please join in on the December to Remember spirit days as we celebrate this season. Be sure to stay updated on important dates such as our 3rd-5th grade benchmarks, our K-3rd grade Amplify assessments, Art Council Field Trips, PTO appreciation events and so much more. Please help us in making sure our Wildcats continue to show the Wildcat Way, making good choices, and staying focus on their academics.
As we are entering the winter months, we are entering cold/flu/viruses season. We are beginning to see an increase in respiratory illnesses, cough, colds, and other common viruses for elementary students. Please help us keep WHES as safe and healthy as possible by keeping students home who are sick (see LINKED document) and practicing good illness prevention measures like frequent hand washing, coughing in the bend of our elbow, and keeping our hands to ourselves. This helps us not spread these germs to our friends.
On behalf of the entire Weddington Hills' staff, I want to extend warm wishes to each and every one of you for the happiest of holidays, a peaceful and relaxing winter break, and a joyous season spent with family and friends. Thank you so much for being a part of The Weddington Hills Family! May your holidays be filled with laughter and love.
Annessia Lee, Principal
Mrs. Brooks' sister came to visit for Native American Heritage Month!
The Winners of our Reading iReady Challenge - Mrs. Simpson's Kindergarten Class
Friendsgiving Feast in Ms. Adam's Class
2 of our Fabulous 5th Graders leading Parent Tours for IB Program Choice Night
Wildcat Families Taking Action for Western North Carolina
With Gratitude
Our school community collected 75 boxes of toys and other goodies for children in WNC!
We appreciate everyone's generosity.
Mark Your Calendars!
December 2: Book - A - Palooza
December 5: Math Benchmark #2 (Grades 3-5)
December 5: SIT Meeting @ 3:30
December 6: 2nd/3rd Grade Arts Council Field Trip
December 6: Science Fair
December 9: Science Benchmark #2 (5th Grade ONLY)
December 11: Reading Benchmark #2 (Grades 3-5)
December 12: Duty Free Lunch for Teachers (Sign Up Here)
December 13: Club Day @ 2:00pm
December 20: 1/2 Day Dismissal @ 12pm
December 23-January 1: WINTER BREAK
Holiday Support Sponsors
If you would like sponsor a family for the Holidays this year, please fill out this form.
PTO Important Dates & Events
🐾 PTO Holiday Help Needed - Volunteers and Donations🐾
Our PTO would love your help! Let's gift 🎁 our teachers and staff a little holiday love! A nice holiday meal along with a fun soup bar for our SOUP-ER amazing teachers and staff!
If you can, please consider volunteering for Duty Free Lunch (December 12th) while our teachers enjoy their nice catered holiday meal (background check required).
If you love making soups, here is your chance! Signup to bring a homemade soup / store bought soup or donate Items to help support our holiday soup bar for our teachers/staff December 16th. Unable to get out of your vehicle the morning of December 16th, no problem! Park in the visitor lot after drop off and our PTO will grab your soup or item and take it in for you.
Find the needed items below:
🐾 Weddington Hills Spirit Night - Charlotte Hornets 🐾
Weddington Hills Spirit Night with the Charlotte Hornets!
Cavaliers vs Hornets
DECEMBER 7th, 2024
Please join us for a fun night out as the Charlotte Hornets host the Cleveland Cavaliers! Tipoff for this game will be at 1 pm! A portion of every ticket sold via the link below will benefit Weddington Hills. Everyone in the group can attend the game early to watch pregame shootaround a few rows from the court! Buy your tickets here: www.hornetstix.com/WeddingtonHillsIf the group has 200+ attendees, everyone will receive a t-shirt! We can't wait to see you there Wildcats!
🐾 Raise Craze Fundraiser - Final Count! 🐾
Thank you Wildcat families for a wonderful fundraiser! We cannot thank our supporters and participants enough for their efforts! We are so proud of all our students and their amazing Acts of Kindness throughout the fundraiser.
Congratulations to our top classes that earned a sweet treat of Papa Robb's Paradise Ice! Lots of smiles for a job well done! We may not have made our goal as a school, but seeing our Wildcats take action and show kindness to friends, family and community members makes our efforts well worth it! Way to go Wildcats!
