Falcon Flyer for Families!
December 2 - 6, 2024
December 2 - 6, 2024
Hello Falcon Families!
Welcome to the final push of the semester! Before you know it, we will be heading into Winter Break. Please encourage your student(s) to finish the quarter strong by completing all assignments in a timely manner and asking for assistance if he/she needs it. Tutoring is available December 3, 4 and 5 for this semester. Next semester, tutoring will resume in late January.
Several important assessments start this week. First, students will have district formative assessments for Language Arts and Math; these will gauge student mastery of skills learned this quarter. In addition, Winter MAP will be Tuesday and Thursday (December 10 and 12). Finally, district benchmarks will start on December 16 for Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies; the Language Arts and Math assessments will count as a major grade this quarter per district policy. Stay strong, Falcons, and study hard!
The schedule this week includes:
Dec 2-6: Q2 District Formative Assesment in ELA/Math;
Scholastic Book Fair 8:30-3
Dec 2: CHMS Boys Basketball @ Home 5:30
Dec 4: Make-Up Picture Day
December 5: Penn Station Spirt Night!;
Chorus Concert/Art Showcase
Girls Basketball @ Home 5:30
Dr. Persinski
Important Math Department Information!
Math Notes
Starting in January, our math department will move to aligned expectations regarding math notebooks! All math classes will utilize composition books in which they take outlined notes and examples. While we know there are great apps and electronic ways to take notes, handwriting notes supports engagement, comprehension, and memory. Students will be able to take the notebooks home, if needed, but they must be responsible for bringing them to class on a daily basis.
Math Homework
As part of Sullivan's plan to increase math achievement, students will be given a number of math problems to work on nightly (Monday-Thursday). Math practice can be accomplished through the IXL program, or through a homework sheet that will be provided by teachers for those without internet access. Each team will have incentives for the weekly completion of the homework.
To practice IXL online, students must sign in through Launchpad on an electronic device (even a phone!) and then click on the IXL icon.
The login for launchpad username: the first and last initials capitalized then the lunch number (ex: JP55555). Password is the birthdate.
For IXL, every student has a skill plan to work on that's based on individual needs. If the student does not go through Launchpad, then the IXL modules will be generic and not based on individual skill.
Please make sure that your student is practicing math skills at home or in the car. The time to complete these lessons should take no more than 20 minutes a night.
Falcon Awards!
Open-minded students have a deep understanding of various cultures and views, bring an appreciation of new views to both their academic study and in their involvement in their school, local, and wider communities.
6th grade awards: Tristin Caldwell, Maahir Patel, Omar Duarte Franco
6th grade teacher: Ms. Cassandra Ross
7th grade awards: Danielle Hardin, Dallin Lewis, James Hartis
7th grade teacher: Ms. Kendall Braden, Ms. Lynn Cecil
8th grade awards: Palmer Wren, Janiya White, Ethan Johnson
8th grade teacher: Ms. Ellery McNeill
Mrs. Seabold, Mr. Hollingsworth, Sr Guevara, Sra Julio, Dr. Cordoba, Coach Floyd
Congratulations, Falcons!
Chorus Concert
Goal Setting
Ask your student about "Goal-Setting" for the upcoming Winter MAP assessments. Students have a sheet that they will take home to you on Wednesday, November 20. The sheet includes Fall scores, and they can show you what they are aiming for with their Winter scores. Some question to ask your child are:
- What have you been doing to grow your scores? Do you think these behaviors (actions) are helping you? Why or why not?
- Do you plan to make any changes between now and Winter MAP? Why or why not?
- How do you believe you will do?
As we get closer to MAP testing, please encourage your student to do his or her best. We thank you for your support!
Clothing Donations
Please consider donating any gently used (clean) or new pants, polo tops, or plain sweatshirts for those students in need. They can be dropped off in the front office with Ms. Bostic.
Junior Civitans Canned Food Drive
Marlie's Closet
Sullivan Sweatshirts
They are selling fast!
Show your Sullivan pride by purchasing a Sullivan sweatshirt! Only $15!! Pink is almost sold out, so we have ordered more. You can purchase in the front office by check or cash.
Grade level Ts are available, as well, for $10.
Sports and Activities
Cheer and Step Teams
Practices for both cheer and step teams will be scheduled to occur on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays until 5:30 PM from November 18th - January 30th.
Pick-up will be on the auditorium side after all practices and on the gym side on game days.
Upcoming Assessments
Q2 Formative #2 for ELA and Math: Week of December 2
Winter MAP Assessment: ELA December 10 and Math December 12
Benchmark (Major grade for ELA and Math): Week of December 16 (End of Grading Period Q2)
**Formative assessments are not graded, but the data is used to gauge performance on the district benchmarks.
Spirit Night
SIC and PTO Meetings 2024-2025
The next SIC and PTO meetings will be held Tuesday, January 21, at 5:30 and 6:30 in the Media Center!
