Online Education Newsletter
Kapi‘olani Community College | 3 May 2022
Welcome, Summer!
---Celebrating Good Work---
Excellence in Online Teaching Award
The VCAA Excellence in Online Teaching Award (EOTA) recognizes outstanding educators who teach online courses at Kapi‘olani Community College. We are excited to share that we received 149 submissions by students and peers nominating 73 faculty for this award.
Nomination criteria focused on a strong educational philosophy appropriate to online teaching and learning, an outstanding and engaging course site with instructor-created resources, regular and meaningful interaction with students, and appropriate assessment methods and techniques for a supportive online learning environment.
Please join us in recognizing the following faculty who have been selected as finalists for the VCAA Excellence in Online Teaching Award:
Kuan-Hung Chen - Philosophy, Arts & Humanities
Mark Nartatez - Dental Assistant Program, Health Sciences
Kawehi Sellers - Hospitality & Tourism Education
Maegen Walker - Psychology, Social Sciences
Congratulations and mahalo to these outstanding and dedicated educators at Kapi‘olani Community College!
The winner of the award will be recognized during the May 4 (Wednesday) Campus Zoom meeting at 1pm and at the 2022 Fall Convocation.
---Data to Ponder---
There’s a Dashboard for That!
- I want to see enrollment trends for summer and fall 2022, including by modality…
- Our Veterans and International Students (F1 Visa) have special considerations in enrollment. Is there a dashboard to see what classes they take?
- Where is the demographic info for our online learners?
snapshot, May 2, 2022, in-progress registration fill rates by modality:
---Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities---
NEW Training: Let's Make Our Online Classes Accessible. Together.
Americans with Disability Act (ADA) is a Federal law that applies to all digital resources that we create. Regardless of the course delivery mode or the type of content we create, we are required by law to ensure that all of our digital resources are accessible for all of our students.
Applying Digital Accessibility is a new 4-week PD (July 11 to August 5) and will be hands-on to help you:
Implement digital accessibility in Laulima
Create/convert to accessible resources in Word, Google Docs, and PDFs
Implement digital accessibility in audio and videos.
The program is entirely online and will include one synchronous online meeting each Monday morning. We recommend selecting one of the courses that you teach, to remediate/practice on during this PD, as we will be collectively applying different ADA rules each week.
Applicants will be notified of their status by June 22.
Please contact kaptopp@hawaii.edu if you have any questions.
Kapi‘olani Summer Camp (Aug 1-5) ⛺️Call for Proposals
Kapi‘olani Summer Camp is on again this summer for August 1-5, and we want to hear from YOU!
Last year, 45 presenters and 245 participants joined us for this free, Zoom-based event from across Hawai‘i and beyond. We’re hoping to make an even bigger splash this year with some summer professional development for everyone...and a fun-filled Friday Field Day!
All University of Hawai‘i staff, faculty and admin are invited to apply to present in one or more of our 2022 Summer Camp session formats:
🐟 Open Swim: This 30-minute presentation is meant to share resources or strategies/processes. While we encourage all formats to include some level of engagement, there is limited time for "hands-on" learning. This session is ideal for sharing lessons learned or strategies you employ in your job that you believe will be helpful to others!
🏕️ Group Excursion: This 70-minute engaging, interactive session format is intended to provide the time to facilitate meaningful conversation and/or application of ideas. This session format is a fantastic opportunity to grapple with interesting issues, problem-solve/brainstorm as a group, and/or introduce a concept/resource while allowing participants to plan for its application in their own context!
⛰️ Activity Hour: These 40-minute health and wellness-focused sessions help engage participants in moving, meditating, and planning for healthy, holistic approaches to work/life balance!
🏖 Friday Field Day: New this year is our first in-person Summer Camp event at Kapi‘olani Park! We are stoked to gather and build pilina with opportunities to socialize, eat, play games, and hopefully engage in a few hands-on, fun-filled sessions. We’ve got a park permit and endless sunshine, so if there’s something you’d love to see happen on Friday Field Day, throw us a proposal - we’re up for some fun!
