The Crossing
October/November 2024 Edition
Brooks Crossing Elementary
Principal's Message
Dear Brooks Crossing Families,
This year is off to a great start and we cannot believe it's October already! Our kids were greeted with signs, created by our BC families, to welcome them in. Thank you to those families who made our students feel welcome. You can see some examples below. We thank you to everyone who attended our PTO sponsored Popsicles on the Playground and for all the parents who attended Back to School Night. Additionally, we want to thank the families who contributed to stock our staffroom. Our teachers and staff are so grateful to you for making them feel special.
The start of our school year was especially smooth because of you, families. I can speak for our whole team when I say that we value our school community, knowing that it is stronger because of the partnership that we've formed. We are so lucky to have a community of people who want what is best for our kids and are willing to work together to support them.
Like last year, our school theme this year is "Kindness Begins With ME." We loved it so much last year that we decided to keep it for a second year. Our students can speak knowledgeably about what this theme means for them and how they make choices in their interactions with each other. In addition, our district theme is "Being Present is a Gift." We see the value in giving our attention to the things that are important and we are making a concerted effort to be involved and more than physically present.
As far as upcoming events, we are beginning to plan for parent/teacher conferences. Another exciting event is "Take Your Parents to School" week. See below for information on how you can RSVP. We've also included a list of our planned spirit days so you can be prepared in advance.
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and read our Brooks Crossing's weekly Online Friday Folder to stay up to date about events, information, and also to view pictures and videos of the happenings at Brooks Crossing. You can also follow Brooks Crossing on our Instagram page @bcesbears.
We are looking forward to a great year!
Jaime Maccarone, Principal
Social Media
SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS - A WARNING: Platforms such as SnapChat and Instagram have an age requirement of 13. Nonetheless, we know that many of our students have lied about their age to gain access. The age restrictions are important as much of the content is not appropriate for a younger audience. At 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, they are not developmentally ready to handle many of the topics or even hurtful comments that they open themselves up to when
using such platforms. Furthermore, TikTok is another popular platform that has an age limit. While you can have an account at 11, TikTok provides protections for this age group. Sadly, many of our students bypass this by entering a false birth year.
Many elementary students are on these platforms and bring ill-intentioned challenges or language into our schools, onto our playgrounds and buses. Sometimes these challenges are harmful or hurtful. This is disappointing.
Please partner with us to keep your children off of these platforms and speak with them about the dangers they can promote.
BC School Spirit Days
We love a good spirit day and want you to be prepared.
Every Monday is Kindness Day!
Friday's are School Pride School Spirit Day! Wear your spirit wear or school colors (hunter green and/or navy blue). We will also have Special School Spirit Days once a month, click here for the schedule.
"Take Your Parents to School" Week
You are invited to come to school!
Click here to read information about Take Your Parents to School week.
Message from the BC Health Office
With Fall comes the start of respiratory virus season. Below are some reminders from the CDC on how we can keep ourselves and our families safe this season.
Prevent Respiratory Viruses by:
Staying up to date with immunizations
Practicing good hygiene (practices that improve cleanliness)
Taking steps for cleaner air
When you may have a respiratory virus:
Seek health care promptly for testing and/or treatment if you have risk factors for severe illness; treatment may help lower your risk of severe illness
Additional prevention strategies include:
Prevent the Spread of Respiratory Viruses by:
Staying home and away from others if you have respiratory virus symptoms that aren't better explained by another cause. These symptoms can include fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headache, among others.
Going back to your normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are true:
Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication)
When you go back to normal activities, take added precaution over the next 5 days, such as taking additional steps for cleaner air, hygiene, masks, physical distancing, and/or testing when you will be around other people indoors.
Halloween & Fall Activities at Brooks Crossing
This year, Halloween falls on Thursday, October 31st.
As the temperature begins to drop and the leaves begin to change, students know it’s time to CELEBRATE!
On Thursday, October 31st, our elementary students will enjoy class parties full of Fall fun, autumn activities, tasty treats, and more!
Here is what you need to know:
DATE: All of our class parties will take place on Thursday, October 31st. Parties will take place in homerooms, so please stay tuned for additional details from your child’s teacher.
PARTY DETAILS: Class parties will include games, activities, or crafts that are planned by homeroom parents in coordination with homeroom teachers. Everything will be fall-themed and the focus will be on community building and fun!
COSTUMES: As always, costumes are optional! If your child chooses to wear their costume at school, please note the following:
Your child’s teacher will communicate whether costumes should be worn to school or put on at school.
When choosing whether or not to wear a costume and/or how much of the costume to wear, please remember that students will eat during snack, lunch, and the party, and will have to be able to play safely during gym class and outside recess. Students are responsible for keeping costumes/accessories safe, ensuring that all components make it home, etc.
Please note that costumes worn at school CANNOT include FULL FACE MASKS, HANDHELD ACCESSORIES (wands, bags, etc.), or WEAPONS (no swords, guns, spears, etc.). These items are not allowed at school and should be saved for evening use.
PARENT HELPERS: Class parents may be asked to assist with the classroom parties. All class parents must bring an ID to the Main Office to sign in before the party. Please leave enough time to do so as there will be many parents on site that day.
