May/June 2024

Message From the Principal
OHS Families and Friends,
We have four weeks left of school and every week is jam packed with events. AP testing began this week and continues through the third week of May. Student requests for classes next year have been completed. If you have any questions about what classes your student signed up for, please contact their counselor.
This is an exciting time of year for our graduating seniors and our hope is that they all finish the year strong and walk across the stage at graduation. Students have access to all of the specific details on their Senior Google Classroom, they should be checking it often. The Senior Packet can also be found on the website.
Included in this newsletter is additional information and reminders. Please continue to check the OHS website. We are updating information daily and are hoping it can become a useful resource for you this school year. You are also welcome to contact the school with any questions or concerns: via email at OHSContact@ouhsd.net or by phone at (530) 538-2320.
Kristen Wiedenman
OHS Principal
Our April winners are:
$50 Nike Gift Card- Aurora Robins 9th grade- Mr. Anderson
$50 Visa Gift Card- Nuci Thao 9th grade- Ms. Danielson
2 Prom tickets- Caleb Floyd 12th grade- Mr Horsley
Congratulations TIGERS!
School News
Fellows Club Top 10
The Fellows Club of Oroville recognized the Top 10 OHS students in each grade level at the
State Theatre on May 9th. Each student received a certificate and each senior received a $500 check. A BIG thank you to the Fellows Club and STAGE for recognizing our students.
Congratulations to all of our Top Ten students at OHS!
Scholarship Night
OHS selected Seniors will be recognized at the Senior Scholarship Awards Night on May 16, 2023 at 6:30PM at the State Theater. Students will receive an invitation from the Counseling office if they are to attend. Thank you to all who are involved in donating and making these scholarships available to our students.
Graduation 2024
This year graduation is on June 7, 2024 at 8:15PM at Harrison Stadium. Graduations held at Harrison Stadium will be live streamed. The links will be available closer to graduation.
Attendance Matters
Good attendance benefits your child’s education. Please call our attendance staff at extension 3310 or 3311 whenever your child is absent. Please provide the following information:
- Child's Name
- Date of the Absence and the Reason
SEL Wednesdays
This year we will have Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Days every Wednesday during Advisory, between 1st and 2nd period. You can find that schedule and lessons on the links below.
Username: orovillehs
password: character2022
Work Permits
If you plan to have a job this upcoming school year, you will need to complete a work permit application immediately. It will need to be signed by you, your parent or guardian, and your employer. All summer permits expire the first day of school. Please see the Counseling Office to pick up the application.
SENIORS: If you are planning to attend a college or university following graduation, you will need Oroville High to forward your final transcript. Please submit the 2024 Senior Transcript Request Form at. You will need to include the college/university or organization name AND complete mailing address. ONLY those transcripts requested through the Google form BEFORE JUNE 24, 2024 will be mailed by June 30th. Any other questions, please contact Amber Cash in the counseling office or at ohsregistrar@ouhsd.net SENIORS: If you are planning to attend a college or university following graduation, you
will need Oroville High to forward your final transcript. Please submit the 2024 Senior Transcript Request Form at:https://forms.gle/guvS62Mcn79VxrLy7
**Excluding 9th graders coming from our local feeder schools already in our database. If your student is new to Oroville High, or the Oroville Union High School District, please contact Amber Cash in the counseling office. Email: ohsregistrar@ouhsd.net or call 530-538-2320, ext. #3309.
***Registration will not begin until July***
If you are a parent of a student already enrolled with Oroville High, (including 9th graders coming from our local feeder schools), and you need help with the annual data confirmation please give us a call at 530/538-2320, ext. 3309.
Around Campus
After School Tutoring
Math with Mr. Lee M-F 3:30 to 5pm in C-6.
Math with Mrs. Chavez Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7 to 8 in C-4.
English with Mrs. McCarty M-F 3:30-4:15
Social Science with Mr. Husa M,W,Th from 7am-8am and Tues. from 3:30-4:30 in M-6
Science from 3:30 to 5:30
- Monday with Leyva
Tuesday with Permann
Wednesday with Weliver
Thurs with Gonzalez
Our annual FREE athletic physicals are coming up on Wednesday, May 15th. They will begin at 6:00 and be held this year at LAS PLUMAS HIGH (flip flops every other year).
- 6:00—6:45: Volleyball, Cheer & Cross Country
- 6:45—7:30: Football, Girls Tennis & Swimming
- 7:30—8:15: All other sports
College and Career
Students can sign up to see their counselor in the counseling office. Counselor assignments by students last name are below:
Meet with the College and Career Advisor
- FAFSA open Oct. 1st 2023 until June 30th 2024 (deadline for UC and CSU by March 2nd 2024)
- CDAA (California Dream Act Application opens Oct 1st 2023 until March 2nd 2024
- UC official transcripts for Fall 2024 is by July 1st 2024
Every Thursday at lunch in L3 (computer lab) Ms. Richter will be holding a Resume or career guidance workshop. She will help students walk through how to build a resume, answer questions about a career you have in mind, or answer questions about your academic progress for a college you want to pursue.
Butte College Reg to Go
May 16, 2024 Butte College Orientation at Butte College
“Reg To Go” Members only. Seniors with membership must complete field trip permission slips in order to go on this field trip. Seniors will tour the Butte College campus, meet with Butte College Counselors for registration advisement, and learn how to enroll in classes through the Butte College portal. Seniors may walk away from this event with their Butte College schedules completed!!
SENIORS: Would you like a great summer job? If you are enrolling at Butte College in the fall of 2024
and would like a job this summer, this program is for you! Summer jobs may be on campus or off campus. Summer jobs may also extend into the school year, so that students may work part time while going to Butte College. Call Josh Woodward at 895-2910.
Upcoming Events
5.6 AP Testing Begins
5.9 Top 10 Awards
5.11 Prom
5.16 Scholarship Night
5.24 Senior Picnic
5.24 Senior Survey Due
5.24 Student Bills/Fees Due
5.29 Senior Breakfast
5.31 Senior Goodbye Rally
5.31Safe Grad Permission Slips Due
6.7 Graduation Practice
6.7 Graduation