Please share your session proposal(s) here: Kapi‘olani Summer Camp Proposal Submission. You are welcome to propose multiple sessions - please submit each session proposal individually. The deadline to apply is May 30, 2022 by 11:59pm HST. Presenters will be notified of their acceptance mid-summer.
We hope to hear from you!
Your friendly Kapi‘olani Summer Camp counselors
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the summer camp counselors at sumrcamp@hawaii.edu
ICoME 2022 August 3-4, Hawaii Movin’ On with E-Learning ~ Today, Tomorrow & the Future ~
Ready to present your ideas to an international audience without the hassle of traveling? TCC Hawaii cordially invites you to submit a proposal for ICoME 2022 to be held online on August 3-4, Hawaii time.
ICoME, the International Conference for Media in Education, is an annual conference for faculty and graduate student researchers to share their work, collaborate, and network. All sessions are conducted in English in order to provide everyone an opportunity to gain language proficiency and communicate across cultures. This online conference will feature roundtable (student) and concurrent sessions (faculty, other researchers) and requires a short paper according to the templates provided. A proposal, in the form of an abstract, is submitted for acceptance prior to completing a paper.
To submit your proposal, access the form on the conference website.
- Submission Form
- Paper Templates. Download the roundtable and concurrent paper templates.
For more information, contact Bert Kimura <bert@hawaii.edu>. We look forward to receiving your proposals. - Bert Kimura, Curtis Ho, Kitty Hino, ICoME 2022 Online Conference Coordinators
Conference schedule & important dates*
16 May: Deadline for abstract submission (Concurrent Sessions)
25 May: Send acceptances to concurrent session presenters
25 May: Deadline for abstract submission (Roundtable Sessions)
1 June: Send acceptances to roundtable session presenters
30 June: Deadline for the paper submissions (All Sessions)
1 July: Registration deadline
20 July: Program Announcement (all sessions, keynotes, and event)
3-4 August: Online Conference
*Subject to change
The 2022 Pandemic Pedagogy Research Symposium
If you don’t mind getting up a little early, the 2022 Pandemic Pedagogy Research Symposium will be held virtually Wednesday, May 11, 2022 from 10 am to 3 pm EST.
Theme: "Moving From Innovation to Transformation"
When many colleges and universities returned to in-person teaching in the fall of 2021, instructors often brought with them the innovative and creative teaching practices that they had developed during the prior year. Early data and research suggest that these pandemic-born pedagogies and practices are resulting in positive outcomes such as more inclusive and equitable learning experiences, better student-centered course design, and more robust assessment practices.
As we look toward the next academic year, we are confronted with the challenge of how to scale the best new pedagogies and technologies and make them a part of the university experience for more students. How do we move from innovation to real transformation? The 2022 Pandemic Pedagogy Research Symposium will feature presentations and interactive sessions that address this critical question through empirical research and translational analyses.
Free Webinars for Kapi‘olani CC Staff & Faculty
Currently, Kapi‘olani CC has a subscription with Go2Knowledge, which offers Kap‘olani CC faculty and staff free access to dozens of Innovative Educators webinars, both live and on demand (pre-recorded). Many of them are quite good! Here's a sampling to pique your interest:
Upcoming live webinars:
Micro-Learning for Synchronous & Asynchronous Learning (Wednesday 5/4, 9:00 - 10:00 am HST)
Academic Advising Post-COVID: What to Discard, What to Keep & What to Enhance (Thursday 5/19, 7:00 - 8:30 am HST)
Using Online Videos to Help Learners Recover from Pandemic Learning Habits
(Monday 5/23, 7:00 - 8:00 am HST)
Recently-added on demand webinars:
Managing Burnout & Compassion Fatigue: How to Support Educators’ Health & Wellness (60 min)
Reimagining Your Online Classroom: Practical Techniques & Innovative Engagement Strategies (60 min)
And many, many more. Sign up at Kapi‘olani CC's G2K account page and browse through the offerings.
---Online Andragogy---
Apply for an H5P + Laulima License for 2022-2023
H5P + Laulima pilot just wrapped up with 52 faculty and staff participants from all UH campuses. H5P is a tool for creating interactive content (e.g. interactive videos, quizzes, games, presentations, and more) that can be embedded into Laulima Lessons and linked to the Gradebook through LTI. Feedback from the pilot has been very positive - both faculty and students LOVE H5P!
