The Current
LOSD News • March 13, 2020
In this Message:
Message from the Superintendent
Family Resources During School Closure
Hunger Fighters Could Use Donations
Events, Meetings and Activities Postponed or Canceled During School Closure
LOSD-City Council Meeting to Make Pool Decision
Elementary Boundary Review Committee Recommendations
Elementary Transfer Request Guidelines
Make Your Impact: Apply for a Board-Appointed Committee
Student Services Parent Advisory Committee Positions Open
Registration Open for All New Students
Regular Reminders:
- Get Social with LOSD
- SafeOregon
- Subscribe to Lake Oswego Schools App
- What's New at Community School?
Message from the Superintendent
Along with school districts across the United States, we in LOSD are facing unprecedented challenges related to COVID-19. It is never an easy decision to close schools. Ultimately, we made the decision to do so as a protective measure because we want our students, staff and community members to be safe and healthy.
I want to remind everyone that this not a time to go about our normal business. We need to protect our vulnerable community members who are at greater risk. Let’s all be mindful to use this time wisely, and stay home to the greatest extent possible.
The LOSD team has worked incredibly hard to communicate, add additional resources for families to our website, and support staff, families and children. I am proud of our team’s extraordinary efforts during this time.
Thank you for the heartfelt outpouring of support for all in our community. I am grateful to lead and learn in LOSD with you all. May we all be healthy and well.
Family Resources During School Closure
Hunger Fighters Could Use Donations
Your outpouring of concern for our families and staff has been overwhelming and heartwarming. Many are asking specifically about how best to help support students experiencing food insecurity while our schools are closed.
Today, LOSD will mail each of these students a Safeway gift card to compensate for the meals missed while our schools are closed. Additionally, we’ll be providing a list of local food pantries. Specifically, we are partnering with Hunger Fighters, a non-profit food pantry that provides basic food and hygiene items at no charge to families and individuals in the Lake Oswego community.
Hunger Fighters operates out of the house that is green, located behind the Lake Oswego High School campus, 2301 Hazel Rd., Lake Oswego, OR 97035. The pantry will be open to families every Saturday, between 1-3 p.m., even during the school closure.
The pantry could use donations of food and money to purchase items. It accepts ALL non-expired donations. Please visit for specifics on what the pantry can use most at this time. Hunger Fighters is currently staffed sufficiently to support its efforts on Saturdays.
Events, Meetings and Activities Postponed or Canceled During School Closure
Because of mandated school closures, all school facilities and school programming, extended care services, extra-curricular activities and classes, and athletic practices and contests are canceled through March 31.
Additionally, per the governor’s mandate to limit gatherings of more than 250 people and create social distancing for the next four weeks, all nonessential activities, meetings and events are canceled or postponed through April 8.
Specifically, effective tonight at 6:30 p.m. all LOSD facilities will be closed through March 31. The pool is closing at 4 p.m. today. The only exception is the house that is green on the Lake Oswego High School property, which is home to Hunger Fighters providing meals to families who are food insecure in our community; that LOSD facility will be open from 12:30-3 p.m. every Saturday.
These changed events, activities and meetings include but are not limited to the following:
Community School:
- Before and after care at Palisades and Lake Grove -- suspended until schools reopen April 1
- Enrichment classes and activities -- suspended until schools reopen April 1
- Elementary Strings – suspended until schools reopen April 1
- Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences (April 2-April 3) -- canceled to make up instructional time
Events and gatherings:
- Book fairs - canceled
- Team banquets - canceled
- One Act Plays - canceled
- Inter-district Band Festival - canceled
- SAT and ACT testing - canceled
Offsite events:
- Model United Nations - organizer canceled
- Regional Spelling Bee - organizer canceled
- Regional Geography Bee - organizer canceled
- OBOB State Competition - organizer canceled
- Robotics Regional Competition in Seattle - organizer canceled
- LOHS baseball to Arizona - canceled
- LOHS choir to Disneyland - canceled (Disneyland closed)
- LOHS Girls Lacrosse to Georgia - canceled
- LHS Baseball to California - canceled
- LHS Lacrosse to Seattle - canceled
Athletics and Activities:
- Basketball Championship Tournament - OSAA canceled
- State Dance Championship - OSAA canceled
- Spring sport season practices and competitions - OSAA suspended until schools reopen April 1
- After-school clubs held at LOSD schools - suspended until schools reopen April 1
- Green Team planting at LOHS - canceled
- Coordinating Council meeting March 13 - canceled
- Athletic Task Force meeting March 16 - conducting remotely
- Hallinan outdoor classroom discussion March 16 - conducting remotely
- LOSD-City Council Joint meeting March 16 -- meeting has been planned and posted as no public testimony; public may view remotely
- Diversity Equity and Inclusion Advisory Committee meeting March 17 - canceled
- Long Range Facilities Planning Committee meeting March 17 - conducting remotely
- Strategic planning meeting March 18 - postponed
- Student Services Parent Advisory Council meeting March 18 meeting - canceled
- School Board meeting March 30 - conducting remotely with offsite participation; details being worked out
- Educational assessment tours - postponed until after April 8
LOSD-City Council to Make Pool Decision
The LOSD School Board and Lake Oswego City Council are holding a joint meeting to make a decision on the proposed recreation aquatic center concept.