SIC--If you would like to join our SIC meetings, or if you have any questions, please reach out to Kati McFadden, Parent and Chair. More information can be found HERE.
PTO-If you would like to assist PTO, please reach out to one of the officers.
President: Erica Smith
Vice President: Ashley Lang
Secretary: Melissa Maynard
Treasurer: Amanda Winters
After School Tutoring for core classes is held from 3:45 - 5:00.
Remaining Dates:
Dec 3-5
Tutoring will resume in late January.
COVID and flu can cause mild to severe respiratory illness in children and adults. The symptoms include fever, chills, cough, fatigue, body aches, headache, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea, or diarrhea. Children typically experience nasal congestion, sore throat, and headache with COVID. They experience cough, sore throat, and fever with flu.
If you suspect your child is getting sick, please do not send them to school. Students who are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above should complete the following steps:
Stay home from school
Call the school to report your child’s symptoms
Utilize the district COVID/Flu testing sites if you would like your child tested. This testing is free for all students and staff.
Notification of illness and testing will ensure your child’s absences are coded correctly for COVID or flu. High school students will not have to make up seat time related to an absence if they have a positive COVID or flu test. Home tests are not accepted.
Return to School Criteria: Students and staff must be fever free for 24 hours without medication and symptoms significantly improving without medication
Here are a few things parents can do to help our schools reduce the spread of illness:
Teach your children to wash their hands often with soap and water.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or upper sleeve when you cough or sneeze.
Take time to get a flu and/or COVID vaccine. Vaccination is the best way to prevent the flu and COVID. SC Department of Public Health strongly recommends all South Carolina residents older than 6 months old get the flu vaccine as soon as possible to prevent the flu, unless they have a medical reason not to be vaccinated.
Teach your children not to share personal items like drinks, food, or unwashed utensils.
Know the signs and symptoms of the flu and COVID.
Please don’t send children to school if they are sick. Any child that comes to school sick will be sent home. Staying home when sick will allow your children to rest and prevents the spread of illness in our school.
Parent Portal & Canvas
Parent Portal
Please register for Parent Portal. This hub includes our Transportation Forms, Technology Agreement forms. surveys, and updated attendance and grades.
Parent Portal access is available on the PowerSchool website: https://rock-hill.powerschool.com/public
For PowerSchool questions, email askpowerschool@rhmail.org
Want to follow your student's Canvas to view assignments? See directions HERE.
Sullivan Administration!
Mr. Beau Modla, 6th grade AP
Mr. Brian Hollingsworth, 7th grade AP
Mrs. Gwen Lindsey, 8th grade AP
Upcoming Events and Calendar
Dec 2-6: Q2 DFA ELA/Math; Scholastic Book Fair 8:30-3 M-F)
Dec 4: Make-Up Picture Day
December 5: Penn Station Spirt Night!; Chorus Concert/Art Showcase
December 12: Band Concert
Dec 9-13: ELA and Math MAP
Dec 16-18: Benchmark 2
Dec 18: Grades due*****
Dex 19: Cookies and Milk for Students! Cookie Walk for Teachers!
Dec 20: Early Dismissal
Family Academic & Community Nights at SMS 2024-2025
Through the 24-25 school year, SMS will host family academic & community nights. Study tips, IB and World Language information, adolescent social-emotional support, and other safety information will be shared! Save the dates!
January 23
March 27 *Also IB Showcase Night!
Here is a link to our calendar of activities for 2024-2025. *This does not include athletics or clubs.
Previous Newsletters for 24-25
November 18, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/yapxuq-falcon-flyer-for-families
November 11, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/85sm0-falcon-flyer-for-families
November 4, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/fu3t2-falcon-flyer
October 28, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/zwdhu
October 20, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/3bzpv-falcon-flyer-for-families
October 14, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/skv78-falcon-flyer-for-families
October 7, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/3mcvu-falcon-flyer-for-families
September 30, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/c1k5h9-falcon-flyer-for-families
September 23, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/nhsdr-falcon-flyer-for-familie
September 16, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/ejca1-falcon-flyer-for-families
September 9, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/sg487-falcon-flyer-for-families
August 30, 2024:https://secure.smore.com/n/h2c9r7
August 23, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/ev4fu
August 19, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/n9hkw-falcon-flyer-for-families
August 12, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/d4ce3
August 5, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/29zbu-falcon-flyer-for-families
July 22, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/6vpyk-falcon-flyer-for-families
July 12, 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/qjr5b-falcon-flyer-for-families
Summer 2024: https://secure.smore.com/n/c67gt-falcon-flyer
1825 Eden Terrace
Rock Hill, SC 29730