If you are interested in joining the 2022-2023 H5P + Laulima cohort, submit an application by Friday, May 20, 2022.
Visit the 2021-2022 H5P + Laulima Pilot page for more information and the H5P Interactive Library page to try out many of the interactives created by the pilot cohort. More information will also be published in the UHOIC newsletter.
Digital Accessibility: Video Captioning
Online Course FAQs: Google Docs
Our DE Class Coaching efforts have been collegial, collaborative, and constructive thanks to our amazing course coaches and coachees. Everyone involved in the process has also been learning so much by asking hard questions and sharing the answers.
Every month, we plan to highlight two Q&As from our Peer Coaches FAQ archives as we believe that some of the information will be helpful for anyone teaching online. This month’s questions and answers are in regard to headings in Google Docs:
- I used the “Title” heading for my title, but my title is in a header on the first page. Is that ok, or does the title have to be on the main page?
- I have another Google Doc question - I thought that if I used the Title, then I could use Heading 1 multiple times, but Grackle marked that as wrong. Is it OK to use Heading 1 more than once, or do I need to have Title, Heading, 1, and then can have Heading 2 multiple times? Thanks!
---Helpful Tech Tips---
Laulima Advanced Tips: The New Smart Date Manager Can Shift ALL Dates on Command
Laulima’s Date Manager tool (in Site Info) has improved again! After importing the content from the old to the new site (Site Info > Import from Site), now you can ask Laulima to shift ALL dates by entering the difference in the number of days.
At the top of the Date Manager screen, there is an option to “Shift dates by ___ day(s).” For example, after importing the course content from Summer 2021 to Summer 2022, you can calculate the difference between the first day of the terms by using Excel or using a Web app such as Timeanddate then enter the value in the Date Manager. You can choose to “Apply to all dates” or “Apply to expanded sections only.” Be sure to scroll down and save changes. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact ITS at help@hawaii.edu.
---The Best for Last---
What We Are Reading, Listening to, and Watching Now
Students Often Prefer In-Person Classes . . . Until They Don’t (article, Educause)
A professor at the University of Michigan tracked his students’ attendance and performance and compared them with their stated preferences of modality.
A ‘Stunning’ Level of Student Disconnection (article, Chronicle of Higher Education)
“In 20 years of teaching at Doane University, Kate Marley has never seen anything like it…” Professors are reporting record numbers of students checked out, stressed out, and unsure of their future.
10 Institutions Opening 'Metaversity' Campuses (article, Campus Technology)
This fall, students at 10 colleges and universities across the United States will be able to take courses on a "metaversity" campus, an exact virtual replica of their institution's physical campus. What if we can teach Health Sciences or CTE courses in a virtual world environment? Watch this YouTube video and find out what’s possible in online learning through VR (virtual reality) technology.
A Different Way to Provide Feedback of Student Learning (article, Faculty Focus)
Snorkel, Surf, Float, Sink - these are unusual terms to assess student work. The author and her students created a rubric that “drives student learning but takes the pressure off the grade.” Using the new rubric, she noticed how rapidly the students’ pursuit of “points” is soon forgotten. Within the first week of the term, students immediately shift towards the process of learning and they read the feedback comments more carefully and are more eager to discuss what a “snorkel” might look like.
Melissa Nakamura
Co-chair, Faculty Senate DE Committee
Jamie Sickel
Helen Torigoe
Youxin (Yoyo) Zhang
Kristie Malterre
Kara Plamann Wagoner
Kelli Nakamura
Nadine Wolff
Kawehi Sellers
Man Beryl Yang
Michelle Dela Cruz
‘Iwalani Koide
Leigh Dooley
Links to Previous DE Newsletters
- DE Newsletter - April 2022
- DE Newsletter - March 2022
- DE Newsletter - February 2022
- DE Newsletter - January 2022
- DE Newsletter - December 2021
- DE Newsletter - November 2021
- DE Newsletter - October 2021
- DE Newsletter - September 2021
- DE Newsletter - August 2021
- DE Newsletter - July 2021
- DE Newsletter - June 2021