🐾 PTO Membership! 🐾
Join our PTO today! Receive a membership card with local discounts and help support our school at the same time! Your involvement is impactful! Join Us! $10 Wildcat Family & $5 Weddington Teacher / Staff Member.
WHES School Spirit Rock
The spirit rock allows you to recognize a student, share your school spirit, thank a staff member, or any other celebratory event. This is a great way to spread positivity at our school. Click HERE to sign up and reserve the rock!
Parent/Student Handbook
Lunch Visitors
Due to limited space in the cafeteria, lunch visitors this year will be on a last name basis. Please see the last names and weeks of when you can come. Unfortunately we cannot provide any exceptions due to space limitations. For birthdays and other special occassions, please join your child on your assigned week. We greatly appreciate your partnership and look forward to having you in our cafeteria!
Dec. 2nd - 6th: T-Z
Dec. 9th -14th: A-G
Dec. 16th-19th: H-N
Dec. 20th: No Lunch Visitors
Calendar linked here or visit the site below
Transportation Change
Any transportation changes must take place by a written note sent in to the teacher. Transportation changes can not be accepted by email or Parent Square.
Free & Reduced Lunch Benefits
Click here to apply for free & reduced lunch benefits. We encourage all parents to apply, just in case you qualify for meal benefits!
ParentSquare Communication App
ParentSquare is the official platform for school-to-home communications in Cabarrus County Schools. Our district, schools and teachers use ParentSquare to communicate directly with families on a daily basis and in case of emergency. We strongly encourage you to download the ParentSquare app and register your account today.
Please visit our ParentSquare for Parents information page to learn more about the free Mobile App, where you can customize notification preferences to fit your needs and schedule, set your preferred language for automatic two-way translation and so much more.
Cabarrus County Schools Academic Calendars
As you begin to prepare for the upcoming school year, please take a moment to download our 2024-25 academic calendars.
For more information, please visit the 2024-25 district calendars webpage.
CCS Policy Code 4318 Student Use of Electronic Devices
On June 10, 2024, the Board of Education updated Policy 4318 Student Use of Electronic Devices. Policy 4318 is attached to this post. Please note the following important updates for the 2024-25 school year:
- Elementary School: Students are not allowed to utilize electronic devices from arrival on campus through departure from campus. Students are required to power off and securely store their cell phones away from their person throughout the school day.
- Middle School: Students are not allowed to utilize electronic devices from arrival on campus through afternoon dismissal. Students are required to power off and securely store their cell phones away from their person throughout the school day. Students engaged in after-school activities will have access to their electronic devices for communicating with parents/guardians.
- High School: Students are not allowed to utilize electronic devices during instructional time. Students may use electronic devices during non-instructional times which may include arrival/dismissal, breakfast/lunch, and class change. During instructional time, students are required to power off and securely store their electronic devices away from their person.
Car Rider Drop Off/Dismissal
Starting on the first day of school, August 13th,
Arrival: Enter at the green star. Double stacked side by side during the red line. Scissor into a single line starting at the orange line. Turn right and loop around the car rider circle and then exit.
Dismissal: Enter at Weddington Road. Snake through the staff parking lot. Loop around car rider line and exit.
Both are pictured below.
Bus Request
If you have not already requested bus transportation, please complete the google form ASAP. If a bus is requested, on or after open house, it an take up to 2 weeks to be assigned a bus route.
Edulog Bus Tracking App
CCS is continuing to use this school bus tracking app. Parents can track their student's bus location on this app. Currently the messaging portion is not active yet, so if a sub bus is running it won’t show the sub bus number or info. But otherwise should be working to track regular buses.
Here are some links to get started using this app:
If you are showing as pending, you do not have the correct student ID number for your child, please contact the school and we will be happy to assist you!
Administrator Feedback
Please leave feedback for our administrators: https://forms.gle/TDiQMpi19Eih6hpJ7
School Contact Information
Principal: Annessia Lee, annessia.lee@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
Assistant Principal: Cathryn Morse, cathryn.morse@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
Assistant Principal: Kaylee Price, kaylee.price@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
Assistant Principal: Casey Campbell, casey.campbell@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
This is the address of our school website https://whes.cabarrus.k12.nc.us