TREATS: Class parents will coordinate snacks/treats for the party and will let you know if donations are needed (STORE BOUGHT ONLY, WITH INGREDIENT LIST, PLEASE). Please don’t send any class treats in without hearing from your child’s teacher or homeroom parent. Your child’s teacher and/or the school’s nurse will reach out if they have questions/concerns about what your child can consume at school. To be extra safe, if your child has food allergies, you are encouraged to send a special treat for your child that is allergy-safe.
BC Student Congress - Collection for the South Brunswick Food Pantry
The S.B. Social Services Department runs a Food Pantry for South Brunswick residents in need. Their Food Pantry is run entirely on donations! Please help us show them how very caring our BC Bears are!
Please send items in with your child by November 15th. Items needed include:
Cranberry Sauce
Boxed Potatoes
*This collection drive is sponsored by Brooks Crossing's Student Congress.
Important Upcoming Dates
Fri. 10/25 - PTO's Trunk or Treat for Brooks Crossing families. You MUST REGISTER HERE to attend.
Mon. 10/28 - School Picture Retakes
Thurs. 10/31 - Fall Celebrations
Fri. 11/1 - NO SCHOOL - Diwali
Sun. 11/3 - Daylight Saving Time Ends. Set clocks BACK 1 hour.
Mon. 11/4 - Parent Teacher Conferences - No school for students. Details to follow.
Tues. 11/5 - No school for students - Staff Only Professional Development Day
Wed. 11/6 - No school for students - Staff Only Professional Development Day
Thurs. 11/7 - Fri. 11/8 - No school -NJEA
Mon. 11/11 - School resumes!
For more dates/events that may be added, go to:
SAVE THE DATE - School Picture Retake Day
Picture Retakes will be held on Monday, October 28th, during regular school hours. This will be the last opportunity to have your child/ren's picture taken for this school year.
PTO News & Events
Please join today to show your support for your child's Parent Teacher Organization! Click here for the PTO Membership ONLINE FORM Only $12 per family!
Bus Transportation
All transportation questions should be directed to the SBSD Transportation Department.
Email: Transportation@sbschools.org or
Call (732) 297-7800 Extension 5108
Transportation Supervisor, Jill.Ottignon@sbschools.org
Assistant Supervisor, Erin.Zippo@sbschools.org
Maschio's Breakfast and Lunch
Click here for Maschio's Food Allergy Management Program.
The monthly menu is subject to change, so please check the Brooks Crossing online menu for breakfast and lunch weekly and discuss with your child the menu item choices they will have on any given day and the menu is the same for both of our campuses.
Qualifying for free or reduced-price meals may provide your family with additional benefits such as P-EBT funding, reduced rates for sports, free college applications, etc so please be sure to fill out a free and reduced application when applicable. Applications are posted on the district website.
Reporting Attendance/Late Arrivals in Genesis Parent Portal
All absences and late arrivals for all students should be entered promptly in the Genesis Parent Portal. These can be entered in advance, 24 hours a day, but no later than 9:00am. Go to https://parents.sbschools.org
If your child will arrive late to class, enter this in the Genesis Parent Portal, making note the reason they will be late in the comments. Attendance will be adjusted when your child arrives/attends class and the teacher informs the office.
NOTE: # of tardy & absences will be noted on the report card because attendance matters!
Please refer to the 2024-2025 SB School Closing Calendar when making travel plans & appointments for the 2024-2025 school year and try to schedule when school is not in session.
Daily attendance is important for your child's academic growth. We understand emergencies arise, but we strongly encourage you to plan travel during school breaks and holidays listed on the SBSD '24-'25 calendar. Read the District Attendance Policy for more information on what the State of NJ requires. All absences and late arrivals are recorded.
Champions Before/After School Program
Do you need childcare before and/or after school? If so, please contact Champions South Brunswick Before/After School Childcare Program If you have any questions, please contact R.J Davis, Site Director at rjdavis@discoverchampions.com or call Champions Customer Care: (971) 294-3147.
How to Stay Connected & Informed
Please continue to monitor your email accounts that are in the Genesis Parent Portal for important news and information sent by Principal Maccarone, Superintendent Feder and your child's teacher, that are sent throughout the school year to keep you informed!
Please read our weekly Online Friday Folder and monthly school newsletter, The Crossing.
Brooks Crossing Elementary weekly Online Friday Folder https://bcde.sbschools.org/school_information/school_information/friday_folders (The Crossing monthly school newsletter will be sent via SchoolMessenger and also posted in the Online Friday Folder.)
Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/SBSDBC/
Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/bcesbears/
School Website: https://bcde.sbschools.org/
SB School District Website: https://www.sbschools.org/
Set up your phone numbers and email accounts for notifications. Monitor you email account for SchoolMessenger announcements that we send periodically. CLICK HERE for Steps to follow to update your notifications in the Genesis Parent Portal.
SCHOOL MESSENGER TEXT MESSAGES - Our school utilizes SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts and more. Sign up by opting in from your mobile phone. Just SEND A TEXT MESSAGE OF "Y" or "YES" to 67587. You may opt out at anytime by replying to one of our messages with "Stop".