Monday, Mar. 16
12-1:30 p.m.
Lake Oswego City Hall
The meeting agenda and materials can be found on the LOSD and City Council websites at:
Elementary Boundary Review Committee Recommendations
The Elementary Boundary Review Committee has completed its charge, and landed on three recommendations to consider. These recommendations are posted on the boundary landing page on All three recommendations, with pros and cons developed by the committee, will be presented at the School Board Meeting on March 30.
Thank you to the parents and principals who gave tirelessly to the boundary review process. Your dedication and willingness to take on this challenging task is appreciated.
Elementary Transfer Request Guidelines
LOSD recently clarified guidelines for requests to attend an elementary school outside of your residency school boundaries. Guidelines require that elementary students must apply for a transfer each year, and transfers are granted for individual students on a space-availability basis.
This year, with possible new boundaries re-balancing elementary schools, available space may change at your student’s current school. Space availability is determined by each grade’s teacher-to-student ratio and school capacity targets set by the School Board.
If space is available, following is the criteria in order of how transfer requests are prioritized:
1. Student was moved by LOSD requirement, i.e. kindergarten overflow, and wishes to remain at the school
2. Student has tenure at the school (weight given to number of years at the school)
3. Student is the sibling of a student opting into a program (Spanish Immersion) at the requested school
4. Student has tenure at school and family recently moved outside of resident boundary
5. Student is making a transfer request for the first time
6. Student is new to the district
Please note, students previously placed due to hardship (as defined by Oregon Department of Education) and students who volunteered to transfer from Oak Creek to Lake Grove or Forest Hills as part of the “permanent transfer” appeal made in 2019 are guaranteed a spot at their current school. Also, students who are the siblings of students enrolled in a program (Access, Pathways, Delta) will remain at the same school with their siblings.
All transfer requests received between Jan. 22 and July 1, 2020 will be assessed using the criteria above, and all applicants will be notified by July 31, 2020, once resident students have enrolled through the summer. Transfer requests received after July 1, 2020 will be considered in the order in which they are received.
Any changes made to current boundaries will be decided by the School Board at the end of April.
Interested in getting involved? If so, consider serving on one of the district and board-appointed advisory committees. As part of its continuous efforts to increase communication with the public and to provide for citizen involvement, the School Board appoints advisory committees to consider matters of district-wide importance. Committees meet monthly, September through May.
Bond Accountability Committee (BAC)
District lead: Tony Vandenberg,
Diversity, Equity and Inclusive (DEI) Advisory Committee
District lead: David Salerno-Owens,
Long Range Facilities Planning (LRFP) Committee
District lead: Tony Vandenberg,
Student Services Parent Advisory Committee (SSPAC)
District lead: Patrick Tomblin,
Talented and Gifted Parent (TAG) Advisory Committee
District lead: Frank Luzaich,
School Advisory Committee (SAC)
District lead: School principal
Committee members are appointed to serve two-year terms, except SSPAC is three-year term. For terms beginning in June 2020, please complete and submit the attached application to the chair of the committee or principal of the SAC of interest to you by Friday, April 3. Applications will be reviewed, and recommendations sent to the Board for appointments on Monday, April 27. Applicants will be notified by the following week.
Student Services Parent Advisory Committee Positions Open
The purpose of the Student Services Parent Advisory Committee is to provide advice and feedback to district staff and the LOSD School Board on issues related to disability. This committee strives to connect special needs families in Lake Oswego with resources, events, and each other to benefit our kids.
The committee strives to have all schools and as many needs as possible represented. The coming year SSPAC is seeking members to fill three positions: one representative from Forest Hills, and two at-large positions (from any school in the district).
If interested in serving on SSPAC, please submit this application to Patrick Tomblin, by Friday, April 3.
Registration Open for All New Students
Get Social: Follow, Share, Engage
Parents who have concerns about a student’s well-being are encouraged to reach out to their principal, and to maintain strong lines of communication and partnership between students, families, staff, and other resources.
SafeOregon is also an effective way to report a tip regarding safety threats or potential acts of violence to our students or schools.
(Students should also be aware that intentionally providing a false report is a serious offense.)
Subscribe to Lake Oswego Schools App
What's New at Community School?
The LOSD Community School offers enrichment and athletic programs, and activities for students of all ages including robotics, STEM, arts, language, and theater.
Lake Oswego School District
Location: 2455 Country Club Road, Lake Oswego, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 534-2000
Twitter: @LOSD_Proud
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